# Populates LICENSE_DIRECTORY as set in distro config with the license files as set by # LIC_FILES_CHKSUM. # TODO: # - There is a real issue revolving around license naming standards. LICENSE_DIRECTORY ??= "${DEPLOY_DIR}/licenses" LICSSTATEDIR = "${WORKDIR}/license-destdir/" # Create extra package with license texts and add it to RRECOMMENDS_${PN} LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE[type] = "boolean" LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE ??= "0" LICENSE_PACKAGE_SUFFIX ??= "-lic" LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY ??= "${datadir}/licenses/" addtask populate_lic after do_patch before do_build do_populate_lic[dirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}/${PN}" do_populate_lic[cleandirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}" python do_populate_lic() { """ Populate LICENSE_DIRECTORY with licenses. """ lic_files_paths = find_license_files(d) # The base directory we wrangle licenses to destdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR'), d.getVar('PN')) copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir) info = get_recipe_info(d) with open(os.path.join(destdir, "recipeinfo"), "w") as f: for key in sorted(info.keys()): f.write("%s: %s\n" % (key, info[key])) } # it would be better to copy them in do_install_append, but find_license_filesa is python python perform_packagecopy_prepend () { enabled = oe.data.typed_value('LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE', d) if d.getVar('CLASSOVERRIDE') == 'class-target' and enabled: lic_files_paths = find_license_files(d) # LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY starts with '/' so os.path.join cannot be used to join D and LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY destdir = d.getVar('D') + os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY'), d.getVar('PN')) copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir) add_package_and_files(d) } perform_packagecopy[vardeps] += "LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE" def get_recipe_info(d): info = {} info["PV"] = d.getVar("PV") info["PR"] = d.getVar("PR") info["LICENSE"] = d.getVar("LICENSE") return info def add_package_and_files(d): packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES') files = d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY') pn = d.getVar('PN') pn_lic = "%s%s" % (pn, d.getVar('LICENSE_PACKAGE_SUFFIX', False)) if pn_lic in packages.split(): bb.warn("%s package already existed in %s." % (pn_lic, pn)) else: # first in PACKAGES to be sure that nothing else gets LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY d.setVar('PACKAGES', "%s %s" % (pn_lic, packages)) d.setVar('FILES_' + pn_lic, files) for pn in packages.split(): if pn == pn_lic: continue rrecommends_pn = d.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn) if rrecommends_pn: d.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn, "%s %s" % (pn_lic, rrecommends_pn)) else: d.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn, "%s" % (pn_lic)) def copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir): import shutil import errno bb.utils.mkdirhier(destdir) for (basename, path, beginline, endline) in lic_files_paths: try: src = path dst = os.path.join(destdir, basename) if os.path.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) if os.path.islink(src): src = os.path.realpath(src) canlink = os.access(src, os.W_OK) and (os.stat(src).st_dev == os.stat(destdir).st_dev) and beginline is None and endline is None if canlink: try: os.link(src, dst) except OSError as err: if err.errno == errno.EXDEV: # Copy license files if hard-link is not possible even if st_dev is the # same on source and destination (docker container with device-mapper?) canlink = False else: raise # Only chown if we did hardling, and, we're running under pseudo if canlink and os.environ.get('PSEUDO_DISABLED') == '0': os.chown(dst,0,0) if not canlink: begin_idx = int(beginline)-1 if beginline is not None else None end_idx = int(endline) if endline is not None else None if begin_idx is None and end_idx is None: shutil.copyfile(src, dst) else: with open(src, 'rb') as src_f: with open(dst, 'wb') as dst_f: dst_f.write(b''.join(src_f.readlines()[begin_idx:end_idx])) except Exception as e: bb.warn("Could not copy license file %s to %s: %s" % (src, dst, e)) def find_license_files(d): """ Creates list of files used in LIC_FILES_CHKSUM and generic LICENSE files. """ import shutil import oe.license from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict # All the license files for the package lic_files = d.getVar('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM') or "" pn = d.getVar('PN') # The license files are located in S/LIC_FILE_CHECKSUM. srcdir = d.getVar('S') # Directory we store the generic licenses as set in the distro configuration generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR') # List of basename, path tuples lic_files_paths = [] # hash for keep track generic lics mappings non_generic_lics = {} # Entries from LIC_FILES_CHKSUM lic_chksums = {} license_source_dirs = [] license_source_dirs.append(generic_directory) try: additional_lic_dirs = d.getVar('LICENSE_PATH').split() for lic_dir in additional_lic_dirs: license_source_dirs.append(lic_dir) except: pass class FindVisitor(oe.license.LicenseVisitor): def visit_Str(self, node): # # Until I figure out what to do with # the two modifiers I support (or greater = + # and "with exceptions" being * # we'll just strip out the modifier and put # the base license. find_license(node.s.replace("+", "").replace("*", "")) self.generic_visit(node) def find_license(license_type): try: bb.utils.mkdirhier(gen_lic_dest) except: pass spdx_generic = None license_source = None # If the generic does not exist we need to check to see if there is an SPDX mapping to it, # unless NO_GENERIC_LICENSE is set. for lic_dir in license_source_dirs: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)): if d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type) != None: # Great, there is an SPDXLICENSEMAP. We can copy! bb.debug(1, "We need to use a SPDXLICENSEMAP for %s" % (license_type)) spdx_generic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type) license_source = lic_dir break elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)): spdx_generic = license_type license_source = lic_dir break non_generic_lic = d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type) if spdx_generic and license_source: # we really should copy to generic_ + spdx_generic, however, that ends up messing the manifest # audit up. This should be fixed in emit_pkgdata (or, we actually got and fix all the recipes) lic_files_paths.append(("generic_" + license_type, os.path.join(license_source, spdx_generic), None, None)) # The user may attempt to use NO_GENERIC_LICENSE for a generic license which doesn't make sense # and should not be allowed, warn the user in this case. if d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type): bb.warn("%s: %s is a generic license, please don't use NO_GENERIC_LICENSE for it." % (pn, license_type)) elif non_generic_lic and non_generic_lic in lic_chksums: # if NO_GENERIC_LICENSE is set, we copy the license files from the fetched source # of the package rather than the license_source_dirs. lic_files_paths.append(("generic_" + license_type, os.path.join(srcdir, non_generic_lic), None, None)) non_generic_lics[non_generic_lic] = license_type else: # Add explicity avoid of CLOSED license because this isn't generic if license_type != 'CLOSED': # And here is where we warn people that their licenses are lousy bb.warn("%s: No generic license file exists for: %s in any provider" % (pn, license_type)) pass if not generic_directory: bb.fatal("COMMON_LICENSE_DIR is unset. Please set this in your distro config") for url in lic_files.split(): try: (method, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url) if method != "file" or not path: raise bb.fetch.MalformedUrl() except bb.fetch.MalformedUrl: bb.fatal("%s: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM contains an invalid URL: %s" % (d.getVar('PF'), url)) # We want the license filename and path chksum = parm.get('md5', None) beginline = parm.get('beginline') endline = parm.get('endline') lic_chksums[path] = (chksum, beginline, endline) v = FindVisitor() try: v.visit_string(d.getVar('LICENSE')) except oe.license.InvalidLicense as exc: bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('PF'), exc)) except SyntaxError: bb.warn("%s: Failed to parse it's LICENSE field." % (d.getVar('PF'))) # Add files from LIC_FILES_CHKSUM to list of license files lic_chksum_paths = defaultdict(OrderedDict) for path, data in sorted(lic_chksums.items()): lic_chksum_paths[os.path.basename(path)][data] = (os.path.join(srcdir, path), data[1], data[2]) for basename, files in lic_chksum_paths.items(): if len(files) == 1: # Don't copy again a LICENSE already handled as non-generic if basename in non_generic_lics: continue data = list(files.values())[0] lic_files_paths.append(tuple([basename] + list(data))) else: # If there are multiple different license files with identical # basenames we rename them to <file>.0, <file>.1, ... for i, data in enumerate(files.values()): lic_files_paths.append(tuple(["%s.%d" % (basename, i)] + list(data))) return lic_files_paths def return_spdx(d, license): """ This function returns the spdx mapping of a license if it exists. """ return d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license) def canonical_license(d, license): """ Return the canonical (SPDX) form of the license if available (so GPLv3 becomes GPL-3.0), for the license named 'X+', return canonical form of 'X' if availabel and the tailing '+' (so GPLv3+ becomes GPL-3.0+), or the passed license if there is no canonical form. """ lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license) or "" if not lic and license.endswith('+'): lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license.rstrip('+')) if lic: lic += '+' return lic or license def expand_wildcard_licenses(d, wildcard_licenses): """ Return actual spdx format license names if wildcard used. We expand wildcards from SPDXLICENSEMAP flags and SRC_DISTRIBUTE_LICENSES values. """ import fnmatch licenses = [] spdxmapkeys = d.getVarFlags('SPDXLICENSEMAP').keys() for wld_lic in wildcard_licenses: spdxflags = fnmatch.filter(spdxmapkeys, wld_lic) licenses += [d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', flag) for flag in spdxflags] spdx_lics = (d.getVar('SRC_DISTRIBUTE_LICENSES', False) or '').split() for wld_lic in wildcard_licenses: licenses += fnmatch.filter(spdx_lics, wld_lic) licenses = list(set(licenses)) return licenses def incompatible_license_contains(license, truevalue, falsevalue, d): license = canonical_license(d, license) bad_licenses = (d.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE') or "").split() bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses) return truevalue if license in bad_licenses else falsevalue def incompatible_license(d, dont_want_licenses, package=None): """ This function checks if a recipe has only incompatible licenses. It also take into consideration 'or' operand. dont_want_licenses should be passed as canonical (SPDX) names. """ import oe.license license = d.getVar("LICENSE_%s" % package) if package else None if not license: license = d.getVar('LICENSE') # Handles an "or" or two license sets provided by # flattened_licenses(), pick one that works if possible. def choose_lic_set(a, b): return a if all(oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d, lic), dont_want_licenses) for lic in a) else b try: licenses = oe.license.flattened_licenses(license, choose_lic_set) except oe.license.LicenseError as exc: bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('P'), exc)) return any(not oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d, l), \ dont_want_licenses) for l in licenses) def check_license_flags(d): """ This function checks if a recipe has any LICENSE_FLAGS that aren't whitelisted. If it does, it returns the first LICENSE_FLAGS item missing from the whitelist, or all of the LICENSE_FLAGS if there is no whitelist. If everything is is properly whitelisted, it returns None. """ def license_flag_matches(flag, whitelist, pn): """ Return True if flag matches something in whitelist, None if not. Before we test a flag against the whitelist, we append _${PN} to it. We then try to match that string against the whitelist. This covers the normal case, where we expect LICENSE_FLAGS to be a simple string like 'commercial', which the user typically matches exactly in the whitelist by explicitly appending the package name e.g 'commercial_foo'. If we fail the match however, we then split the flag across '_' and append each fragment and test until we either match or run out of fragments. """ flag_pn = ("%s_%s" % (flag, pn)) for candidate in whitelist: if flag_pn == candidate: return True flag_cur = "" flagments = flag_pn.split("_") flagments.pop() # we've already tested the full string for flagment in flagments: if flag_cur: flag_cur += "_" flag_cur += flagment for candidate in whitelist: if flag_cur == candidate: return True return False def all_license_flags_match(license_flags, whitelist): """ Return first unmatched flag, None if all flags match """ pn = d.getVar('PN') split_whitelist = whitelist.split() for flag in license_flags.split(): if not license_flag_matches(flag, split_whitelist, pn): return flag return None license_flags = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS') if license_flags: whitelist = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST') if not whitelist: return license_flags unmatched_flag = all_license_flags_match(license_flags, whitelist) if unmatched_flag: return unmatched_flag return None def check_license_format(d): """ This function checks if LICENSE is well defined, Validate operators in LICENSES. No spaces are allowed between LICENSES. """ pn = d.getVar('PN') licenses = d.getVar('LICENSE') from oe.license import license_operator, license_operator_chars, license_pattern elements = list(filter(lambda x: x.strip(), license_operator.split(licenses))) for pos, element in enumerate(elements): if license_pattern.match(element): if pos > 0 and license_pattern.match(elements[pos - 1]): bb.warn('%s: LICENSE value "%s" has an invalid format - license names ' \ 'must be separated by the following characters to indicate ' \ 'the license selection: %s' % (pn, licenses, license_operator_chars)) elif not license_operator.match(element): bb.warn('%s: LICENSE value "%s" has an invalid separator "%s" that is not ' \ 'in the valid list of separators (%s)' % (pn, licenses, element, license_operator_chars)) SSTATETASKS += "do_populate_lic" do_populate_lic[sstate-inputdirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}" do_populate_lic[sstate-outputdirs] = "${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/" IMAGE_CLASSES_append = " license_image" python do_populate_lic_setscene () { sstate_setscene(d) } addtask do_populate_lic_setscene