# Where to cache the files Poky downloads
DL_DIR ?= "${OEROOT}/sources"
BBFILES = "${OEROOT}/meta/packages/*/*.bb"

# To enable extra packages, uncomment the following lines:
# BBFILES := "${OEROOT}/meta/packages/*/*.bb ${OEROOT}/meta-extras/packages/*/*.bb"
# BBFILE_COLLECTIONS = "normal extras"
# BBFILE_PATTERN_normal = "^${OEROOT}/meta/"
# BBFILE_PATTERN_extras = "^${OEROOT}/meta/"
# BBFILE_PRIORITY_normal = "5"
# BBFILE_PRIORITY_extras = "5"


# The machine to target
MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"

# Other supported machines
#MACHINE ?= "cmx270"
#MACHINE ?= "qemux86"
#MACHINE ?= "c7x0"
#MACHINE ?= "akita"
#MACHINE ?= "spitz"
#MACHINE ?= "nokia770"

DISTRO = "poky"
# For bleeding edge / experimental / unstable package versions
# DISTRO = "poky-bleeding"

# IMAGE_FEATURES configuration of the generated images 
# (Some of these are automatically added to certain image types)
# "dev-pkgs"   - add -dev packages for all installed packages
#                (useful if you want to develop against libs in the image)
# "dbg-pkgs"   - add -dbg packages for all installed packages
#                (adds symbol information for debugging/profiling)
# "apps-core"  - core applications
# "apps-pda"   - add PDA application suite (contacts, dates, etc.)
# "dev-tools"  - add development tools (gcc, make, pkgconfig etc.)
# "dbg-tools"  - add debugging tools (gdb, strace, oprofile, etc.)
# "test-tools" - add useful testing tools (ts_print, aplay, arecord etc.)
# "debug-tweaks" - make an image for suitable of development
#                  e.g. ssh root access has a blank password

IMAGE_FEATURES = "dbg-tools test-tools debug-tweaks"

# A list of packaging systems used in generated images
# The first package type listed will be used for rootfs generation
# include 'package_deb' for debs
# include 'package_ipk' for ipks
#PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_deb package_ipk"
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_ipk"

# POKYMODE controls the characteristics of the generated packages/images.
# Options include several different EABI combinations and a
# compatibility mode for the OABI mode poky use to use. Use "oabi" for machines 
# with kernels < 2.6.18 for example. The default is "eabi". These changes only 
# really apply for ARM machines.
# POKYMODE = "oabi"

# Uncomment this to specify where BitBake should create its temporary files.
# Note that a full build of everything in OpenEmbedded will take GigaBytes of hard
# disk space, so make sure to free enough space. The default TMPDIR is
# <build directory>/tmp
TMPDIR = "${OEROOT}/build/tmp"

# Uncomment and set to allow bitbake to execute multiple tasks at once.
# Note, This option is currently experimental - YMMV.
# 'quilt' is also required on the host system 

# Comment this out if you are *not* using provided qemu deb - see README
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "qemu-native"

# Uncomment these two if you want BitBake to build images useful for debugging.

# Uncomment these to build a package such that you can use gprof to profile it.
# NOTE: This will only work with 'linux' targets, not
# 'linux-uclibc', as uClibc doesn't provide the necessary
# object files.  Also, don't build glibc itself with these
# flags, or it'll fail to build.
# LDFLAGS =+ "-pg"

# Uncomment this if you want BitBake to emit debugging output
# BBDEBUG = "yes"
# Uncomment this if you want BitBake to emit the log if a build fails.

# Specifies a location to search for pre-generated tarballs when fetching
# a cvs:// URI.  Uncomment this, if you not want to pull directly from CVS.
CVS_TARBALL_STASH = "http://folks.o-hand.com/~richard/poky/sources/"