When running as pseudo-nativesdk, we might need to run host binaries 
linked against the host libc. Having a 2.14 libc dependency from memcpy is
problematic so instruct the linker to use older symbols.

Upstream-Status: Pending

RP 2012/4/22

Index: pseudo-1.3/pseudo.h
--- pseudo-1.3.orig/pseudo.h	2012-04-22 12:17:59.078909060 +0000
+++ pseudo-1.3/pseudo.h	2012-04-22 12:32:42.954888587 +0000
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@
 int pseudo_set_value(const char *key, const char *value);
 char *pseudo_get_value(const char *key);
+#ifdef __amd64__   
+#define GLIBC_COMPAT_SYMBOL(SYM) __asm__(".symver " #SYM "," #SYM "@GLIBC_2.2.5")
+#define GLIBC_COMPAT_SYMBOL(SYM) __asm__(".symver " #SYM "," #SYM "@GLIBC_2.0")
 #include "pseudo_tables.h"
 extern void pseudo_debug_verbose(void);