# Test related variables # By default, TEST_DIR is created under WORKDIR TEST_DIR ?= "${WORKDIR}/qemuimagetest" TEST_LOG ?= "${LOG_DIR}/qemuimagetests" TEST_RESULT ?= "${TEST_DIR}/result" TEST_TMP ?= "${TEST_DIR}/tmp" TEST_SCEN ?= "sanity" TEST_STATUS ?= "${TEST_TMP}/status" TARGET_IPSAVE ?= "${TEST_TMP}/target_ip" TEST_SERIALIZE ?= "1" python do_qemuimagetest() { qemuimagetest_main(d) } addtask qemuimagetest before do_build after do_rootfs do_qemuimagetest[nostamp] = "1" do_qemuimagetest[depends] += "qemu-native:do_populate_sysroot" python do_qemuimagetest_standalone() { qemuimagetest_main(d) } addtask qemuimagetest_standalone do_qemuimagetest_standalone[nostamp] = "1" do_qemuimagetest_standalone[depends] += "qemu-native:do_populate_sysroot" def qemuimagetest_main(d): import sys import re import os import shutil import subprocess """ Test Controller for automated testing. """ casestr = re.compile(r'(?P<scen>\w+\b):(?P<case>\S+$)') resultstr = re.compile(r'\s*(?P<case>\w+)\s*(?P<pass>\d+)\s*(?P<fail>\d+)\s*(?P<noresult>\d+)') machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', True) pname = d.getVar('PN', True) """function to save test cases running status""" def teststatus(test, status, index, length): test_status = d.getVar('TEST_STATUS', True) if not os.path.exists(test_status): raise bb.build.FuncFailed("No test status file existing under TEST_TMP") f = open(test_status, "w") f.write("\t%-15s%-15s%-15s%-15s\n" % ("Case", "Status", "Number", "Total")) f.write("\t%-15s%-15s%-15s%-15s\n" % (case, status, index, length)) f.close() """funtion to run each case under scenario""" def runtest(scen, case, fulltestpath): resultpath = d.getVar('TEST_RESULT', True) tmppath = d.getVar('TEST_TMP', True) """initialize log file for testcase""" logpath = d.getVar('TEST_LOG', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier("%s/%s" % (logpath, scen)) caselog = os.path.join(logpath, "%s/log_%s.%s" % (scen, case, d.getVar('DATETIME', True))) subprocess.call("touch %s" % caselog, shell=True) """export TEST_TMP, TEST_RESULT, DEPLOY_DIR and QEMUARCH""" os.environ["PATH"] = d.getVar("PATH", True) os.environ["TEST_TMP"] = tmppath os.environ["TEST_RESULT"] = resultpath os.environ["DEPLOY_DIR"] = d.getVar("DEPLOY_DIR", True) os.environ["QEMUARCH"] = machine os.environ["QEMUTARGET"] = pname os.environ["DISPLAY"] = d.getVar("DISPLAY", True) os.environ["COREBASE"] = d.getVar("COREBASE", True) os.environ["TOPDIR"] = d.getVar("TOPDIR", True) os.environ["OE_TMPDIR"] = d.getVar("TMPDIR", True) os.environ["TEST_STATUS"] = d.getVar("TEST_STATUS", True) os.environ["TARGET_IPSAVE"] = d.getVar("TARGET_IPSAVE", True) os.environ["TEST_SERIALIZE"] = d.getVar("TEST_SERIALIZE", True) os.environ["SDK_NAME"] = d.getVar("SDK_NAME", True) """run Test Case""" bb.note("Run %s test in scenario %s" % (case, scen)) subprocess.call("%s" % fulltestpath, shell=True) """function to check testcase list and remove inappropriate cases""" def check_list(list): final_list = [] for test in list: (scen, case, fullpath) = test """Skip rpm/zypper if package_rpm not set for PACKAGE_CLASSES""" if case.find("zypper") != -1 or case.find("rpm") != -1: if d.getVar("PACKAGE_CLASSES", True).find("rpm", 0, 11) == -1: bb.note("skip rpm/zypper cases since package_rpm not set in PACKAGE_CLASSES") continue else: final_list.append((scen, case, fullpath)) else: final_list.append((scen, case, fullpath)) if not final_list: raise bb.build.FuncFailed("There is no suitable testcase for this target") return final_list """Generate testcase list in runtime""" def generate_list(testlist): list = [] final_list = [] if len(testlist) == 0: raise bb.build.FuncFailed("No testcase defined in TEST_SCEN") """check testcase folder and add case list according to TEST_SCEN""" for item in testlist.split(" "): n = casestr.match(item) if n: item = n.group('scen') casefile = n.group('case') for dir in d.getVar("QEMUIMAGETESTS", True).split(): fulltestcase = os.path.join(dir, item, casefile) if not os.path.isfile(fulltestcase): raise bb.build.FuncFailed("Testcase %s not found" % fulltestcase) list.append((item, casefile, fulltestcase)) else: for dir in d.getVar("QEMUIMAGETESTS", True).split(): scenlist = os.path.join(dir, "scenario", machine, pname) if not os.path.isfile(scenlist): raise bb.build.FuncFailed("No scenario list file named %s found" % scenlist) f = open(scenlist, "r") for line in f: if item != line.split()[0]: continue else: casefile = line.split()[1] fulltestcase = os.path.join(dir, item, casefile) if not os.path.isfile(fulltestcase): raise bb.build.FuncFailed("Testcase %s not found" % fulltestcase) list.append((item, casefile, fulltestcase)) final_list = check_list(list) return final_list """Clean tmp folder for testing""" def clean_tmp(): tmppath = d.getVar('TEST_TMP', True) if os.path.isdir(tmppath): for f in os.listdir(tmppath): tmpfile = os.path.join(tmppath, f) if os.path.isfile(tmpfile): os.remove(tmpfile) elif os.path.isdir(tmpfile): shutil.rmtree(tmpfile, True) """Before running testing, clean temp folder first""" clean_tmp() """check testcase folder and create test log folder""" testpath = d.getVar('TEST_DIR', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(testpath) logpath = d.getVar('TEST_LOG', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath) tmppath = d.getVar('TEST_TMP', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(tmppath) """initialize test status file""" test_status = d.getVar('TEST_STATUS', True) if os.path.exists(test_status): os.remove(test_status) subprocess.call("touch %s" % test_status, shell=True) """initialize result file""" resultpath = d.getVar('TEST_RESULT', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(resultpath) resultfile = os.path.join(resultpath, "testresult.%s" % d.getVar('DATETIME', True)) sresultfile = os.path.join(resultpath, "testresult.log") machine = d.getVar('MACHINE', True) if os.path.exists(sresultfile): os.remove(sresultfile) subprocess.call("touch %s" % resultfile, shell=True) os.symlink(resultfile, sresultfile) f = open(sresultfile, "a") f.write("\tTest Result for %s %s\n" % (machine, pname)) f.write("\t%-15s%-15s%-15s%-15s\n" % ("Testcase", "PASS", "FAIL", "NORESULT")) f.close() """generate pre-defined testcase list""" testlist = d.getVar('TEST_SCEN', True) fulllist = generate_list(testlist) """Begin testing""" for index,test in enumerate(fulllist): (scen, case, fullpath) = test teststatus(case, "running", index, (len(fulllist) - 1)) runtest(scen, case, fullpath) teststatus(case, "finished", index, (len(fulllist) - 1)) """Print Test Result""" ret = 0 f = open(sresultfile, "r") for line in f: m = resultstr.match(line) if m: if m.group('fail') == "1": ret = 1 elif m.group('noresult') == "1": ret = 2 line = line.strip('\n') bb.note(line) else: line = line.strip('\n') bb.note(line) f.close() """Clean temp files for testing""" clean_tmp() if ret != 0: raise bb.build.FuncFailed("Some testcases fail, pls. check test result and test log!!!")