include conf/distro/include/ addhandler distro_eventhandler python distro_eventhandler() { if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted": import oe.distro_check as dc logfile = dc.create_log_file(, "distrodata.csv") lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("Package,Description,Owner,License,VerMatch,Version,Upsteam,Reason,Recipe Status,Distro 1,Distro 2,Distro 3\n") f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) return } addtask distrodata_np do_distrodata_np[nostamp] = "1" python do_distrodata_np() { localdata = pn = d.getVar("PN", True) bb.note("Package Name: %s" % pn) import oe.distro_check as dist_check tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR', True) distro_check_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "distro_check") datetime = localdata.getVar('DATETIME', True) dist_check.update_distro_data(distro_check_dir, datetime) if pn.find("-native") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-native") bb.note("Native Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-cross") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-cross") bb.note("cross Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-crosssdk") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-crosssdk") bb.note("cross Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.startswith("nativesdk-"): pnstripped = pn.replace("nativesdk-", "") bb.note("NativeSDK Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-initial") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-initial") bb.note("initial Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) """generate package information from .bb file""" pname = localdata.getVar('PN', True) pcurver = localdata.getVar('PV', True) pdesc = localdata.getVar('DESCRIPTION', True) if pdesc is not None: pdesc = pdesc.replace(',','') pdesc = pdesc.replace('\n','') pgrp = localdata.getVar('SECTION', True) plicense = localdata.getVar('LICENSE', True).replace(',','_') rstatus = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_COLOR', True) if rstatus is not None: rstatus = rstatus.replace(',','') pupver = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION', True) if pcurver == pupver: vermatch="1" else: vermatch="0" noupdate_reason = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON', True) if noupdate_reason is None: noupdate="0" else: noupdate="1" noupdate_reason = noupdate_reason.replace(',','') maintainer = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_MAINTAINER', True) rlrd = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_UPSTREAM_DATE', True) result = dist_check.compare_in_distro_packages_list(distro_check_dir, localdata) bb.note("DISTRO: %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n" % \ (pname, pdesc, maintainer, plicense, vermatch, pcurver, pupver, noupdate_reason, rstatus)) line = pn for i in result: line = line + "," + i bb.note("%s\n" % line) } addtask distrodata do_distrodata[nostamp] = "1" python do_distrodata() { logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath) logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "distrodata.csv") import oe.distro_check as dist_check localdata = tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR', True) distro_check_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "distro_check") datetime = localdata.getVar('DATETIME', True) dist_check.update_distro_data(distro_check_dir, datetime) pn = d.getVar("PN", True) bb.note("Package Name: %s" % pn) if pn.find("-native") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-native") bb.note("Native Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.startswith("nativesdk-"): pnstripped = pn.replace("nativesdk-", "") bb.note("NativeSDK Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-cross") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-cross") bb.note("cross Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-crosssdk") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-crosssdk") bb.note("cross Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pn.find("-initial") != -1: pnstripped = pn.split("-initial") bb.note("initial Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) """generate package information from .bb file""" pname = localdata.getVar('PN', True) pcurver = localdata.getVar('PV', True) pdesc = localdata.getVar('DESCRIPTION', True) if pdesc is not None: pdesc = pdesc.replace(',','') pdesc = pdesc.replace('\n','') pgrp = localdata.getVar('SECTION', True) plicense = localdata.getVar('LICENSE', True).replace(',','_') rstatus = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_COLOR', True) if rstatus is not None: rstatus = rstatus.replace(',','') pupver = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION', True) if pcurver == pupver: vermatch="1" else: vermatch="0" noupdate_reason = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON', True) if noupdate_reason is None: noupdate="0" else: noupdate="1" noupdate_reason = noupdate_reason.replace(',','') maintainer = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_MAINTAINER', True) rlrd = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_UPSTREAM_DATE', True) # do the comparison result = dist_check.compare_in_distro_packages_list(distro_check_dir, localdata) lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % \ (pname, pdesc, maintainer, plicense, vermatch, pcurver, pupver, noupdate_reason, rstatus)) line = "" for i in result: line = line + "," + i f.write(line + "\n") f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) } addtask distrodataall after do_distrodata do_distrodataall[recrdeptask] = "do_distrodataall do_distrodata" do_distrodataall[nostamp] = "1" do_distrodataall() { : } addhandler checkpkg_eventhandler python checkpkg_eventhandler() { def parse_csv_file(filename): package_dict = {} fd = open(filename, "r") lines ="\n") fd.close() first_line = '' index = 0 for line in lines: #Skip the first line if index == 0: first_line = line index += 1 continue elif line == '': continue index += 1 package_name = line.rsplit("\t")[0] if '-native' in package_name or 'nativesdk-' in package_name: original_name = package_name.rsplit('-native')[0] if original_name == '': original_name = package_name.rsplit('nativesdk-')[0] if original_name in package_dict: continue else: package_dict[package_name] = line else: new_name = package_name + "-native" if not(new_name in package_dict): new_name = 'nativesdk-' + package_name if new_name in package_dict: del package_dict[new_name] package_dict[package_name] = line fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write("%s\n"%first_line) for el in package_dict: fd.write(package_dict[el] + "\n") fd.close() del package_dict if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted": import oe.distro_check as dc logfile = dc.create_log_file(, "checkpkg.csv") lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("Package\tVersion\tUpver\tLicense\tSection\tHome\tRelease\tDepends\tBugTracker\tPE\tDescription\tStatus\tTracking\tURI\tMAINTAINER\n") f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) elif bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildCompleted": import os filename = "tmp/log/checkpkg.csv" if os.path.isfile(filename): lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock"%filename) parse_csv_file(filename) bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) return } addtask checkpkg do_checkpkg[nostamp] = "1" python do_checkpkg() { localdata = import re import tempfile import subprocess """ sanity check to ensure same name and type. Match as many patterns as possible such as: gnome-common-2.20.0.tar.gz (most common format) gtk+-2.90.1.tar.gz xf86-input-synaptics-12.6.9.tar.gz dri2proto-2.3.tar.gz blktool_4.orig.tar.gz libid3tag-0.15.1b.tar.gz unzip552.tar.gz icu4c-3_6-src.tgz genext2fs_1.3.orig.tar.gz gst-fluendo-mp3 """ prefix1 = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*([\-_][a-zA-Z]\w+)*\+?[\-_]" # match most patterns which uses "-" as separator to version digits prefix2 = "[a-zA-Z]+" # a loose pattern such as for unzip552.tar.gz prefix3 = "[0-9]+[\-]?[a-zA-Z]+" # a loose pattern such as for 80325-quicky-0.4.tar.gz prefix = "(%s|%s|%s)" % (prefix1, prefix2, prefix3) ver_regex = "(([A-Z]*\d+[a-zA-Z]*[\.\-_]*)+)"#"((\d+[\.\-_[a-z]])+)" # src.rpm extension was added only for rpm package. Can be removed if the rpm # packaged will always be considered as having to be manually upgraded suffix = "(tar\.gz|tgz|tar\.bz2|zip|xz|rpm|bz2|orig\.tar\.gz|tar\.xz|src\.tar\.gz|src\.tgz|svnr\d+\.tar\.bz2|stable\.tar\.gz|src\.rpm)" suffixtuple = ("tar.gz", "tgz", "zip", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz", "bz2", "orig.tar.gz", "src.tar.gz", "src.rpm", "src.tgz", "svnr\d+.tar.bz2", "stable.tar.gz", "src.rpm") sinterstr = "(?P<name>%s?)v?(?P<ver>%s)(\-source)?" % (prefix, ver_regex) sdirstr = "(?P<name>%s)\.?v?(?P<ver>%s)(\-source)?[\.\-](?P<type>%s$)" % (prefix, ver_regex, suffix) def parse_inter(s): m =, s) if not m: return None else: return ('name'),'ver'), "") def parse_dir(s): m =, s) if not m: return None else: return ('name'),'ver'),'type')) def modelate_version(version): if version[0] in ['.', '-']: if version[1].isdigit(): version = version[1] + version[0] + version[2:len(version)] else: version = version[1:len(version)] version = re.sub('\-', '.', version) version = re.sub('_', '.', version) version = re.sub('(rc)+', '.-1.', version) version = re.sub('(alpha)+', '.-3.', version) version = re.sub('(beta)+', '.-2.', version) if version[0] == 'v': version = version[1:len(version)] return version """ Check whether 'new' is newer than 'old' version. We use existing vercmp() for the purpose. PE is cleared in comparison as it's not for build, and PV is cleared too for simplicity as it's somehow difficult to get from various upstream format """ def __vercmp(old, new): (on, ov, ot) = old (en, ev, et) = new if on != en or (et and et not in suffixtuple): return False ov = modelate_version(ov) ev = modelate_version(ev) result = bb.utils.vercmp(("0", ov, ""), ("0", ev, "")) if result < 0: return True else: return False """ wrapper for fetch upstream directory info 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression 'd' - database 'tmpf' - tmpfile for fetcher output We don't want to exit whole build due to one recipe error. So handle all exceptions gracefully w/o leaking to outer. """ def internal_fetch_wget(url, d, tmpf): status = "ErrFetchUnknown" """ Clear internal url cache as it's a temporary check. Not doing so will have bitbake check url multiple times when looping through a single url """ fn = d.getVar('FILE', True) bb.fetch2.urldata_cache[fn] = {} """ To avoid impacting bitbake build engine, this trick is required for reusing bitbake interfaces. bb.fetch.go() is not appliable as it checks downloaded content in ${DL_DIR} while we don't want to pollute that place. So bb.fetch2.checkstatus() is borrowed here which is designed for check purpose but we override check command for our own purpose """ ld = d.setVar('CHECKCOMMAND_wget', "/usr/bin/env wget -t 1 --passive-ftp -O %s --user-agent=\"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.6.12\" '${URI}'" \ % try: fetcher = bb.fetch2.Fetch([url], ld) fetcher.checkstatus() status = "SUCC" except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e: status = "ErrFetch" return status """ Check on middle version directory such as "2.4/" in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz", 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression 'd' - database 'curver' - current version Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style """ def check_new_dir(url, curver, d): pn = d.getVar('PN', True) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-1-" % pn) status = internal_fetch_wget(url, d, f) fhtml = if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml): newver = parse_inter(curver) """ match "*4.1/">*4.1/ where '*' matches chars N.B. add package name, only match for digits """ regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True) if regex == '': regex = "^%s" %prefix m ="^%s" % regex, curver) if m: s = "%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?" % else: s = "(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?" searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\">" % s reg = re.compile(searchstr) valid = 0 for line in fhtml.split("\n"): if line.find(curver) >= 0: valid = 1 m = if m: ver ="\"")[1] ver = ver.strip("/") ver = parse_inter(ver) if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True: newver = ver """Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format""" if not valid: status = "ErrParseInterDir" else: """rejoin the path name""" status = newver[0] + newver[1] elif not len(fhtml): status = "ErrHostNoDir" f.close() if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status): logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True)"cp %s %s/" % (, logpath), shell=True) os.unlink( return status """ Check on the last directory to search '2.4.1' in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz", 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression 'd' - database 'curname' - current package name Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style """ def check_new_version(url, curname, d): """possible to have no version in pkg name, such as spectrum-fw""" if not"\d+", curname): return pcurver pn = d.getVar('PN', True) newver_regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True) f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-2-" % pn) status = internal_fetch_wget(url, d, f) fhtml = if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml): newver = parse_dir(curname) if not newver_regex: """this is the default matching pattern, if recipe does not """ """provide a regex expression """ """match "{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz">{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz """ pn1 ="^%s" % prefix, curname).group() s = "[^\"]*%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+[^\"]*" % pn1 searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\".*[>\"]" % s reg = searchstr else: reg = newver_regex valid = 0 count = 0 for line in fhtml.split("\n"): if pn == 'kconfig-frontends': m = re.findall(reg, line) if m: valid = 1 for match in m: (on, ov, oe) = newver ver = (on, match[0], oe) if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True: newver = ver continue count += 1 m =, line) if m: valid = 1 if not newver_regex: ver ="\"")[1].split("/")[-1] if ver == "download": ver ="\"")[1].split("/")[-2] ver = parse_dir(ver) else: """ we cheat a little here, but we assume that the regular expression in the recipe will extract exacly the version """ (on, ov, oe) = newver ver = (on,'pver'), oe) if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True: newver = ver """Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format""" if not valid: status = "ErrParseDir" else: """newver still contains a full package name string""" status = re.sub('_', '.', newver[1]) elif not len(fhtml): status = "ErrHostNoDir" f.close() """if host hasn't directory information, no need to save tmp file""" if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status): logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True)"cp %s %s/" % (, logpath), shell=True) os.unlink( return status """first check whether a uri is provided""" src_uri = d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) if not src_uri: return """initialize log files.""" logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath) logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "checkpkg.csv") """generate package information from .bb file""" pname = d.getVar('PN', True) if pname.find("-native") != -1: if d.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', True): return pnstripped = pname.split("-native") bb.note("Native Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pname.startswith("nativesdk-"): if d.getVar('BBCLASSEXTEND', True): return pnstripped = pname.replace("nativesdk-", "") bb.note("NativeSDK Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pname.find("-cross") != -1: pnstripped = pname.split("-cross") bb.note("cross Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) if pname.find("-initial") != -1: pnstripped = pname.split("-initial") bb.note("initial Split: %s" % pnstripped) localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True)) chk_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True) if not chk_uri: chk_uri = src_uri pdesc = localdata.getVar('DESCRIPTION', True) pgrp = localdata.getVar('SECTION', True) pversion = localdata.getVar('PV', True) plicense = localdata.getVar('LICENSE', True) psection = localdata.getVar('SECTION', True) phome = localdata.getVar('HOMEPAGE', True) prelease = localdata.getVar('PR', True) pdepends = localdata.getVar('DEPENDS', True) pbugtracker = localdata.getVar('BUGTRACKER', True) ppe = localdata.getVar('PE', True) psrcuri = localdata.getVar('SRC_URI', True) maintainer = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_MAINTAINER', True) found = 0 for uri in src_uri.split(): m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)').match(uri) if not m: raise MalformedUrl(uri) elif'type') in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'cvs', 'svn', 'git'): found = 1 pproto ='type') break if not found: pproto = "file" pupver = "N/A" pstatus = "ErrUnknown" (type, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.decodeurl(uri) if type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']: pcurver = d.getVar('PV', True) else: pcurver = d.getVar("SRCREV", True) if type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']: newver = pcurver altpath = path dirver = "-" curname = "-" """ match version number amid the path, such as "5.7" in:${PN}/5.7/${PN}-${PV}.tar.gz N.B. how about sth. like "../5.7/5.8/..."? Not find such example so far :-P """ m ="[^/]*(\d+\.)+\d+([\-_]r\d+)*/", path) if m: altpath = path.split([0] dirver ="/") """use new path and remove param. for wget only param is md5sum""" alturi = bb.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}]) my_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True) if my_uri: newver = d.getVar('PV', True) else: newver = check_new_dir(alturi, dirver, d) altpath = path if not re.match("Err", newver) and dirver != newver: altpath = altpath.replace(dirver, newver, True) # For folder in folder cases - try to enter the folder again and then try parsing """Now try to acquire all remote files in current directory""" if not re.match("Err", newver): curname = altpath.split("/")[-1] """get remote name by skipping pacakge name""" m ="/.*/", altpath) if not m: altpath = "/" else: altpath = chk_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True) if not chk_uri: alturi = bb.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}]) else: alturi = chk_uri newver = check_new_version(alturi, curname, d) while(newver == "ErrHostNoDir"): if alturi == "/download": break else: alturi = "/".join(alturi.split("/")[0:-2]) + "/download" newver = check_new_version(alturi, curname, d) if not re.match("Err", newver): pupver = newver if pupver != pcurver: pstatus = "UPDATE" else: pstatus = "MATCH" if re.match("Err", newver): pstatus = newver + ":" + altpath + ":" + dirver + ":" + curname elif type == 'git': if user: gituser = user + '@' else: gituser = "" if 'protocol' in parm: gitproto = parm['protocol'] else: gitproto = "git" gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s *tag* 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path) gitcmd2 = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s HEAD 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path) tmp = os.popen(gitcmd).read() tmp2 = os.popen(gitcmd2).read() #This is for those repo have tag like: refs/tags/1.2.2 if tmp: tmpline = tmp.split("\n") verflag = 0 for line in tmpline: if len(line)==0: break; puptag = line.split("/")[-1] puptag ="([0-9][\.|_]?)+", puptag) if puptag == None: continue; puptag = puptag = re.sub("_",".",puptag) plocaltag = pversion.split("+")[0] if "git" in plocaltag: plocaltag = plocaltag.split("-")[0] result = bb.utils.vercmp(("0", puptag, ""), ("0", plocaltag, "")) if result > 0: verflag = 1 pstatus = "UPDATE" pupver = puptag elif verflag == 0 : pupver = plocaltag pstatus = "MATCH" #This is for those no tag repo elif tmp2: pupver = tmp2.split("\t")[0] if pupver in pversion: pstatus = "MATCH" else: pstatus = "UPDATE" else: pstatus = "ErrGitAccess" elif type == 'svn': options = [] if user: options.append("--username %s" % user) if pswd: options.append("--password %s" % pswd) svnproto = 'svn' if 'proto' in parm: svnproto = parm['proto'] if 'rev' in parm: pcurver = parm['rev'] svncmd = "svn info %s %s://%s%s/%s/ 2>&1" % (" ".join(options), svnproto, host, path, parm["module"]) print svncmd svninfo = os.popen(svncmd).read() if "Can't connect to host " in svninfo or "Connection timed out" in svninfo: svncmd = "svn info %s %s://%s%s/%s/ 2>&1" % (" ".join(options), "http", host, path, parm["module"]) svninfo = os.popen(svncmd).read() for line in svninfo.split("\n"): if"^Last Changed Rev:", line): pupver = line.split(" ")[-1] if pupver in pversion: pstatus = "MATCH" else: pstatus = "UPDATE" if re.match("Err", pstatus): pstatus = "ErrSvnAccess" elif type == 'cvs': pupver = "HEAD" pstatus = "UPDATE" elif type == 'file': """local file is always up-to-date""" pupver = pcurver pstatus = "MATCH" else: pstatus = "ErrUnsupportedProto" if re.match("Err", pstatus): pstatus += ":%s%s" % (host, path) """Read from manual distro tracking fields as alternative""" pmver = d.getVar("RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION", True) if not pmver: pmver = "N/A" pmstatus = "ErrNoRecipeData" else: if pmver == pcurver: pmstatus = "MATCH" else: pmstatus = "UPDATE" psrcuri = psrcuri.split()[0] pdepends = "".join(pdepends.split("\t")) pdesc = "".join(pdesc.split("\t")) lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % \ (pname,pversion,pupver,plicense,psection, phome,prelease, pdepends,pbugtracker,ppe,pdesc,pstatus,pmver,psrcuri,maintainer)) f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) } addtask checkpkgall after do_checkpkg do_checkpkgall[recrdeptask] = "do_checkpkgall do_checkpkg" do_checkpkgall[nostamp] = "1" do_checkpkgall() { : } addhandler distro_check_eventhandler python distro_check_eventhandler() { if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted": """initialize log files.""" import oe.distro_check as dc result_file = dc.create_log_file(, "distrocheck.csv") return } addtask distro_check do_distro_check[nostamp] = "1" python do_distro_check() { """checks if the package is present in other public Linux distros""" import oe.distro_check as dc import shutil if'native', d) or'cross', d) or'sdk', d) or'crosssdk', d) or'nativesdk',d): return localdata = tmpdir = d.getVar('TMPDIR', True) distro_check_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "distro_check") logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath) result_file = os.path.join(logpath, "distrocheck.csv") datetime = localdata.getVar('DATETIME', True) dc.update_distro_data(distro_check_dir, datetime) # do the comparison result = dc.compare_in_distro_packages_list(distro_check_dir, d) # save the results dc.save_distro_check_result(result, datetime, result_file, d) } addtask distro_checkall after do_distro_check do_distro_checkall[recrdeptask] = "do_distro_checkall do_distro_check" do_distro_checkall[nostamp] = "1" do_distro_checkall() { : } # #Check Missing License Text. #Use this task to generate the missing license text data for pkg-report system, #then we can search those recipes which license text isn't exsit in common-licenses directory # addhandler checklicense_eventhandler python checklicense_eventhandler() { if bb.event.getName(e) == "BuildStarted": """initialize log files.""" import oe.distro_check as dc logfile = dc.create_log_file(, "missinglicense.csv") lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("Package\tLicense\tMissingLicense\n") f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) return } addtask checklicense do_checklicense[nostamp] = "1" python do_checklicense() { import shutil logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True) bb.utils.mkdirhier(logpath) pn = d.getVar('PN', True) logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "missinglicense.csv") generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR', True) license_types = d.getVar('LICENSE', True) for license_type in ((license_types.replace('+', '').replace('|', '&') .replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace(';', '') .replace(',', '').replace(" ", "").split("&"))): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(generic_directory, license_type)): lf = bb.utils.lockfile("%s.lock" % logfile) f = open(logfile, "a") f.write("%s\t%s\t%s\n" % \ (pn,license_types,license_type)) f.close() bb.utils.unlockfile(lf) return } addtask checklicenseall after do_checklicense do_checklicenseall[recrdeptask] = "do_checklicenseall do_checklicense" do_checklicenseall[nostamp] = "1" do_checklicenseall() { : }