import oe.path import oe.types class NotFoundError(bb.BBHandledException): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __str__(self): return "Error: %s not found." % self.path class CmdError(bb.BBHandledException): def __init__(self, command, exitstatus, output): self.command = command self.status = exitstatus self.output = output def __str__(self): return "Command Error: '%s' exited with %d Output:\n%s" % \ (self.command, self.status, self.output) def runcmd(args, dir = None): import pipes if dir: olddir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) if not os.path.exists(dir): raise NotFoundError(dir) os.chdir(dir) # print("cwd: %s -> %s" % (olddir, dir)) try: args = [ pipes.quote(str(arg)) for arg in args ] cmd = " ".join(args) # print("cmd: %s" % cmd) (exitstatus, output) = oe.utils.getstatusoutput(cmd) if exitstatus != 0: raise CmdError(cmd, exitstatus >> 8, output) if " fuzz " in output: bb.warn(""" Some of the context lines in patches were ignored. This can lead to incorrectly applied patches. The context lines in the patches can be updated with devtool: devtool modify <recipe> devtool finish --force-patch-refresh <recipe> <layer_path> Then the updated patches and the source tree (in devtool's workspace) should be reviewed to make sure the patches apply in the correct place and don't introduce duplicate lines (which can, and does happen when some of the context is ignored). Further information: Details: {}""".format(output)) return output finally: if dir: os.chdir(olddir) class PatchError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return "Patch Error: %s" % self.msg class PatchSet(object): defaults = { "strippath": 1 } def __init__(self, dir, d): self.dir = dir self.d = d self.patches = [] self._current = None def current(self): return self._current def Clean(self): """ Clean out the patch set. Generally includes unapplying all patches and wiping out all associated metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError() def Import(self, patch, force): if not patch.get("file"): if not patch.get("remote"): raise PatchError("Patch file must be specified in patch import.") else: patch["file"] = bb.fetch2.localpath(patch["remote"], self.d) for param in PatchSet.defaults: if not patch.get(param): patch[param] = PatchSet.defaults[param] if patch.get("remote"): patch["file"] = self.d.expand(bb.fetch2.localpath(patch["remote"], self.d)) patch["filemd5"] = bb.utils.md5_file(patch["file"]) def Push(self, force): raise NotImplementedError() def Pop(self, force): raise NotImplementedError() def Refresh(self, remote = None, all = None): raise NotImplementedError() @staticmethod def getPatchedFiles(patchfile, striplevel, srcdir=None): """ Read a patch file and determine which files it will modify. Params: patchfile: the patch file to read striplevel: the strip level at which the patch is going to be applied srcdir: optional path to join onto the patched file paths Returns: A list of tuples of file path and change mode ('A' for add, 'D' for delete or 'M' for modify) """ def patchedpath(patchline): filepth = patchline.split()[1] if filepth.endswith('/dev/null'): return '/dev/null' filesplit = filepth.split(os.sep) if striplevel > len(filesplit): bb.error('Patch %s has invalid strip level %d' % (patchfile, striplevel)) return None return os.sep.join(filesplit[striplevel:]) for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin-1']: try: copiedmode = False filelist = [] with open(patchfile) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('--- '): patchpth = patchedpath(line) if not patchpth: break if copiedmode: addedfile = patchpth else: removedfile = patchpth elif line.startswith('+++ '): addedfile = patchedpath(line) if not addedfile: break elif line.startswith('*** '): copiedmode = True removedfile = patchedpath(line) if not removedfile: break else: removedfile = None addedfile = None if addedfile and removedfile: if removedfile == '/dev/null': mode = 'A' elif addedfile == '/dev/null': mode = 'D' else: mode = 'M' if srcdir: fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srcdir, addedfile)) else: fullpath = addedfile filelist.append((fullpath, mode)) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue break else: raise PatchError('Unable to decode %s' % patchfile) return filelist class PatchTree(PatchSet): def __init__(self, dir, d): PatchSet.__init__(self, dir, d) self.patchdir = os.path.join(self.dir, 'patches') self.seriespath = os.path.join(self.dir, 'patches', 'series') bb.utils.mkdirhier(self.patchdir) def _appendPatchFile(self, patch, strippath): with open(self.seriespath, 'a') as f: f.write(os.path.basename(patch) + "," + strippath + "\n") shellcmd = ["cat", patch, ">" , self.patchdir + "/" + os.path.basename(patch)] runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) def _removePatch(self, p): patch = {} patch['file'] = p.split(",")[0] patch['strippath'] = p.split(",")[1] self._applypatch(patch, False, True) def _removePatchFile(self, all = False): if not os.path.exists(self.seriespath): return with open(self.seriespath, 'r+') as f: patches = f.readlines() if all: for p in reversed(patches): self._removePatch(os.path.join(self.patchdir, p.strip())) patches = [] else: self._removePatch(os.path.join(self.patchdir, patches[-1].strip())) patches.pop() with open(self.seriespath, 'w') as f: for p in patches: f.write(p) def Import(self, patch, force = None): """""" PatchSet.Import(self, patch, force) if self._current is not None: i = self._current + 1 else: i = 0 self.patches.insert(i, patch) def _applypatch(self, patch, force = False, reverse = False, run = True): shellcmd = ["cat", patch['file'], "|", "patch", "--no-backup-if-mismatch", "-p", patch['strippath']] if reverse: shellcmd.append('-R') if not run: return "sh" + "-c" + " ".join(shellcmd) if not force: shellcmd.append('--dry-run') try: output = runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) if force: return shellcmd.pop(len(shellcmd) - 1) output = runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) except CmdError as err: raise bb.BBHandledException("Applying '%s' failed:\n%s" % (os.path.basename(patch['file']), err.output)) if not reverse: self._appendPatchFile(patch['file'], patch['strippath']) return output def Push(self, force = False, all = False, run = True): bb.note("self._current is %s" % self._current) bb.note("patches is %s" % self.patches) if all: for i in self.patches: bb.note("applying patch %s" % i) self._applypatch(i, force) self._current = i else: if self._current is not None: next = self._current + 1 else: next = 0 bb.note("applying patch %s" % self.patches[next]) ret = self._applypatch(self.patches[next], force) self._current = next return ret def Pop(self, force = None, all = None): if all: self._removePatchFile(True) self._current = None else: self._removePatchFile(False) if self._current == 0: self._current = None if self._current is not None: self._current = self._current - 1 def Clean(self): """""" self.Pop(all=True) class GitApplyTree(PatchTree): patch_line_prefix = '%% original patch' ignore_commit_prefix = '%% ignore' def __init__(self, dir, d): PatchTree.__init__(self, dir, d) self.commituser = d.getVar('PATCH_GIT_USER_NAME') self.commitemail = d.getVar('PATCH_GIT_USER_EMAIL') @staticmethod def extractPatchHeader(patchfile): """ Extract just the header lines from the top of a patch file """ for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin-1']: lines = [] try: with open(patchfile, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('Index: ') or line.startswith('diff -') or line.startswith('---'): break lines.append(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue break else: raise PatchError('Unable to find a character encoding to decode %s' % patchfile) return lines @staticmethod def decodeAuthor(line): from email.header import decode_header authorval = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip().replace('"', '') result = decode_header(authorval)[0][0] if hasattr(result, 'decode'): result = result.decode('utf-8') return result @staticmethod def interpretPatchHeader(headerlines): import re author_re = re.compile('[\S ]+ <\S+@\S+\.\S+>') from_commit_re = re.compile('^From [a-z0-9]{40} .*') outlines = [] author = None date = None subject = None for line in headerlines: if line.startswith('Subject: '): subject = line.split(':', 1)[1] # Remove any [PATCH][oe-core] etc. subject = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]\s*', '', subject) continue elif line.startswith('From: ') or line.startswith('Author: '): authorval = GitApplyTree.decodeAuthor(line) # git is fussy about author formatting i.e. it must be Name <email@domain> if author_re.match(authorval): author = authorval continue elif line.startswith('Date: '): if date is None: dateval = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() # Very crude check for date format, since git will blow up if it's not in the right # format. Without e.g. a python-dateutils dependency we can't do a whole lot more if len(dateval) > 12: date = dateval continue elif not author and line.lower().startswith('signed-off-by: '): authorval = GitApplyTree.decodeAuthor(line) # git is fussy about author formatting i.e. it must be Name <email@domain> if author_re.match(authorval): author = authorval elif from_commit_re.match(line): # We don't want the From <commit> line - if it's present it will break rebasing continue outlines.append(line) if not subject: firstline = None for line in headerlines: line = line.strip() if firstline: if line: # Second line is not blank, the first line probably isn't usable firstline = None break elif line: firstline = line if firstline and not firstline.startswith(('#', 'Index:', 'Upstream-Status:')) and len(firstline) < 100: subject = firstline return outlines, author, date, subject @staticmethod def gitCommandUserOptions(cmd, commituser=None, commitemail=None, d=None): if d: commituser = d.getVar('PATCH_GIT_USER_NAME') commitemail = d.getVar('PATCH_GIT_USER_EMAIL') if commituser: cmd += ['-c', '"%s"' % commituser] if commitemail: cmd += ['-c', '"%s"' % commitemail] @staticmethod def prepareCommit(patchfile, commituser=None, commitemail=None): """ Prepare a git commit command line based on the header from a patch file (typically this is useful for patches that cannot be applied with "git am" due to formatting) """ import tempfile # Process patch header and extract useful information lines = GitApplyTree.extractPatchHeader(patchfile) outlines, author, date, subject = GitApplyTree.interpretPatchHeader(lines) if not author or not subject or not date: try: shellcmd = ["git", "log", "--format=email", "--follow", "--diff-filter=A", "--", patchfile] out = runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], os.path.dirname(patchfile)) except CmdError: out = None if out: _, newauthor, newdate, newsubject = GitApplyTree.interpretPatchHeader(out.splitlines()) if not author: # If we're setting the author then the date should be set as well author = newauthor date = newdate elif not date: # If we don't do this we'll get the current date, at least this will be closer date = newdate if not subject: subject = newsubject if subject and outlines and not outlines[0].strip() == subject: outlines.insert(0, '%s\n\n' % subject.strip()) # Write out commit message to a file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf: tmpfile = for line in outlines: tf.write(line) # Prepare git command cmd = ["git"] GitApplyTree.gitCommandUserOptions(cmd, commituser, commitemail) cmd += ["commit", "-F", tmpfile] # git doesn't like plain email addresses as authors if author and '<' in author: cmd.append('--author="%s"' % author) if date: cmd.append('--date="%s"' % date) return (tmpfile, cmd) @staticmethod def extractPatches(tree, startcommit, outdir, paths=None): import tempfile import shutil import re tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='oepatch') try: shellcmd = ["git", "format-patch", "--no-signature", "--no-numbered", startcommit, "-o", tempdir] if paths: shellcmd.append('--') shellcmd.extend(paths) out = runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], tree) if out: for srcfile in out.split(): for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin-1']: patchlines = [] outfile = None try: with open(srcfile, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: checkline = line if checkline.startswith('Subject: '): checkline = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]\s*', '', checkline[9:]) if checkline.startswith(GitApplyTree.patch_line_prefix): outfile = line.split()[-1].strip() continue if checkline.startswith(GitApplyTree.ignore_commit_prefix): continue patchlines.append(line) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue break else: raise PatchError('Unable to find a character encoding to decode %s' % srcfile) if not outfile: outfile = os.path.basename(srcfile) with open(os.path.join(outdir, outfile), 'w') as of: for line in patchlines: of.write(line) finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def _applypatch(self, patch, force = False, reverse = False, run = True): import shutil def _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force = False, reverse = False, run = True): if reverse: shellcmd.append('-R') shellcmd.append(patch['file']) if not run: return "sh" + "-c" + " ".join(shellcmd) return runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) # Add hooks which add a pointer to the original patch file name in the commit message reporoot = (runcmd("git rev-parse --show-toplevel".split(), self.dir) or '').strip() if not reporoot: raise Exception("Cannot get repository root for directory %s" % self.dir) hooks_dir = os.path.join(reporoot, '.git', 'hooks') hooks_dir_backup = hooks_dir + '.devtool-orig' if os.path.lexists(hooks_dir_backup): raise Exception("Git hooks backup directory already exists: %s" % hooks_dir_backup) if os.path.lexists(hooks_dir): shutil.move(hooks_dir, hooks_dir_backup) os.mkdir(hooks_dir) commithook = os.path.join(hooks_dir, 'commit-msg') applyhook = os.path.join(hooks_dir, 'applypatch-msg') with open(commithook, 'w') as f: # NOTE: the formatting here is significant; if you change it you'll also need to # change other places which read it back f.write('echo >> $1\n') f.write('echo "%s: $PATCHFILE" >> $1\n' % GitApplyTree.patch_line_prefix) os.chmod(commithook, 0o755) shutil.copy2(commithook, applyhook) try: patchfilevar = 'PATCHFILE="%s"' % os.path.basename(patch['file']) try: shellcmd = [patchfilevar, "git", "--work-tree=%s" % reporoot] self.gitCommandUserOptions(shellcmd, self.commituser, self.commitemail) shellcmd += ["am", "-3", "--keep-cr", "-p%s" % patch['strippath']] return _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force, reverse, run) except CmdError: # Need to abort the git am, or we'll still be within it at the end try: shellcmd = ["git", "--work-tree=%s" % reporoot, "am", "--abort"] runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) except CmdError: pass # git am won't always clean up after itself, sadly, so... shellcmd = ["git", "--work-tree=%s" % reporoot, "reset", "--hard", "HEAD"] runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) # Also need to take care of any stray untracked files shellcmd = ["git", "--work-tree=%s" % reporoot, "clean", "-f"] runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) # Fall back to git apply shellcmd = ["git", "--git-dir=%s" % reporoot, "apply", "-p%s" % patch['strippath']] try: output = _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force, reverse, run) except CmdError: # Fall back to patch output = PatchTree._applypatch(self, patch, force, reverse, run) # Add all files shellcmd = ["git", "add", "-f", "-A", "."] output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) # Exclude the patches directory shellcmd = ["git", "reset", "HEAD", self.patchdir] output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) # Commit the result (tmpfile, shellcmd) = self.prepareCommit(patch['file'], self.commituser, self.commitemail) try: shellcmd.insert(0, patchfilevar) output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir) finally: os.remove(tmpfile) return output finally: shutil.rmtree(hooks_dir) if os.path.lexists(hooks_dir_backup): shutil.move(hooks_dir_backup, hooks_dir) class QuiltTree(PatchSet): def _runcmd(self, args, run = True): quiltrc = self.d.getVar('QUILTRCFILE') if not run: return ["quilt"] + ["--quiltrc"] + [quiltrc] + args runcmd(["quilt"] + ["--quiltrc"] + [quiltrc] + args, self.dir) def _quiltpatchpath(self, file): return os.path.join(self.dir, "patches", os.path.basename(file)) def __init__(self, dir, d): PatchSet.__init__(self, dir, d) self.initialized = False p = os.path.join(self.dir, 'patches') if not os.path.exists(p): os.makedirs(p) def Clean(self): try: self._runcmd(["pop", "-a", "-f"]) oe.path.remove(os.path.join(self.dir, "patches","series")) except Exception: pass self.initialized = True def InitFromDir(self): # read series -> self.patches seriespath = os.path.join(self.dir, 'patches', 'series') if not os.path.exists(self.dir): raise NotFoundError(self.dir) if os.path.exists(seriespath): with open(seriespath, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): patch = {} parts = line.strip().split() patch["quiltfile"] = self._quiltpatchpath(parts[0]) patch["quiltfilemd5"] = bb.utils.md5_file(patch["quiltfile"]) if len(parts) > 1: patch["strippath"] = parts[1][2:] self.patches.append(patch) # determine which patches are applied -> self._current try: output = runcmd(["quilt", "applied"], self.dir) except CmdError: import sys if sys.exc_value.output.strip() == "No patches applied": return else: raise output = [val for val in output.split('\n') if not val.startswith('#')] for patch in self.patches: if os.path.basename(patch["quiltfile"]) == output[-1]: self._current = self.patches.index(patch) self.initialized = True def Import(self, patch, force = None): if not self.initialized: self.InitFromDir() PatchSet.Import(self, patch, force) oe.path.symlink(patch["file"], self._quiltpatchpath(patch["file"]), force=True) with open(os.path.join(self.dir, "patches", "series"), "a") as f: f.write(os.path.basename(patch["file"]) + " -p" + patch["strippath"] + "\n") patch["quiltfile"] = self._quiltpatchpath(patch["file"]) patch["quiltfilemd5"] = bb.utils.md5_file(patch["quiltfile"]) # TODO: determine if the file being imported: # 1) is already imported, and is the same # 2) is already imported, but differs self.patches.insert(self._current or 0, patch) def Push(self, force = False, all = False, run = True): # quilt push [-f] args = ["push"] if force: args.append("-f") if all: args.append("-a") if not run: return self._runcmd(args, run) self._runcmd(args) if self._current is not None: self._current = self._current + 1 else: self._current = 0 def Pop(self, force = None, all = None): # quilt pop [-f] args = ["pop"] if force: args.append("-f") if all: args.append("-a") self._runcmd(args) if self._current == 0: self._current = None if self._current is not None: self._current = self._current - 1 def Refresh(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.get("remote"): patch = self.patches[kwargs["patch"]] if not patch: raise PatchError("No patch found at index %s in patchset." % kwargs["patch"]) (type, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch["remote"]) if type == "file": import shutil if not patch.get("file") and patch.get("remote"): patch["file"] = bb.fetch2.localpath(patch["remote"], self.d) shutil.copyfile(patch["quiltfile"], patch["file"]) else: raise PatchError("Unable to do a remote refresh of %s, unsupported remote url scheme %s." % (os.path.basename(patch["quiltfile"]), type)) else: # quilt refresh args = ["refresh"] if kwargs.get("quiltfile"): args.append(os.path.basename(kwargs["quiltfile"])) elif kwargs.get("patch"): args.append(os.path.basename(self.patches[kwargs["patch"]]["quiltfile"])) self._runcmd(args) class Resolver(object): def __init__(self, patchset, terminal): raise NotImplementedError() def Resolve(self): raise NotImplementedError() def Revert(self): raise NotImplementedError() def Finalize(self): raise NotImplementedError() class NOOPResolver(Resolver): def __init__(self, patchset, terminal): self.patchset = patchset self.terminal = terminal def Resolve(self): olddir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(self.patchset.dir) try: self.patchset.Push() except Exception: import sys os.chdir(olddir) raise # Patch resolver which relies on the user doing all the work involved in the # resolution, with the exception of refreshing the remote copy of the patch # files (the urls). class UserResolver(Resolver): def __init__(self, patchset, terminal): self.patchset = patchset self.terminal = terminal # Force a push in the patchset, then drop to a shell for the user to # resolve any rejected hunks def Resolve(self): olddir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) os.chdir(self.patchset.dir) try: self.patchset.Push(False) except CmdError as v: # Patch application failed patchcmd = self.patchset.Push(True, False, False) t = self.patchset.d.getVar('T') if not t: bb.msg.fatal("Build", "T not set") bb.utils.mkdirhier(t) import random rcfile = "%s/bashrc.%s.%s" % (t, str(os.getpid()), random.random()) with open(rcfile, "w") as f: f.write("echo '*** Manual patch resolution mode ***'\n") f.write("echo 'Dropping to a shell, so patch rejects can be fixed manually.'\n") f.write("echo 'Run \"quilt refresh\" when patch is corrected, press CTRL+D to exit.'\n") f.write("echo ''\n") f.write(" ".join(patchcmd) + "\n") os.chmod(rcfile, 0o775) self.terminal("bash --rcfile " + rcfile, 'Patch Rejects: Please fix patch rejects manually', self.patchset.d) # Construct a new PatchSet after the user's changes, compare the # sets, checking patches for modifications, and doing a remote # refresh on each. oldpatchset = self.patchset self.patchset = oldpatchset.__class__(self.patchset.dir, self.patchset.d) for patch in self.patchset.patches: oldpatch = None for opatch in oldpatchset.patches: if opatch["quiltfile"] == patch["quiltfile"]: oldpatch = opatch if oldpatch: patch["remote"] = oldpatch["remote"] if patch["quiltfile"] == oldpatch["quiltfile"]: if patch["quiltfilemd5"] != oldpatch["quiltfilemd5"]: bb.note("Patch %s has changed, updating remote url %s" % (os.path.basename(patch["quiltfile"]), patch["remote"])) # user change? remote refresh self.patchset.Refresh(remote=True, patch=self.patchset.patches.index(patch)) else: # User did not fix the problem. Abort. raise PatchError("Patch application failed, and user did not fix and refresh the patch.") except Exception: os.chdir(olddir) raise os.chdir(olddir) def patch_path(url, fetch, workdir, expand=True): """Return the local path of a patch, or None if this isn't a patch""" local = fetch.localpath(url) base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(local)) if ext in ('.gz', '.bz2', '.xz', '.Z'): if expand: local = os.path.join(workdir, base) ext = os.path.splitext(base)[1] urldata = fetch.ud[url] if "apply" in urldata.parm: apply = oe.types.boolean(urldata.parm["apply"]) if not apply: return elif ext not in (".diff", ".patch"): return return local def src_patches(d, all=False, expand=True): workdir = d.getVar('WORKDIR') fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch([], d) patches = [] sources = [] for url in fetch.urls: local = patch_path(url, fetch, workdir, expand) if not local: if all: local = fetch.localpath(url) sources.append(local) continue urldata = fetch.ud[url] parm = urldata.parm patchname = parm.get('pname') or os.path.basename(local) apply, reason = should_apply(parm, d) if not apply: if reason: bb.note("Patch %s %s" % (patchname, reason)) continue patchparm = {'patchname': patchname} if "striplevel" in parm: striplevel = parm["striplevel"] elif "pnum" in parm: #bb.msg.warn(None, "Deprecated usage of 'pnum' url parameter in '%s', please use 'striplevel'" % url) striplevel = parm["pnum"] else: striplevel = '1' patchparm['striplevel'] = striplevel patchdir = parm.get('patchdir') if patchdir: patchparm['patchdir'] = patchdir localurl = bb.fetch.encodeurl(('file', '', local, '', '', patchparm)) patches.append(localurl) if all: return sources return patches def should_apply(parm, d): if "mindate" in parm or "maxdate" in parm: pn = d.getVar('PN') srcdate = d.getVar('SRCDATE_%s' % pn) if not srcdate: srcdate = d.getVar('SRCDATE') if srcdate == "now": srcdate = d.getVar('DATE') if "maxdate" in parm and parm["maxdate"] < srcdate: return False, 'is outdated' if "mindate" in parm and parm["mindate"] > srcdate: return False, 'is predated' if "minrev" in parm: srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV') if srcrev and srcrev < parm["minrev"]: return False, 'applies to later revisions' if "maxrev" in parm: srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV') if srcrev and srcrev > parm["maxrev"]: return False, 'applies to earlier revisions' if "rev" in parm: srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV') if srcrev and parm["rev"] not in srcrev: return False, "doesn't apply to revision" if "notrev" in parm: srcrev = d.getVar('SRCREV') if srcrev and parm["notrev"] in srcrev: return False, "doesn't apply to revision" return True, None