DESCRIPTION = "createrepo creates rpm-metadata for rpms to build the repository" HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "GPLv2+" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=18810669f13b87348459e611d31ab760" RDEPENDS_${PN}_class-native += "libxml2-native rpm-native" PR = "r8" SRC_URI= "${BP}.tar.gz \ file://fix-native-install.patch \ file://python-scripts-should-use-interpreter-from-env.patch \ file://createrepo-rpm549.patch \ file://recommends.patch \ file:// \ " SRC_URI[md5sum] = "3e9ccf4abcffe3f49af078c83611eda2" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "a73ae11a0dcde8bde36d900bc3f7f8f1083ba752c70a5c61b72d1e1e7608f21b" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native" do_install () { oe_runmake -e 'DESTDIR=${D}' install install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${bindir}/ } # Wrap the python script since the native python is # ${bindir}/python-native/python, and the "#! /usr/bin/env python" can't # find it since it is not in PATH. do_install_append_class-native () { # Not all the python scripts should be wrapped since some of # them are modules (be imported). for i in ${D}${datadir}/createrepo/ \ ${D}${datadir}/createrepo/ \ ${D}${bindir}/ ; do create_wrapper $i ${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python-native/python done create_wrapper ${D}/${bindir}/createrepo \ RPM_USRLIBRPM=${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm \ RPM_ETCRPM=${STAGING_ETCDIR_NATIVE}/rpm \ RPM_LOCALEDIRRPM=${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/locale }