path: root/scripts/lib/resulttool/template
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFiles
2019-03-24 resulttool/report: Ensure ptest results are sortedRichard Purdie1
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool: Improvements to allow integration to the autobuilderRichard Purdie1
This is a combined patch of the various tweaks and improvements I made to resulttool: * Avoid as its a python 3.6 feature and we have autobuilder workers with 3.5. * Avoid python keywords as variable names * Simplify dict accesses using .get() * Rename resultsutils -> resultutils to match the resultstool -> resulttool rename * Formalised the handling of "file_name" to "TESTSERIES" which the code will now add into the json configuration data if its not present, based on the directory name. * When we don't have failed test cases, print something saying so instead of an empty table * Tweak the table headers in the report to be more readable (reference "Test Series" instead if file_id and ID instead of results_id) * Improve/simplify the max string length handling * Merge the counts and percentage data into one table in the report since printing two reports of the same data confuses the user * Removed the confusing header in the regression report * Show matches, then regressions, then unmatched runs in the regression report, also remove chatting unneeded output * Try harder to "pair" up matching configurations to reduce noise in the regressions report * Abstracted the "mapping" table concept used to pairing in the regression code to general code in resultutils * Created multiple mappings for results analysis, results storage and 'flattening' results data in a merge * Simplify the merge command to take a source and a destination, letting the destination be a directory or a file, removing the need for an output directory parameter * Add the 'IMAGE_PKGTYPE' and 'DISTRO' config options to the regression mappings * Have the store command place the testresults files in a layout from the mapping, making commits into the git repo for results storage more useful for simple comparison purposes * Set the oe-git-archive tag format appropriately for oeqa results storage (and simplify the commit messages closer to their defaults) * Fix oe-git-archive to use the commit/branch data from the results file * Cleaned up the command option help to match other changes * Follow the model of git branch/tag processing used by oe-build-perf-report and use that to read the data using git show to avoid branch change * Add ptest summary to the report command * Update the tests to match the above changes Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2019-03-24resulttool: enable merge, store, report and regression analysisYeoh Ee Peng1
OEQA outputs test results into json files and these files were archived by Autobuilder during QA releases. Example: each oe-selftest run by Autobuilder for different host distro generate a testresults.json file. These scripts were developed as a test result tools to manage these testresults.json file. Using the "store" operation, user can store multiple testresults.json files as well as the pre-configured directories used to hold those files. Using the "merge" operation, user can merge multiple testresults.json files to a target file. Using the "report" operation, user can view the test result summary for all available testresults.json files inside a ordinary directory or a git repository. Using the "regression-file" operation, user can perform regression analysis on testresults.json files specified. Using the "regression-dir" and "regression-git" operations, user can perform regression analysis on directory and git accordingly. These resulttool operations expect the testresults.json file to use the json format below. { "<testresult_1>": { "configuration": { "<config_name_1>": "<config_value_1>", "<config_name_2>": "<config_value_2>", ... "<config_name_n>": "<config_value_n>", }, "result": { "<testcase_namespace_1>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, "<testcase_namespace_2>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, ... "<testcase_namespace_n>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, } }, ... "<testresult_n>": { "configuration": { "<config_name_1>": "<config_value_1>", "<config_name_2>": "<config_value_2>", ... "<config_name_n>": "<config_value_n>", }, "result": { "<testcase_namespace_1>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, "<testcase_namespace_2>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, ... "<testcase_namespace_n>": { "status": "<PASSED or FAILED or ERROR or SKIPPED>", "log": "<failure or error logging>" }, } }, } To use these scripts, first source oe environment, then run the entry point script to look for help. $ resulttool To store test result from oeqa automated tests, execute the below $ resulttool store <source_dir> <git_branch> To merge multiple testresults.json files, execute the below $ resulttool merge <base_result_file> <target_result_file> To report test report, execute the below $ resulttool report <source_dir> To perform regression file analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-file <base_result_file> <target_result_file> To perform regression dir analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-dir <base_result_dir> <target_result_dir> To perform regression git analysis, execute the below $ resulttool regression-git <source_dir> <base_branch> <target_branch> [YOCTO# 13012] [YOCTO# 12654] Signed-off-by: Yeoh Ee Peng <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>