<!DOCTYPE appendix PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"

<!-- Dummy chapter -->
<appendix id='ref-variables-glos'>

<title>Reference: Variables Glossary</title>

    This section lists common variables used in Poky and gives an overview
    of their function and contents.

<glossary id='ref-variables-glossary'>

       <link linkend='var-glossary-a'>A</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-b'>B</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-c'>C</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-d'>D</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-e'>E</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-f'>F</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-g'>G</link> -->
       <link linkend='var-glossary-h'>H</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-i'>I</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-j'>J</link> -->
       <link linkend='var-glossary-k'>K</link>
       <link linkend='var-glossary-l'>L</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-m'>M</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-n'>N</link> -->
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-o'>O</link> -->
       <link linkend='var-glossary-p'>P</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-q'>Q</link> -->
       <link linkend='var-glossary-r'>R</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-s'>S</link> 
       <link linkend='var-glossary-t'>T</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-u'>U</link> -->
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-v'>V</link> -->
       <link linkend='var-glossary-w'>W</link> 
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-x'>X</link> -->
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-y'>Y</link> -->
<!--               <link linkend='var-glossary-z'>Z</link>-->

    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-a'><title>A</title>

         <glossentry id='var-AUTHOR'><glossterm>AUTHOR</glossterm>
                <para>E-mail address to contact original author(s) - to
                send patches, forward bugs...</para>

        <glossentry id='var-AUTOREV'><glossterm>AUTOREV</glossterm>
                <para>Use current (newest) source revision - used with
                    <glossterm><link linkend='var-SRCREV'>SRCREV</link></glossterm>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-b'><title>B</title>

        <glossentry id='var-BB_NUMBER_THREADS'><glossterm>BB_NUMBER_THREADS</glossterm>
                <para>The maximum number of tasks BitBake should run in parallel at any one time</para>

        <glossentry id='var-BBFILES'><glossterm>BBFILES</glossterm>
                <para>List of recipes used by BitBake to build software</para>

        <!-- BBPATH is not a usable variable in .bb files and should not be listed here -->

        <glossentry id='var-BBINCLUDELOGS'><glossterm>BBINCLUDELOGS</glossterm>
                <para>Variable which controls how BitBake displays logs on build failure.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-BPN'><glossterm>BPN</glossterm>
                <para>Bare name of package with any suffixes like -cross -native
                removed.  </para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-c'><title>C</title>

        <glossentry id='var-CFLAGS'><glossterm>CFLAGS</glossterm>
                    Flags passed to C compiler for the target system. Evaluates to the same 
                    as <link linkend='var-TARGET_CFLAGS'>TARGET_CFLAGS</link>.

        <glossentry id='var-COMPATIBLE_MACHINE'><glossterm>COMPATIBLE_MACHINE</glossterm>
                <para>A regular expression which evalutates to match the machines the recipe 
                works with. It stops recipes being run on machines they're incompatible with, 
                which is partciuarly useful with kernels. It also helps to increase parsing 
                speed as further parsing of the recipe is skipped as if it found the current
                machine is not compatible.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-CONFIG_SITE'><glossterm>CONFIG_SITE</glossterm>
                    A list of files which contains autoconf test results relevant 
                    to the current build. This variable is used by the autotools utilities 
                    when running configure.


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-d'><title>D</title>

        <glossentry id='var-D'><glossterm>D</glossterm>
                <para>Destination directory</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DEBUG_BUILD'><glossterm>DEBUG_BUILD</glossterm>
                    Build packages with debugging information. This influences the value 
                    <link linkend='var-SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION'>SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION</link> 

        <glossentry id='var-DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION'><glossterm>DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION</glossterm>
                    The options to pass in <link linkend='var-TARGET_CFLAGS'>TARGET_CFLAGS</link>
                    and <link linkend='var-CFLAGS'>CFLAGS</link> when compiling a system for debugging.
                    This defaults to "-O -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g".

        <glossentry id='var-DEFAULT_PREFERENCE'><glossterm>DEFAULT_PREFERENCE</glossterm>
                <para>Priority of recipe</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DEPENDS'><glossterm>DEPENDS</glossterm>
                    A list of build time dependencies for a given recipe. These indicate 
                    recipes that must have staged before this recipe can configure.

        <glossentry id='var-DESCRIPTION'><glossterm>DESCRIPTION</glossterm>
                <para>Package description used by package

        <glossentry id='var-DESTDIR'><glossterm>DESTDIR</glossterm>
                <para>Destination directory</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO'><glossterm>DISTRO</glossterm>
                <para>Short name of distribution</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS'><glossterm>DISTRO_EXTRA_RDEPENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages required by distribution.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS'><glossterm>DISTRO_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages which extend usability of
                    image. Those packages will be automatically
                    installed but can be removed by user.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_FEATURES'><glossterm>DISTRO_FEATURES</glossterm>
                <para>Features of the distribution.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_NAME'><glossterm>DISTRO_NAME</glossterm>
                <para>Long name of distribution</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_PN_ALIAS'><glossterm>DISTRO_PN_ALIAS</glossterm>
                <para>Alias names of the recipe in various Linux distributions.  </para>
                <para>More information in 
                        Configuring the DISTRO_PN_ALIAS variable section

        <glossentry id='var-DISTRO_VERSION'><glossterm>DISTRO_VERSION</glossterm>
                <para>Version of distribution</para>

        <glossentry id='var-DL_DIR'><glossterm>DL_DIR</glossterm>
                <para>Directory where all fetched sources will be stored</para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-e'><title>E</title>

        <glossentry id='var-ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION'><glossterm>ENABLE_BINARY_LOCALE_GENERATION</glossterm>
                <para>Variable which control which locales for glibc are
                to be generated during build (useful if target device
                has 64M RAM or less)</para>

        <glossentry id='var-EXTRA_OECMAKE'><glossterm>EXTRA_OECMAKE</glossterm>
                <para>Additional cmake options</para>

        <glossentry id='var-EXTRA_OECONF'><glossterm>EXTRA_OECONF</glossterm>
                <para>Additional 'configure' script options</para>

        <glossentry id='var-EXTRA_OEMAKE'><glossterm>EXTRA_OEMAKE</glossterm>
                <para>Additional GNU make options</para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-f'><title>F</title>

        <glossentry id='var-FILES'><glossterm>FILES</glossterm>
                <para>list of directories/files which will be placed
                    in packages</para>

        <glossentry id='var-FULL_OPTIMIZATION'><glossterm>FULL_OPTIMIZATION</glossterm>
                    The options to pass in <link linkend='var-TARGET_CFLAGS'>TARGET_CFLAGS</link>
                    and <link linkend='var-CFLAGS'>CFLAGS</link> when compiling an optimised system.
                    This defaults to "-fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -frename-registers -O2".


<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-g'><title>G</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-h'><title>H</title>

        <glossentry id='var-HOMEPAGE'><glossterm>HOMEPAGE</glossterm>
                <para>Website where more info about package can be found</para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-i'><title>I</title>

        <glossentry id='var-IMAGE_FEATURES'><glossterm>IMAGE_FEATURES</glossterm>
                <para><link linkend="ref-features-image">List of
                features</link> present in resulting images</para>

        <glossentry id='var-IMAGE_FSTYPES'><glossterm>IMAGE_FSTYPES</glossterm>
                <para>Formats of rootfs images which we want to have

        <glossentry id='var-IMAGE_INSTALL'><glossterm>IMAGE_INSTALL</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages used to build image</para>

        <glossentry id='var-INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP'><glossterm>INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP</glossterm>
                    This variable causes the build to not strip binaries in
                    resulting packages.

        <glossentry id='var-INHERIT'><glossterm>INHERIT</glossterm>
                    This variable causes the named class to be inherited at 
                    this point during parsing. Its only valid in configuration 

        <glossentry id='var-INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES'><glossterm>INITSCRIPT_PACKAGES</glossterm>
                    Scope: Used in recipes when using update-rc.d.bbclass. Optional, defaults to PN.
                    A list of the packages which contain initscripts. If multiple 
                    packages are specified you need to append the package name 
                    to the other INITSCRIPT_* as an override.

        <glossentry id='var-INITSCRIPT_NAME'><glossterm>INITSCRIPT_NAME</glossterm>
                    Scope: Used in recipes when using update-rc.d.bbclass. Mandatory.
                    The filename of the initscript (as installed to ${etcdir}/init.d).

        <glossentry id='var-INITSCRIPT_PARAMS'><glossterm>INITSCRIPT_PARAMS</glossterm>
                    Scope: Used in recipes when using update-rc.d.bbclass. Mandatory.
                    Specifies the options to pass to update-rc.d. An example is
                     "start 99 5 2 . stop 20 0 1 6 ." which gives the script a 
                    runlevel of 99, starts the script in initlevels 2 and 5 and 
                     stops it in levels 0, 1 and 6. 


<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-j'><title>J</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

   <glossdiv id='var-glossary-k'><title>K</title>

        <glossentry id='var-KERNEL_IMAGETYPE'><glossterm>KERNEL_IMAGETYPE</glossterm>
                <para>The type of kernel to build for a device, usually set by the 
                machine configuration files and defaults to "zImage". This is used 
                when building the kernel and is passed to "make" as the target to 


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-l'><title>L</title>

        <glossentry id='var-LAYERDIR'><glossterm>LAYERDIR</glossterm>
                <para>When used inside a layer.conf gives the path of the
                current layer. This variable requires immediate expansion
                (see the Bitbake manual) as lazy expansion can result in
                the expansion happening in the wrong directory and therefore
                giving the wrong value.</para>
        <glossentry id='var-LICENSE'><glossterm>LICENSE</glossterm>
                <para>List of package source licenses.</para>
        <glossentry id='var-LIC_FILES_CHKSUM'><glossterm>LIC_FILES_CHKSUM</glossterm>
                <para>Checksums of the license text in the recipe source code.
                <para>This variable tracks changes in license text of the source
                code files. If the license text is changed, it will trigger the build
                failure, which gives developer an opportunity to review any 
                license change</para>
                <para> This is an optional variable now, and the plan is to make
                it a required variable in the future </para>
                <para>See "meta/package/zlib/zlib_${PV}.bb" file for an example</para>

                <para>More information in <link
                    Configuring the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM variable section</link></para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-m'><title>M</title>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE'><glossterm>MACHINE</glossterm>
                <para>Target device</para>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_RDEPENDS'><glossterm>MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_RDEPENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages required to boot device</para>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_RRECOMMENDS'><glossterm>MACHINE_ESSENTIAL_RRECOOMENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages required to boot device (usually
                    additional kernel modules)</para>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS'><glossterm>MACHINE_EXTRA_RDEPENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages required to use device</para>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMENDS'><glossterm>MACHINE_EXTRA_RRECOMMNEDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages useful to use device (for example
                    additional kernel modules)</para>

         <glossentry id='var-MACHINE_FEATURES'><glossterm>MACHINE_FEATURES</glossterm>
                <para>List of device features - defined in <link
                    features section</link></para>

        <glossentry id='var-MAINTAINER'><glossterm>MAINTAINER</glossterm>
                <para>E-mail of distribution maintainer</para>

<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-n'><title>N</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-o'><title>O</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-p'><title>P</title>

        <glossentry id='var-PACKAGE_ARCH'><glossterm>PACKAGE_ARCH</glossterm>
                <para>Architecture of resulting package</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PACKAGE_CLASSES'><glossterm>PACKAGE_CLASSES</glossterm>
                <para>List of resulting packages formats</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS'><glossterm>PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS</glossterm>
                <para>List of architectures compatible with device
                    CPU. Usable when build is done for few different
                    devices with misc processors (like XScale and

        <glossentry id='var-PACKAGES'><glossterm>PACKAGES</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages to be created from recipe.
                    The default value is "${PN}-dbg ${PN} ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev"</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PARALLEL_MAKE'><glossterm>PARALLEL_MAKE</glossterm>
                <para>Extra options that are passed to the make command during the 
                    compile tasks. This is usually of the form '-j 4' where the number
                    represents the maximum number of parallel threads make can run.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PN'><glossterm>PN</glossterm>
                <para>Name of package.

        <glossentry id='var-PR'><glossterm>PR</glossterm>
                <para>Revision of package.

        <glossentry id='var-PV'><glossterm>PV</glossterm>
                <para>Version of package.
                    The default value is "1.0"</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PE'><glossterm>PE</glossterm>
                    Epoch of the package. The default value is "0". The field is used 
                    to make upgrades possible when the versioning scheme changes in 
                    some backwards incompatible way.

        <glossentry id='var-PREFERRED_PROVIDER'><glossterm>PREFERRED_PROVIDER</glossterm>
                <para>If multiple recipes provide an item, this variable
                    determines which one should be given preference. It 
                    should be set to the "$PN" of the recipe to be preferred.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-PREFERRED_VERSION'><glossterm>PREFERRED_VERSION</glossterm>
                    If there are multiple versions of recipe available, this
                    variable determines which one should be given preference. It
                    should be set to the "$PV" of the recipe to be preferred.

        <glossentry id='var-POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL'><glossterm>POKY_EXTRA_INSTALL</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages to be added to the image. This should
                only be set in <filename>local.conf</filename>.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-POKYLIBC'><glossterm>POKYLIBC</glossterm>
                <para>Libc implementation selector - glibc, eglibc, or uclibc can be selected.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-POKYMODE'><glossterm>POKYMODE</glossterm>
                <para>Toolchain selector. It can be external toolchain
                built from Poky or few supported combinations of
                upstream GCC or CodeSourcery Labs toolchain.</para>


<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-q'><title>Q</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-r'><title>R</title>

        <glossentry id='var-RCONFLICTS'><glossterm>RCONFLICTS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages which conflict with this
                    one. Package will not be installed if they are not
                    removed first.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-RDEPENDS'><glossterm>RDEPENDS</glossterm>
                    A list of run-time dependencies for a package. These packages 
                    need to be installed alongside the package it applies to so 
                    the package will run correctly, an example is a perl script
                    which would rdepend on perl. Since this variable applies to 
                    output packages there would usually be an override attached 
                    to this variable like RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev. Names in this field 
                    should be as they are in <link linkend='var-PACKAGES'>PACKAGES
                    </link> namespace before any renaming of the output package
                    by classes like debian.bbclass.

        <glossentry id='var-ROOT_FLASH_SIZE'><glossterm>ROOT_FLASH_SIZE</glossterm>
                <para>Size of rootfs in megabytes</para>

        <glossentry id='var-RRECOMMENDS'><glossterm>RRECOMMENDS</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages which extend usability of the
                    package. Those packages will be automatically
                    installed but can be removed by user.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-RREPLACES'><glossterm>RREPLACES</glossterm>
                <para>List of packages which are replaced with this


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-s'><title>S</title>

        <glossentry id='var-S'><glossterm>S</glossterm>
                    Path to unpacked sources (by default:
                    "${<link linkend='var-WORKDIR'>WORKDIR</link>}/${<link linkend='var-PN'>PN</link>}-${<link linkend='var-PV'>PV</link>}")

        <glossentry id='var-SECTION'><glossterm>SECTION</glossterm>
                <para>Section where package should be put - used
                    by package managers</para>

        <glossentry id='var-SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION'><glossterm>SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION</glossterm>
                    The variable takes the value of <link linkend='var-FULL_OPTIMIZATION'>FULL_OPTIMIZATION</link>
                    unless <link linkend='var-DEBUG_BUILD'>DEBUG_BUILD</link> = "1" in which case 
                    <link linkend='var-DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION'>DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION</link> is used.

        <glossentry id='var-SERIAL_CONSOLE'><glossterm>SERIAL_CONSOLE</glossterm>
                <para>Speed and device for serial port used to attach
                    serial console. This is given to kernel as "console"
                    param and after boot getty is started on that port
                    so remote login is possible.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-SHELLCMDS'><glossterm>SHELLCMDS</glossterm>
                    A list of commands to run within the a shell, used by <glossterm><link

        <glossentry id='var-SITEINFO_ENDIANESS'><glossterm>SITEINFO_ENDIANESS</glossterm>
                    Contains "le" for little-endian or "be" for big-endian depending 
                    on the endian byte order of the target system.

        <glossentry id='var-SITEINFO_BITS'><glossterm>SITEINFO_BITS</glossterm>
                    Contains "32" or "64" depending on the number of bits for the 
                    CPU of the target system.

        <glossentry id='var-SRC_URI'><glossterm>SRC_URI</glossterm>
                <para>List of source files (local or remote ones)</para>

        <glossentry id='var-SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH'><glossterm>SRC_URI_OVERRIDES_PACKAGE_ARCH</glossterm>
                    By default there is code which automatically detects whether 
                    <glossterm><link linkend='var-SRC_URI'>SRC_URI</link></glossterm>  
                    contains files which are machine specific and if this is the case it
                    automatically changes 
                    <glossterm><link linkend='var-PACKAGE_ARCH'>PACKAGE_ARCH</link></glossterm>. 
                    Setting this variable to "0" disables that behaviour.

        <glossentry id='var-SRCDATE'><glossterm>SRCDATE</glossterm>
                    Date of source code used to build package (if it was fetched
                    from SCM).

        <glossentry id='var-SRCREV'><glossterm>SRCREV</glossterm>
                    Revision of source code used to build package (Subversion,
                    GIT, Bazaar only).

        <glossentry id='var-STAGING_KERNEL_DIR'><glossterm>STAGING_KERNEL_DIR</glossterm>
                    Directory with kernel headers required to build out-of-tree

        <glossentry id='var-STAMPS'><glossterm>STAMPS</glossterm>
                    Directory (usually TMPDIR/stamps) with timestamps of
                    executed tasks.

        <glossentry id='var-SUMMARY'><glossterm>SUMMARY</glossterm>
                <para>Short (72 char suggested) Summary of binary package for packaging sytems such as ipkg, rpm or debian, inherits DESCRIPTION by default</para>


    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-t'><title>T</title>

        <glossentry id='var-TARGET_ARCH'><glossterm>TARGET_ARCH</glossterm>
                <para>The architecture of the device we're building for. 
                A number of values are possible but Poky primarily supports
                "arm" and "i586".</para>

        <glossentry id='var-TARGET_CFLAGS'><glossterm>TARGET_CFLAGS</glossterm>
                    Flags passed to C compiler for the target system. Evaluates to the same 
                    as <link linkend='var-CFLAGS'>CFLAGS</link>.

        <glossentry id='var-TARGET_FPU'><glossterm>TARGET_FPU</glossterm>
                <para>Method of handling FPU code. For FPU-less targets
                (most of ARM cpus) it has to be set to "soft" otherwise
                kernel emulation will get used which will result in
                performance penalty.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-TARGET_OS'><glossterm>TARGET_OS</glossterm>
                <para>Type of target operating system. Can be "linux"
                for glibc based system, "linux-uclibc" for uClibc. For
                ARM/EABI targets there are also "linux-gnueabi" and
                "linux-uclibc-gnueabi" values possible.</para>

        <glossentry id='var-TERMCMD'><glossterm>TERMCMD</glossterm>
                    This command is used by bitbake to lauch a terminal window with a 
                    shell. The shell is unspecified so the user's default shell is used. 
                    By default it is set to <command>gnome-terminal</command> but it can 
                    be any X11 terminal application or terminal multiplexers like screen.

        <glossentry id='var-TERMCMDRUN'><glossterm>TERMCMDRUN</glossterm>
                    This command is similar to <glossterm><link
                linkend='var-TERMCMD'>TERMCMD</link></glossterm> however instead of the users shell it runs the command specified by the <glossterm><link
                linkend='var-SHELLCMDS'>SHELLCMDS</link></glossterm> variable.


<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-u'><title>U</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-v'><title>V</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

    <glossdiv id='var-glossary-w'><title>W</title>

        <glossentry id='var-WORKDIR'><glossterm>WORKDIR</glossterm>
                <para>Path to directory in tmp/work/ where package
                    will be built.</para>


<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-x'><title>X</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-y'><title>Y</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

<!--            <glossdiv id='var-glossary-z'><title>Z</title>-->
<!--            </glossdiv>-->

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