# This class will generate the proper postinst/postrm scriptlets for font
# packages.

DEPENDS += "qemu-native"
inherit qemu


# On host, the postinstall MUST return 1 because we do not know if the intercept
# hook will succeed. If it does succeed, than the packages will be marked as
# installed.
fontcache_common() {
if [ "x$D" != "x" ] ; then
	$INTERCEPT_DIR/postinst_intercept update_font_cache ${PKG} bindir=${bindir}
	exit 1


python populate_packages_append() {
    font_pkgs = d.getVar('FONT_PACKAGES', True).split()

    for pkg in font_pkgs:
        bb.note("adding fonts postinst and postrm scripts to %s" % pkg)
        postinst = d.getVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, True) or d.getVar('pkg_postinst', True)
        if not postinst:
            postinst = '#!/bin/sh\n'
        postinst += d.getVar('fontcache_common', True)
        d.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, postinst)

        postrm = d.getVar('pkg_postrm_%s' % pkg, True) or d.getVar('pkg_postrm', True)
        if not postrm:
            postrm = '#!/bin/sh\n'
        postrm += d.getVar('fontcache_common', True)
        d.setVar('pkg_postrm_%s' % pkg, postrm)