inherit cross-canadian
inherit python-dir

DESCRIPTION = "cross-canadian gdb for ${TARGET_ARCH} target - GNU debugger"
PN = "gdb-cross-canadian-${TRANSLATED_TARGET_ARCH}"
BPN = "gdb"

DEPENDS = "nativesdk-ncurses nativesdk-expat nativesdk-gettext nativesdk-readline nativesdk-python"
RDEPENDS_${PN} += "nativesdk-python-core nativesdk-python-lang nativesdk-python-re \
                   nativesdk-python-codecs nativesdk-python-netclient"

GDBPROPREFIX = "--program-prefix='${TARGET_PREFIX}'"

EXTRA_OECONF_append = "--with-python=${WORKDIR}/python"

do_configure_prepend() {
cat > ${WORKDIR}/python << EOF
#! /bin/sh
case "\$2" in
        --includes) echo "-I${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PYTHON_DIR}/" ;;
        --ldflags) echo "-Wl,-rpath-link,${STAGING_LIBDIR}/.. -Wl,-rpath,${libdir}/.. -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -lpython${PYTHON_BASEVERSION}" ;;
        --exec-prefix) echo "${exec_prefix}" ;;
        *) exit 1 ;;
exit 0
        chmod +x ${WORKDIR}/python

# we don't want gdb to provide bfd/iberty/opcodes, which instead will override the
# right bits installed by binutils.
do_install_append() {
	rm -rf ${D}${exec_prefix}/lib