path: root/scripts/lib
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFiles
2019-05-17wic/bootimg-efi: replace hardcoded volume name with labelChee Yang Lee1
volume name should refer to --label in .wks. Replace the hardcoded volume name with label. set "ESP" as default name when no lable specified. Signed-off-by: Chee Yang Lee <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool: Add option to dump all ptest logsJoshua Watt2
Adds an option to dump all the ptest logs to individual files in a specified directory. If multiple test runs are present, the '--prepend-run' argument will create separate directories for each test run under the target directory and put the logs there to prevent each test run from clobbering the others. [YOCTO #13331] Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17recipetool: fix unbound variable when fixed SRCREV can't be foundAlex Kiernan1
If attempting to find a fixed SRCREV fails because the directory doesn't exit, avoid failing with: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/recipetool", line 121, in <module> ret = main() File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/recipetool", line 110, in main ret = args.func(args) File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/lib/recipetool/", line 707, in create_recipe srcrev = stdout.rstrip() UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stdout' referenced before assignment Fixes: 000480c42797 ("recipetool / devtool: set a fixed SRCREV by default when fetching from git") Signed-off-by: Alex Kiernan <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool/manualexecution: Enable test case configuration optionsangeeta jain1
Current manualexecution required user to exceute all test cases defined inside a "modulename.json" file in oeqa/manual There are cases when all test cases all not required to run for a module on specific DUT. Enable manualexecution to have the optional feature where it will use pre-defined json format test case configuration file where user will be able to select test cases from the "modulename.json" instead of running all of them. This will help in reducing testing time and reporting unneccesary skip or failures. Example pre-defined json format test case configuration file (for build-applince): { "testcases" : [ "", "" ] } Signed-off-by: sangeeta jain <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resultool/resultutils: Fix module import errorRichard Purdie1
Fix AttributeError: module 'urllib' has no attribute 'request' when using remote http urls. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool: Add log subcommandJoshua Watt2
Adds a subcommand for dumping various logs from test results Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool: Load results from URLJoshua Watt5
Adds support for resulttool to load JSON files directly from a http:// or https:// URL Signed-off-by: Joshua Watt <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool/manualexecution: Refactor and remove duplicate codeYeoh Ee Peng1
Remove duplicate codes. Replace unnecessary class variables with local variables. Rename variables and arguments with simple and standard name. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-05-17resulttool/manualexecution: Enable creation of configuration option fileYeoh Ee Peng1
Allow the creation of configuration option file based on user inputs. Where this configuration option file will be used by the the manual execution to display options for configuration rather than user need to inputs configuration manually. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-14recipetool: add missed moduleLei Yang1
When I use recipetool to add a new recipe, it says: [snip] sys.exit(14) NameError: name 'sys' is not defined [snip] Signed-off-by: Lei Yang <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-13resulttool/manualexecution: Enable configuration options selectionYeoh Ee Peng1
Current manualexecution required user to input configuration manually where there were inconsistent inputs and human typo issues. Enable manualexecution to have the optional feature where it will use pre-compiled configuration options file where user will be able to select configuration from the pre-compiled list instead of manual key-in the configuration. This will eliminate human error. Expect the pre-compiled configuration options file in json format below { "bsps-hw": { "IMAGE_BASENAME": { "1": "core-image-sato-sdk" }, "MACHINE": { "1": "beaglebone-yocto", "2": "edgerouter", "3": "mpc8315e-rdb", "4": "genericx86", "5": "genericx86-64" } }, "bsps-qemu": { "IMAGE_BASENAME": { "1": "core-image-sato-sdk" }, "MACHINE": { "1": "qemuarm", "2": "qemuarm64", "3": "qemumips", "4": "qemumips64", "5": "qemuppc", "6": "qemux86", "7": "qemux86-64" } } } Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-13devtool: prevent starting git gc in backgroundTaras Kondratiuk1
Devtool creates a git repository for extracted sources in a temporary directory and then moves it to a final destination after patching is done. Unfortunately devtool is not aware that some of its git operations may have caused git garbage collector to start in background. If timing is just right a repository move fails because GC is removing git objects while they are being moved. The issue was hit on Krogoth release, but the code that moves created git repository is still the same. Disable gc.autodetach to make GC run synchronously and block git until it is done. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<snip>/openembedded-core/scripts/devtool", line 342, in <module> ret = main() File "<snip>/openembedded-core/scripts/devtool", line 329, in main ret = args.func(args, config, basepath, workspace) File "<snip>/openembedded-core/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 352, in extract initial_rev = _extract_source(srctree, args.keep_temp, args.branch, False, rd) File "<snip>/openembedded-core/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 644, in _extract_source shutil.move(srcsubdir, srctree) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 299, in move copytree(src, real_dst, symlinks=True) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 208, in copytree raise Error, errors Error: [('/tmp/devtool5RXkuX/workdir/grpc-1.2.5/.git/objects/5e', '<snip>/build/grpc/grpc_src/.git/objects/5e', "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/devtool5RXkuX/workdir/grpc-1.2.5/.git/objects/5e'"), ('/tmp/devtool5RXkuX/workdir/grpc-1.2.5/.git/objects/57', '<snip>/build/grpc/grpc_src/.git/objects/57', "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/devtool5RXkuX/workdir/grpc-1.2.5/.git/objects/57'"), many git objects ... ] Signed-off-by: Taras Kondratiuk <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-13correct do_patch for kernel bbappend in sdkYann CARDAILLAC1
do_patch rule of SDK's workspace/appends/linux-*.bbhappend may fail if script are not written in Python that was the case with Phytec's BSP, the fix was to replace the do_patch rule with : do_patch[noexec]="1" when the file was generated in scripts/lib/devtool/ Signed-off-by: Yann CARDAILLAC <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool/manualexecution: Refactor and simplify codebaseYeoh Ee Peng1
Simplify and removed unnecessary codes. Refactor to allow pythonic loop. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool/manualexecution: Fixed step sorted by integerYeoh Ee Peng1
Currently the manual execution display step by sorting the step as string, where steps were not being sorted correctly when there are more than 9 steps. Fixed the step sorting by sorting step as integer. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool/manualexecution: Enable display full steps without press enterYeoh Ee Peng1
Current manualexecution required pressing enter button to show each step information, where this was wasting execution time. Enable display full steps without needing to any press enter button. Signed-off-by: Mazliana <> Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool/manualexecution: Standardize input checkYeoh Ee Peng1
Current input checking does not match the standard input practiced by QA team. Change the input checking to match the standard input practiced by the QA team. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool: Allow extraction of ptest dataRichard Purdie2
Rather than simply discarding the ptest data, change the code to discard it when writing out the new testresult files, or optionally either preserve it, or write it as seperate discrete logs. This means the autobuilder should start writing out individual ptest log files as well as allowing ueers to extract these manually. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-04-06resulttool: Allow store to work on single filesRichard Purdie1
Store operations using a single file as a source weren't working as the os.walk command didn't like being given a single file. Fix the store operation to work for single files. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-03-24resulttool/manualexecution: To output right test case idMazliana1
We found that manualexecution does not capture test suite values correctly if there are more than one test suite in test cases. After verification has made we found out we should retrieved full test cases value <test_module.test_suite.test_case> from oeqa/manual/ json file rather than split it them into new variables test_suite and test_cases. Signed-off-by: Mazliana <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/report: Enable roll-up report for a commitYeoh Ee Peng1
Enable roll-up all test results belong to a commit and to provide a roll-up report. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24scripts/resulttool: Enable manual result store and regressionYeoh Ee Peng2
To enable store for testresults.json file from manualexecution, add layers metadata to configuration and add "manual" map to resultutils.store_map. To enable regression for manual, add "manual" map to resultutils.regression_map. Also added compulsory configurations ('MACHINE', 'IMAGE_BASENAME') to manualexecution. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/regression: Ensure regressoin results are sortedYeoh Ee Peng1
Sorted regression results to provide friendly viewing of report. Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/store: Fix missing variable causing testresult corruptionRichard Purdie1
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24 resulttool/report: Ensure ptest results are sortedRichard Purdie1
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/report: Ensure test suites with no results show up on the reportRichard Purdie1
ptest suites with no results don't show up on the reports even though we have a duration for them. Fix this so the fact they report no tests is visible. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/report: Handle missing metadata sections more cleanlyRichard Purdie1
Currently some older results files cause the code to give tracebacks. Handle these missing sections more cleanly. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/store: Handle results files for multiple revisionsRichard Purdie1
Currently we cant store results if the results files span multiple different build revisons. Remove this limitation by iterating. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool/resultutils: Avoids tracebacks for missing logsRichard Purdie1
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool: Improvements to allow integration to the autobuilderRichard Purdie8
This is a combined patch of the various tweaks and improvements I made to resulttool: * Avoid as its a python 3.6 feature and we have autobuilder workers with 3.5. * Avoid python keywords as variable names * Simplify dict accesses using .get() * Rename resultsutils -> resultutils to match the resultstool -> resulttool rename * Formalised the handling of "file_name" to "TESTSERIES" which the code will now add into the json configuration data if its not present, based on the directory name. * When we don't have failed test cases, print something saying so instead of an empty table * Tweak the table headers in the report to be more readable (reference "Test Series" instead if file_id and ID instead of results_id) * Improve/simplify the max string length handling * Merge the counts and percentage data into one table in the report since printing two reports of the same data confuses the user * Removed the confusing header in the regression report * Show matches, then regressions, then unmatched runs in the regression report, also remove chatting unneeded output * Try harder to "pair" up matching configurations to reduce noise in the regressions report * Abstracted the "mapping" table concept used to pairing in the regression code to general code in resultutils * Created multiple mappings for results analysis, results storage and 'flattening' results data in a merge * Simplify the merge command to take a source and a destination, letting the destination be a directory or a file, removing the need for an output directory parameter * Add the 'IMAGE_PKGTYPE' and 'DISTRO' config options to the regression mappings * Have the store command place the testresults files in a layout from the mapping, making commits into the git repo for results storage more useful for simple comparison purposes * Set the oe-git-archive tag format appropriately for oeqa results storage (and simplify the commit messages closer to their defaults) * Fix oe-git-archive to use the commit/branch data from the results file * Cleaned up the command option help to match other changes * Follow the model of git branch/tag processing used by oe-build-perf-report and use that to read the data using git show to avoid branch change * Add ptest summary to the report command * Update the tests to match the above changes Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24scripts/resulttool: enable manual execution and result creationMazliana1
Integrated “manualexecution” operation to resulttool scripts. Manual execution script is a helper script to execute all manual test cases in baseline command, which consists of user guideline steps and the expected results. The last step will ask user to provide their input to execute result. The input options are passed/failed/blocked/skipped status. The result given will be written in testresults.json including log error from the user input and configuration if there is any.The output test result for json file is created by using OEQA library. The configuration part is manually key-in by the user. The system allow user to specify how many configuration they want to add and they need to define the required configuration name and value pair. In QA perspective, "configuration" means the test environments and parameters used during QA setup before testing can be carry out. Example of configurations: image used for boot up, host machine distro used, poky configurations, etc. The purpose of adding the configuration is to standardize the output test result format between automation and manual execution. To use these scripts, first source oe environment, then run the entry point script to look for help. $ resulttool To execute manual test cases, execute the below $ resulttool manualexecution <manualjsonfile> By default testresults.json store in <build_dir>/tmp/log/manual/ [YOCTO #12651] Signed-off-by: Mazliana <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool: enable merge, store, report and regression analysisYeoh Ee Peng7
OEQA outputs test results into json files and these files were archived by Autobuilder during QA releases. Example: each oe-selftest run by Autobuilder for different host distro generate a testresults.json file. These scripts were developed as a test result tools to manage these testresults.json file. Using the "store" operation, user can store multiple testresults.json files as well as the pre-configured directories used to hold those files. Using the "merge" operation, user can merge multiple testresults.json files to a target file. Using the "report" operation, user can view the test result summary for all available testresults.json files inside a ordinary directory or a git repository. Using the "regression-file" operation, user can perform regression analysis on testresults.json files specified. Using the "regression-dir" and "regression-git" operations, user can perform regression analysis on directory and git accordingly. These resulttool operations expect the testresults.json file to use the json format below. { "<testresult_1>": { "configuration": { "<config_name_1>": "<config_value_1>", "<config_name_2>": "<config_value_2>", ... "<config_name_n>": "<config_value_n>", }, "result": { "<testcase_namespace_1>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, "<testcase_namespace_2>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, ... "<testcase_namespace_n>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, } }, ... "<testresult_n>": { "configuration": { "<config_name_1>": "<config_value_1>", "<config_name_2>": "<config_value_2>", ... "<config_name_n>": "<config_value_n>", }, "result": { "<testcase_namespace_1>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, "<testcase_namespace_2>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, ... "<testcase_namespace_n>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, } }, } To use these scripts, first source oe environment, then run the entry point script to look for help. $ resulttool To store test result from oeqa automated tests, execute the below $ resulttool store <source_dir> <git_branch> To merge multiple testresults.json files, execute the below $ resulttool merge <base_result_file> <target_result_file> To report test report, execute the below $ resulttool report <source_dir> To perform regression file analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-file <base_result_file> <target_result_file> To perform regression dir analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-dir <base_result_dir> <target_result_dir> To perform regression git analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-git <source_dir> <base_branch> <target_branch> [YOCTO# 13012] [YOCTO# 12654] Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-02-25lib/buildstats: Improve error messageRichard Purdie1
Just stating the recipe counts are different isn't helpful, showing the differences makes it much easier to understand what changed. (From OE-Core rev: 1d84b782e3af6f0e6922d72895c905877cc33739) Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25wic/engine: Fix missing parted autobuilder failuresRichard Purdie1
OE-Core rev: a88bcbae850a2e6d182291d3f8e167aabdbe4842 broke the ability to find parted as it may be in sbin which is not in PATH for some users on some distros. Iterate on the original patch to fix this and also fix the original problem. (From OE-Core rev: af3803e5189d7814f9dbd238fb6dab200f351e1a) Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25wic/ Load paths from PATH environment variableWilliam Bourque1
Load self.paths from environment variable and if it fails, fall back to hardcoded list. This is required for users that would need to load different e2fsprogs binaries if their system's ones are not recent enought (From OE-Core rev: a88bcbae850a2e6d182291d3f8e167aabdbe4842) Signed-off-by: William Bourque <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25scripts/lib/wic/engine: Fix cp's target path for ext* filesystemsLeonardo Augusto1
Python subprocess' shell=True defaults to /bin/sh[1][2], which often refers to a POSIX-compliant shell. As the -e flag is not defined in the POSIX standard[3], some shells may interpret "-e" as the first argument to the echo command, causing the rest of the command line to fail. In this particular case, "echo -e 'cd {}'" is interpreted as "-e cd {}", which causes the first line of the command to fail, and causing cp to always place the source file in the filesystem's root. Replacing "echo -e" for a printf command makes this more portable. This issue only affects "wic cp" for ext* filesystems. [1] [2] [3] (From OE-Core rev: 9a5b703d4e60c3ccdf80b5289b8e6fc91133fcde) Signed-off-by: Leonardo Augusto <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25checklayer: Avoid adding the layer if it is already presentRobert Yang1
* Rename add_layer() to add_layers() so that add_layer_dependencies() can re-use it. * Avoid adding the layer if it is already present [YOCTO #13148] (From OE-Core rev: b9cc18d83f55ff48c3d6e60c56359f6736d5a06a) Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25checklayer: generate under builddirChangqing Li1
yocto-check-layer will find under builddir, but is generated under current bitbake working dir. if run yocto-check-layer outside builddir, we will met error like "No such file or directory: *". change to run bitbake -S under builddir to fix this problem. [YOCTO #12973] (From OE-Core rev: 2ec0bc0b038bc6413978c8f34ef5c0d22b4bc3e7) Signed-off-by: Changqing Li <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25devtool: improve git repo checks before check_commits logicDan Dedrick1
The check_commits logic assumes that both devtool-base and args.branch exist in the git repo that it is operating on. In order to prevent errors at that point it's best to first ensure that both of these refs actually exist. If they don't both exist then the check_commits logic should just be skipped, as it would be if the repo wasn't originally checked out by devtool. Previously if a user removed the args.branch branch from their devtool cloned repo this code would crash on adding the repo with -n. The crash would look like this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ddedrick/src/poky/scripts/devtool", line 344, in <module> ret = main() File "/home/ddedrick/src/poky/scripts/devtool", line 331, in main ret = args.func(args, config, basepath, workspace) File "/home/ddedrick/src/poky/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 812, in modify (stdout, _) ='git log devtool-base..%s' % branch, cwd=srctree) File "/home/ddedrick/src/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/", line 178, in run raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr) bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of 'git log devtool-base..devtool' failed with exit code 128: fatal: ambiguous argument 'devtool-base..devtool': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this: 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]' (From OE-Core rev: f13a3490fdb404bbd4c77e45b83540d6deec1358) Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-02-25devtool: remove duplicate overridesDan Dedrick1
DEVTOOL_EXTRA_OVERRIDES only needs one entry for each instance of overrides. Previous to these changes it would find every override to SRC_URI and add it to the list. This would duplicate instances where SRC_URI is modified multiple times with the same override like: SRC_URI_append_foo += "file://0001-foo.patch" SRC_URI_append_foo += "file://0002-bar.patch" A bbappend might also overwrite a SRC_URI override, which would also cause multiple instances to occur. When there are multiple instances of the same override in DEVTOOL_EXTRA_OVERRIDES it causes devtool modify to fail when creating override branches. The failure occurs when attempting to create the same override branch a second time and looks like this: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was: File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module> 0001: *** 0002:devtool_post_patch(d) 0003: File: '/build/poky/meta/classes/devtool-source.bbclass', lineno: 202, function: devtool_post_patch 0198: 0199: for override in extra_override_list: 0200: localdata = 0201: if override in default_overrides: *** 0202:'git branch devtool-override-%s %s' % (override, devbranch), cwd=srcsubdir) 0203: else: 0204: # Reset back to the initial commit on a new branch 0205:'git checkout %s -b devtool-override-%s' % (initial_rev, override), cwd=srcsubdir) 0206: # Run do_patch function with the override applied File: '/build/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/', lineno: 178, function: run 0174: if not stderr is None: 0175: stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8") 0176: 0177: if pipe.returncode != 0: *** 0178: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr) 0179: return stdout, stderr Exception: bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of 'git branch devtool-override-foo devtool' failed with exit code 128: fatal: A branch named 'devtool-override-foo' already exists. (From OE-Core rev: 90f667db2219f04e6d61588cd61056d3d8da6d7d) Signed-off-by: Dan Dedrick <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-01-28wic: sdimage-bootpart: Use mmcblk0 drive instead of bogus mmcblkAlexey Brodkin1
Apparently either nobody ever used sdimage-bootpart.wks or fstab was kept untouched due to "--no-fstab-update" usage as some boards like IMX may have, see [1]. Otherwise addition of the following line to the target's fstab: ---------------------->8----------------- /dev/mmcblkp1 /boot vfat defaults 0 0 ---------------------->8----------------- gets us unusable target: ---------------------->8----------------- [* ] A start job is running for dev-mmcblkp1.device (23s / 1min 30s) [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device dev-mmcblkp1.device. [DEPEND] Dependency failed for /boot. [DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File Systems. You are in emergency mode. After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit" to boot into default mode. Press Enter for maintenance ---------------------->8----------------- Fix it with use of "mmcblk0" device name. [1] (From OE-Core rev: 57a925dbd949e488980b02896106efd82bf47ed2) Signed-off-by: Alexey Brodkin <> Cc: Maciej Borzecki <> Cc: Maciek Borzecki <> Cc: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Alexey Brodkin <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2019-01-08devtool: fix target-deploy --stripAdrian Freihofer1
This is a fixup for: e1ba46109ea4be3d3b310abaf7f2da3c84a83930 devtool deploy-target --strip foo root@ ended up with: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/user/bar_sdk/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/ devtool", line 344, in <module> ret = main() File "/home/user/bar_sdk/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/ devtool", line 331, in main ret = args.func(args, config, basepath, workspace) File "/home/user/bar_sdk/layers/poky/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 187, in deploy rd.getVar('base_libdir')) TypeError: strip_exbar() missing 1 required positional argument: 'd' (From OE-Core rev: bc349b2d99d74f6d7fb590fd97750e5ff8d6e6c4) Signed-off-by: Adrian Freihofer <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2018-11-06wic: use explicit errno importRoss Burton1
os.errno doesn't work in Python 3.7 and shouldn't have ever worked, so use import errno explicitly. Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-10-16wic: search nonarch STAGING_DATADIR for multilibKai Kang1
It fails to build multilib image such as lib32-core-image-minimal with wic by set 'IMAGE_FSTYPES = "wic"': | ERROR: Couldn't find correct bootimg_dir, exiting When multilib is enabled, STAGING_DATADIR is expanded with MLPREFIX. But dependencies of images such as syslinux is still populated to nonarch STAGING_DATADIR. Search nonarch STAGING_DATADIR to fix the error. Signed-off-by: Kai Kang <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-10-12wic: make resilient to parted/dmidecode stderr outputGeoff Parker1
Running wic commands on Debian 10 systems fail in scripts/lib/wic/ due to new stderr output captured when trying to parse the output from /sbin/parted as a non-root user. The parted command calls the dmidecode utility, which produces this error as a non-root user: /sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point: Permission denied /dev/mem: Permission denied scripts/lib/wic/ calls, a subprocess wrapper which returns a combined stderr and sdtdout. These messages to stderr confuse the partition table parser in get_partitions(). This patch has the partition table parser ignore lines before the expected "BYT;" header string. Running wic in Debian 9 does not have this issue. Signed-off-by: Geoff Parker <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-10-10wic: Support for changing the imager.Davis, Michael1
Signed-off-by: Michael Davis <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-10-04qemux86-directdisk: remove mem= parameterAnuj Mittal1
Remove usage of a specific amount of memory and let it be controlled by users. This was the default behaviour before it was changed by commit 3b79d9a78 that switched the wks file to be used for qemux86. Also fixes the bitbake parsing issues seen because of memory starvation using build appliance images. Fixes [YOCTO #12894] Signed-off-by: Anuj Mittal <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2018-09-25checklayer: avoid recursive loop in add_layer_dependenciesNicolas Dechesne1
When Layer A and Layer B depend on each other, then we will end up in a recursive loop in function recurse_dependencies(). To avoid such situation before making the recursive function call we check whether or not we have already processed this layer. e.g. without this patch, running this script on layers with dependency loops, we are seeing: $ yocto-check-layer -d /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/ INFO: Detected layers: INFO: meta-python: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-python INFO: meta-filesystems: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems INFO: meta-gnome: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-gnome INFO: meta-xfce: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-xfce INFO: meta-networking: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-networking INFO: meta-initramfs: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-initramfs INFO: meta-oe: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-oe INFO: meta-multimedia: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia INFO: meta-perl: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-perl INFO: meta-webserver: LayerType.SOFTWARE, /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-webserver INFO: INFO: Setting up for meta-python(LayerType.SOFTWARE), /srv/work/oe/meta-openembedded/meta-python DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer for layer meta-python. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core networking-layer for layer meta-oe. DEBUG: Processing dependencies core openembedded-layer meta-python for layer meta-networking. ... ... ... [keep repeating] This patch fixes this situation. Signed-off-by: Nicolas Dechesne <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-09-19isoimage-isohybrid: don't include cpio in cpio imageIoan-Adrian Ratiu1
Because the find | cpio processes execute in parallel connected via the pipe, and the cpio outputs in the same dir find searches for source files, the cpio will be included in itself partially, depending on how fast the build machine creates the cpio file before cpio gobbles it up. This bloats the ISO image, though compression reduces the .iso file size, once the kernel decompresses the cpio image and boots it live, it uses up to double the RAM memory. Fix this by creating the initrd.cpio file directly inside cr_workdir. Signed-off-by: Ioan-Adrian Ratiu <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2018-09-12wic: Introduce the --use-label partition parameterKevin Hao4
We can use this parameter to make the wic use the label to name a partition in /etc/fstab. Signed-off-by: Kevin Hao <> Reviewed-by: Tom Rini <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>