SUMMARY = "Utilities and libraries for handling compiled object files"
SECTION = "base"
LICENSE = "(GPLv3 & Elfutils-Exception)"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d32239bcb673463ab874e80d47fae504"
DEPENDS = "libtool bzip2 zlib virtual/libintl"

SRC_URI = "${PV}/${BP}.tar.bz2"

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "2e4536c1c48034f188a80789a59114d8"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9683c025928a12d06b7fe812928aa6235249e22d197d086f7084606a48165900"

SRC_URI += "\
        file://mempcpy.patch \
        file://dso-link-change.patch \
        file://Fix_elf_cvt_gunhash.patch \
        file://fixheadercheck.patch \
        file://0001-elf_getarsym-Silence-Werror-maybe-uninitialized-fals.patch \
        file://0001-remove-the-unneed-checking.patch \
        file://0001-fix-a-stack-usage-warning.patch \

# pick the patch from debian
SRC_URI += "\
        file://hppa_backend.diff \
        file://arm_backend.diff \
        file://mips_backend.diff \
        file://m68k_backend.diff \
        file://testsuite-ignore-elflint.diff \
        file://mips_readelf_w.patch \
        file://kfreebsd_path.patch \
        file://0001-Ignore-differences-between-mips-machine-identifiers.patch \
        file://0002-Add-support-for-mips64-abis-in-mips_retval.c.patch \
        file://0003-Add-mips-n64-relocation-format-hack.patch \

# Only apply when building uclibc based target recipe
SRC_URI_append_libc-uclibc = " file://uclibc-support-for-elfutils-0.161.patch"

# The buildsystem wants to generate 2 .h files from source using a binary it just built,
# which can not pass the cross compiling, so let's work around it by adding 2 .h files
# along with the do_configure_prepend()

inherit autotools gettext

EXTRA_OECONF = "--program-prefix=eu- --without-lzma"
EXTRA_OECONF_append_class-native = " --without-bzlib"
EXTRA_OECONF_append_libc-uclibc = " --enable-uclibc"

do_install_append() {
	if [ "${TARGET_ARCH}" != "x86_64" ] && [ -z `echo "${TARGET_ARCH}"|grep 'i.86'` ];then
		rm ${D}${bindir}/eu-objdump

# we can not build complete elfutils when using uclibc
# but some recipes e.g. gcc 4.5 depends on libelf so we
# build only libelf for uclibc case

EXTRA_OEMAKE_libc-uclibc = "-C libelf"
EXTRA_OEMAKE_class-native = ""
EXTRA_OEMAKE_class-nativesdk = ""

BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"

# Package utilities separately
PACKAGES =+ "${PN}-binutils libelf libasm libdw"
FILES_${PN}-binutils = "\
    ${bindir}/eu-addr2line \
    ${bindir}/eu-ld \
    ${bindir}/eu-nm \
    ${bindir}/eu-readelf \
    ${bindir}/eu-size \

FILES_libelf = "${libdir}/libelf-${PV}.so ${libdir}/*"
FILES_libasm = "${libdir}/libasm-${PV}.so ${libdir}/*"
FILES_libdw  = "${libdir}/libdw-${PV}.so ${libdir}/* ${libdir}/elfutils/lib*"
# Some packages have the version preceeding the .so instead properly
# versioned .so.<version>, so we need to reorder and repackage.
#FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/*-${PV}.so ${base_libdir}/*-${PV}.so"
#FILES_SOLIBSDEV = "${libdir}/ ${libdir}/ ${libdir}/"

# The package contains symlinks that trip up insane
INSANE_SKIP_${MLPREFIX}libdw = "dev-so"