# Toaster helper class
# Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
# Released under the MIT license (see COPYING.MIT)
# This bbclass is designed to extract data used by OE-Core during the build process,
# for recording in the Toaster system.
# The data access is synchronous, preserving the build data integrity across
# different builds.
# The data is transferred through the event system, using the MetadataEvent objects.
# The model is to enable the datadump functions as postfuncs, and have the dump
# executed after the real taskfunc has been executed. This prevents task signature changing
# is toaster is enabled or not. Build performance is not affected if Toaster is not enabled.
# To enable, use INHERIT in local.conf:
#       INHERIT += "toaster"

# Find and dump layer info when we got the layers parsed

python toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata() {
    import subprocess

    def _get_git_branch(layer_path):
        branch = subprocess.Popen("git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null ", cwd=layer_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
        branch = branch.replace('refs/heads/', '').rstrip()
        return branch

    def _get_git_revision(layer_path):
        revision = subprocess.Popen("git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null ", cwd=layer_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].rstrip()
        return revision

    def _get_url_map_name(layer_name):
        """ Some layers have a different name on openembedded.org site,
            this method returns the correct name to use in the URL

        url_name = layer_name
        url_mapping = {'meta': 'openembedded-core'}

        for key in url_mapping.keys():
            if key == layer_name:
                url_name = url_mapping[key]

        return url_name

    def _get_layer_version_information(layer_path):

        layer_version_info = {}
        layer_version_info['branch'] = _get_git_branch(layer_path)
        layer_version_info['commit'] = _get_git_revision(layer_path)
        layer_version_info['priority'] = 0

        return layer_version_info

    def _get_layer_dict(layer_path):

        layer_info = {}
        layer_name = layer_path.split('/')[-1]
        layer_url = 'http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/layer/{layer}/'
        layer_url_name = _get_url_map_name(layer_name)

        layer_info['name'] = layer_url_name
        layer_info['local_path'] = layer_path
        layer_info['layer_index_url'] = layer_url.format(layer=layer_url_name)
        layer_info['version'] = _get_layer_version_information(layer_path)

        return layer_info

    bblayers = e.data.getVar("BBLAYERS", True)

    llayerinfo = {}

    for layer in { l for l in bblayers.strip().split(" ") if len(l) }:
        llayerinfo[layer] = _get_layer_dict(layer)

    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("LayerInfo", llayerinfo), e.data)

# Dump package file info data

def _toaster_load_pkgdatafile(dirpath, filepath):
    import json
    import re
    pkgdata = {}
    with open(os.path.join(dirpath, filepath), "r") as fin:
        for line in fin:
                kn, kv = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
                m = re.match(r"^PKG_([^A-Z:]*)", kn)
                if m:
                    pkgdata['OPKGN'] = m.group(1)
                kn = "_".join([x for x in kn.split("_") if x.isupper()])
                pkgdata[kn] = kv.strip()
                if kn == 'FILES_INFO':
                    pkgdata[kn] = json.loads(kv)

            except ValueError:
                pass    # ignore lines without valid key: value pairs
    return pkgdata

python toaster_package_dumpdata() {
    Dumps the data about the packages created by a recipe

    # No need to try and dumpdata if the recipe isn't generating packages
    if not d.getVar('PACKAGES', True):

    pkgdatadir = d.getVar('PKGDESTWORK', True)
    lpkgdata = {}
    datadir = os.path.join(pkgdatadir, 'runtime')

    # scan and send data for each generated package
    for datafile in os.listdir(datadir):
        if not datafile.endswith('.packaged'):
            lpkgdata = _toaster_load_pkgdatafile(datadir, datafile)
            # Fire an event containing the pkg data
            bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("SinglePackageInfo", lpkgdata), d)

# 2. Dump output image files information

python toaster_image_dumpdata() {
    Image filename for output images is not standardized.
    image_types.bbclass will spell out IMAGE_CMD_xxx variables that actually
    have hardcoded ways to create image file names in them.
    So we look for files starting with the set name.

    We also look for other files in the images/ directory which don't
    match IMAGE_NAME, such as the kernel bzImage, modules tarball etc.

    dir_to_walk = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE', True);
    image_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True);
    image_info_data = {}
    artifact_info_data = {}

    # collect all images and artifacts in the images directory
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_to_walk):
        for filename in filenames:
            full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                if filename.startswith(image_name):
                    # image
                    image_info_data[full_path] = os.stat(full_path).st_size
                    # other non-image artifact
                    if not os.path.islink(full_path):
                        artifact_info_data[full_path] = os.stat(full_path).st_size
            except OSError as e:
                bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("OSErrorException", e), d)

    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("ImageFileSize", image_info_data), d)
    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("ArtifactFileSize", artifact_info_data), d)

python toaster_artifact_dumpdata() {
    Dump data about artifacts in the SDK_DEPLOY directory

    dir_to_walk = d.getVar("SDK_DEPLOY", True)
    artifact_info_data = {}

    # collect all artifacts in the sdk directory
    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_to_walk):
        for filename in filenames:
            full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                if not os.path.islink(full_path):
                    artifact_info_data[full_path] = os.stat(full_path).st_size
            except OSError as e:
                bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("OSErrorException", e), d)

    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("ArtifactFileSize", artifact_info_data), d)

# collect list of buildstats files based on fired events; when the build completes, collect all stats and fire an event with collected data

python toaster_collect_task_stats() {
    import bb.build
    import bb.event
    import bb.data
    import bb.utils
    import os

    toaster_statlist_file = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), "toasterstatlist")

    if not e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True):
        return  # if we don't have buildstats, we cannot collect stats

    def stat_to_float(value):
        return float(value.strip('% \n\r'))

    def _append_read_list(v):
        lock = bb.utils.lockfile(e.data.expand("${TOPDIR}/toaster.lock"), False, True)

        with open(toaster_statlist_file, "a") as fout:
            taskdir = e.data.expand("${BUILDSTATS_BASE}/${BUILDNAME}/${PF}")
            fout.write("%s::%s::%s::%s\n" % (e.taskfile, e.taskname, os.path.join(taskdir, e.task), e.data.expand("${PN}")))


    def _read_stats(filename):
        # seconds
        cpu_time_user = 0
        cpu_time_system = 0

        # bytes
        disk_io_read = 0
        disk_io_write = 0

        started = 0
        ended = 0

        taskname = ''

        statinfo = {}

        with open(filename, 'r') as task_bs:
            for line in task_bs.readlines():
                k,v = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
                statinfo[k] = v

        if "Started" in statinfo:
            started = stat_to_float(statinfo["Started"])

        if "Ended" in statinfo:
            ended = stat_to_float(statinfo["Ended"])

        if "Child rusage ru_utime" in statinfo:
            cpu_time_user = cpu_time_user + stat_to_float(statinfo["Child rusage ru_utime"])

        if "Child rusage ru_stime" in statinfo:
            cpu_time_system = cpu_time_system + stat_to_float(statinfo["Child rusage ru_stime"])

        if "IO write_bytes" in statinfo:
            write_bytes = int(statinfo["IO write_bytes"].strip('% \n\r'))
            disk_io_write = disk_io_write + write_bytes

        if "IO read_bytes" in statinfo:
            read_bytes = int(statinfo["IO read_bytes"].strip('% \n\r'))
            disk_io_read = disk_io_read + read_bytes

        return {
            'stat_file': filename,
            'cpu_time_user': cpu_time_user,
            'cpu_time_system': cpu_time_system,
            'disk_io_read': disk_io_read,
            'disk_io_write': disk_io_write,
            'started': started,
            'ended': ended

    if isinstance(e, (bb.build.TaskSucceeded, bb.build.TaskFailed)):

    if isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildCompleted) and os.path.exists(toaster_statlist_file):
        events = []
        with open(toaster_statlist_file, "r") as fin:
            for line in fin:
                (taskfile, taskname, filename, recipename) = line.strip().split("::")
                stats = _read_stats(filename)
                events.append((taskfile, taskname, stats, recipename))
        bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("BuildStatsList", events), e.data)

# dump relevant build history data as an event when the build is completed

python toaster_buildhistory_dump() {
    import re
    BUILDHISTORY_DIR = e.data.expand("${TOPDIR}/buildhistory")
    pkgdata_dir = e.data.getVar("PKGDATA_DIR", True)

    # scan the build targets for this build
    images = {}
    allpkgs = {}
    files = {}
    for target in e._pkgs:
        target = target.split(':')[0] # strip ':<task>' suffix from the target
        installed_img_path = e.data.expand(os.path.join(BUILDHISTORY_DIR_IMAGE_BASE, target))
        if os.path.exists(installed_img_path):
            images[target] = {}
            files[target] = {}
            files[target]['dirs'] = []
            files[target]['syms'] = []
            files[target]['files'] = []
            with open("%s/installed-package-sizes.txt" % installed_img_path, "r") as fin:
                for line in fin:
                    line = line.rstrip(";")
                    psize, px = line.split("\t")
                    punit, pname = px.split(" ")
                    # this size is "installed-size" as it measures how much space it takes on disk
                    images[target][pname.strip()] = {'size':int(psize)*1024, 'depends' : []}

            with open("%s/depends.dot" % installed_img_path, "r") as fin:
                p = re.compile(r' -> ')
                dot = re.compile(r'.*style=dotted')
                for line in fin:
                    line = line.rstrip(';')
                    linesplit = p.split(line)
                    if len(linesplit) == 2:
                        pname = linesplit[0].rstrip('"').strip('"')
                        dependsname = linesplit[1].split(" ")[0].strip().strip(";").strip('"').rstrip('"')
                        deptype = "depends"
                        if dot.match(line):
                            deptype = "recommends"
                        if not pname in images[target]:
                            images[target][pname] = {'size': 0, 'depends' : []}
                        if not dependsname in images[target]:
                            images[target][dependsname] = {'size': 0, 'depends' : []}
                        images[target][pname]['depends'].append((dependsname, deptype))

            with open("%s/files-in-image.txt" % installed_img_path, "r") as fin:
                for line in fin:
                    lc = [ x for x in line.strip().split(" ") if len(x) > 0 ]
                    if lc[0].startswith("l"):
                    elif lc[0].startswith("d"):

            for pname in images[target]:
                if not pname in allpkgs:
                        pkgdata = _toaster_load_pkgdatafile("%s/runtime-reverse/" % pkgdata_dir, pname)
                    except IOError as err:
                        if err.errno == 2:
                            # We expect this e.g. for RRECOMMENDS that are unsatisfied at runtime
                    allpkgs[pname] = pkgdata

    data = { 'pkgdata' : allpkgs, 'imgdata' : images, 'filedata' : files }

    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("ImagePkgList", data), e.data)


# dump information related to license manifest path

python toaster_licensemanifest_dump() {
    deploy_dir = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR', True);
    image_name = d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True);

    data = { 'deploy_dir' : deploy_dir, 'image_name' : image_name }

    bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("LicenseManifestPath", data), d)

# set event handlers
addhandler toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata
toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata[eventmask] = "bb.event.TreeDataPreparationCompleted"

addhandler toaster_collect_task_stats
toaster_collect_task_stats[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted bb.build.TaskSucceeded bb.build.TaskFailed"

addhandler toaster_buildhistory_dump
toaster_buildhistory_dump[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"

do_packagedata_setscene[postfuncs] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_packagedata_setscene[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "

do_package[postfuncs] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_package[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "

do_image_complete[postfuncs] += "toaster_image_dumpdata "
do_image_complete[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_image_dumpdata "

do_rootfs[postfuncs] += "toaster_licensemanifest_dump "
do_rootfs[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_licensemanifest_dump "

do_populate_sdk[postfuncs] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "
do_populate_sdk[vardepsexclude] += "toaster_artifact_dumpdata "