# Must inherit package first before changing PACKAGEFUNCS
inherit package
PACKAGEFUNCS += "emit_pkghistory"


# Called during do_package to write out metadata about this package
# for comparision when writing future packages
python emit_pkghistory() {
	import re

	pkghistdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGHIST_DIR', True), d.getVar('PN', True))

	class RecipeInfo:
		def __init__(self, name):
			self.name = name
			self.pe = "0"
			self.pv = "0"
			self.pr = "r0"
			self.depends = ""
			self.packages = ""

	class PackageInfo:
		def __init__(self, name):
			self.name = name
			self.pe = "0"
			self.pv = "0"
			self.pr = "r0"
			self.size = 0
			self.depends = ""
			self.rdepends = ""
			self.rrecommends = ""
			self.files = ""
			self.filelist = ""

	# Should check PACKAGES here to see if anything removed

	def getpkgvar(pkg, var):
		val = d.getVar('%s_%s' % (var, pkg), True)
		if val:
			return val
		val = d.getVar(var, True)

		return val

	def readRecipeInfo(pn, histfile):
		rcpinfo = RecipeInfo(pn)
		f = open(histfile, "r")
			for line in f:
				lns = line.split('=')
				name = lns[0].strip()
				value = lns[1].strip(" \t\r\n").strip('"')
				if name == "PE":
					rcpinfo.pe = value
				elif name == "PV":
					rcpinfo.pv = value
				elif name == "PR":
					rcpinfo.pr = value
				elif name == "DEPENDS":
					rcpinfo.depends = value
				elif name == "PACKAGES":
					rcpinfo.packages = value
		return rcpinfo

	def readPackageInfo(pkg, histfile):
		pkginfo = PackageInfo(pkg)
		f = open(histfile, "r")
			for line in f:
				lns = line.split('=')
				name = lns[0].strip()
				value = lns[1].strip(" \t\r\n").strip('"')
				if name == "PE":
					pkginfo.pe = value
				elif name == "PV":
					pkginfo.pv = value
				elif name == "PR":
					pkginfo.pr = value
				elif name == "RDEPENDS":
					pkginfo.rdepends = value
				elif name == "RRECOMMENDS":
					pkginfo.rrecommends = value
				elif name == "PKGSIZE":
					pkginfo.size = long(value)
				elif name == "FILES":
					pkginfo.files = value
				elif name == "FILELIST":
					pkginfo.filelist = value
		return pkginfo

	def getlastrecipeversion(pn):
			histfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, "latest")
			return readRecipeInfo(pn, histfile)
		except EnvironmentError:
			return None

	def getlastpkgversion(pkg):
			histfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkg, "latest")
			return readPackageInfo(pkg, histfile)
		except EnvironmentError:
			return None

	def squashspaces(string):
		return re.sub("\s+", " ", string)

	pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
	pe = d.getVar('PE', True) or "0"
	pv = d.getVar('PV', True)
	pr = d.getVar('PR', True)
	packages = squashspaces(d.getVar('PACKAGES', True))

	rcpinfo = RecipeInfo(pn)
	rcpinfo.pe = pe
	rcpinfo.pv = pv
	rcpinfo.pr = pr
	rcpinfo.depends = squashspaces(d.getVar('DEPENDS', True) or "")
	rcpinfo.packages = packages
	write_recipehistory(rcpinfo, d)
	write_latestlink(None, pe, pv, pr, d)

	# Apparently the version can be different on a per-package basis (see Python)
	pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGDEST', True)
	for pkg in packages.split():
		pe = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PE') or "0"
		pv = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PV')
		pr = getpkgvar(pkg, 'PR')
		# Find out what the last version was
		# Make sure the version did not decrease
		lastversion = getlastpkgversion(pkg)
		if lastversion:
			last_pe = lastversion.pe
			last_pv = lastversion.pv
			last_pr = lastversion.pr
			r = bb.utils.vercmp((pe, pv, pr), (last_pe, last_pv, last_pr))
			if r < 0:
				bb.fatal("Package version for package %s went backwards which would break package feeds from (%s:%s-%s to %s:%s-%s)" % (pkg, last_pe, last_pv, last_pr, pe, pv, pr))

		pkginfo = PackageInfo(pkg)
		pkginfo.pe = pe
		pkginfo.pv = pv
		pkginfo.pr = pr
		pkginfo.rdepends = squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'RDEPENDS') or "")
		pkginfo.rrecommends = squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'RRECOMMENDS') or "")
		pkginfo.files = squashspaces(getpkgvar(pkg, 'FILES') or "")

		# Gather information about packaged files
		pkgdestpkg = os.path.join(pkgdest, pkg)
		filelist = []
		pkginfo.size = 0
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pkgdestpkg):
			relpth = os.path.relpath(root, pkgdestpkg)
			for f in files:
				fstat = os.lstat(os.path.join(root, f))
				pkginfo.size += fstat.st_size
				filelist.append(os.sep + os.path.join(relpth, f))
		pkginfo.filelist = " ".join(filelist)

		write_pkghistory(pkginfo, d)

		if lastversion:
			check_pkghistory(pkginfo, lastversion)

		write_latestlink(pkg, pe, pv, pr, d)

def check_pkghistory(pkginfo, lastversion):

	bb.debug(2, "Checking package history")
	# RDEPENDS removed?
	# PKG changed?
	# Each file list of each package for file removals?

def write_recipehistory(rcpinfo, d):
	bb.debug(2, "Writing recipe history")

	pkghistdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGHIST_DIR', True), d.getVar('PN', True))

	if not os.path.exists(pkghistdir):

	verfile = os.path.join(pkghistdir, "%s:%s-%s" % (rcpinfo.pe, rcpinfo.pv, rcpinfo.pr))
	f = open(verfile, "w")
		if rcpinfo.pe != "0":
			f.write("PE = %s\n" %  rcpinfo.pe)
		f.write("PV = %s\n" %  rcpinfo.pv)
		f.write("PR = %s\n" %  rcpinfo.pr)
		f.write("DEPENDS = %s\n" %  rcpinfo.depends)
		f.write("PACKAGES = %s\n" %  rcpinfo.packages)

def write_pkghistory(pkginfo, d):
	bb.debug(2, "Writing package history")

	pkghistdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGHIST_DIR', True), d.getVar('PN', True))

	verpath = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkginfo.name)
	if not os.path.exists(verpath):

	verfile = os.path.join(verpath, "%s:%s-%s" % (pkginfo.pe, pkginfo.pv, pkginfo.pr))
	f = open(verfile, "w")
		if pkginfo.pe != "0":
			f.write("PE = %s\n" %  pkginfo.pe)
		f.write("PV = %s\n" %  pkginfo.pv)
		f.write("PR = %s\n" %  pkginfo.pr)
		f.write("RDEPENDS = %s\n" %  pkginfo.rdepends)
		f.write("RRECOMMENDS = %s\n" %  pkginfo.rrecommends)
		f.write("PKGSIZE = %d\n" %  pkginfo.size)
		f.write("FILES = %s\n" %  pkginfo.files)
		f.write("FILELIST = %s\n" %  pkginfo.filelist)

def write_latestlink(pkg, pe, pv, pr, d):
	import shutil

	pkghistdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGHIST_DIR', True), d.getVar('PN', True))

	def rm_link(path):
		except OSError:

	if pkg:
		filedir = os.path.join(pkghistdir, pkg)
		filedir = pkghistdir
	rm_link(os.path.join(filedir, "latest"))
	shutil.copy(os.path.join(filedir, "%s:%s-%s" % (pe, pv, pr)), os.path.join(filedir, "latest"))