
SUMMARY = "X.Org X server -- event devices (evdev) input driver"

DESCRIPTION = "evdev is an Xorg input driver for Linux's generic event \
devices. It therefore supports all input devices that the kernel knows \
about, including most mice and keyboards. \
The evdev driver can serve as both a pointer and a keyboard input \
device, and may be used as both the core keyboard and the core pointer. \
Multiple input devices are supported by multiple instances of this \
driver, with one Load directive for evdev in the Module section of your \
xorg.conf for each input device that will use this driver. "

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=fefe33b1cf0cacba0e72e3b0fa0f0e16"

PR = "${INC_PR}.0"

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "4449b2e94900e98d2f41c2f46dd0397e"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "3ee1feee0ccf748005ca30b0993d0c1b80f85158b726745f9e0cb220902d6ec7"