path: root/scripts/lib/recipetool/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFiles
2019-05-17recipetool: fix unbound variable when fixed SRCREV can't be foundAlex Kiernan1
If attempting to find a fixed SRCREV fails because the directory doesn't exit, avoid failing with: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/recipetool", line 121, in <module> ret = main() File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/recipetool", line 110, in main ret = args.func(args) File "/home/vagrant/poky/scripts/lib/recipetool/", line 707, in create_recipe srcrev = stdout.rstrip() UnboundLocalError: local variable 'stdout' referenced before assignment Fixes: 000480c42797 ("recipetool / devtool: set a fixed SRCREV by default when fetching from git") Signed-off-by: Alex Kiernan <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <> Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <>
2018-07-26logging: use warning instead warnChen Qi1
The warn method is deprecated. We should use the documented warning instead. Quoting from the python's official doc: """ Note: There is an obsolete method warn which is functionally identical to warning. As warn is deprecated, please do not use it - use warning instead. """ Signed-off-by: Chen Qi <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2018-04-03recipetool: create: fix port number parsing issueMing Liu1
A flaw was found when I run: $ recipetool create "ssh://" the url turned out to be: "git://;protocol=ssh" after parsing, the port number was parsed as part of the path, this is definitely wrong and lead to fetching failures. This issue could be fixed in reformat_git_uri, by filtering out port numbers when formatting ":". Signed-off-by: Ming Liu <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-12-18recipetool: create: fix conflict between SRCREV and tagChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
If you specify 'tag=' for a git URL and passed to recipetool create, you will get into Bitbake expansion error shown below: ----- snip ----- $ devtool add --version 2.4.2 mbedtls "git://;tag=mbedtls-2.4.2" ... bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception FetchError: Fetcher failure: Conflicting revisions (abeccb9dbd7e19ae91ac50e1edd3803111c5f9b6 from SRCREV and mbedtls-2.4.2 from the url) found, please specify one valid value ----- snip ----- Assuming the tag is valid, we should get the tag commit hash and drop the usage of 'tag=' from SRC_URI. By using a commit hash corresponding to the tag will prevent bitbake from accessing remote repository in order to expand SRCPV. Signed-off-by: Chang Rebecca Swee Fun <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-11-10recipetool: create: show a warning for github archive URLsPaul Eggleton1
github archive URLs are not guaranteed to be stable [1] and thus we should show a warning if a user specifies one to recipetool create (or devtool add). [1] Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-11-10recipetool: ignore incidental kernel module sourcePaul Eggleton1
If the source tree happens to contain a kernel module as an example, a test or under a "contrib" directory then we shouldn't be picking it up and making the determination that the entire thing is a kernel module. An example that triggered this is zstd, which ships a kernel module under contrib/linux-kernel: Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-11-10recipetool: pass absolute source tree path to pluginsPaul Eggleton1
We shouldn't be passing a relative path to the plugins if that's what's been specified on the recipetool command line. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
2017-09-13devtool/standard: set a preferred provider when adding a new recipe with devtoolJuan M Cruz Alcaraz1
A recipe added with "devtool add" requires to be able to take precedence on recipes previously defined with PREFERRED_PROVIDER. By adding the parameter "--provides" to "devtool add" it is possible to specify an element to be provided by the recipe. A devtool recipe can override a previous PREFERRED_PROVIDER using the layer configuration file in the workspace. E.g. devtool add my-libgl git@git://my-libgl-repository --provides virtual/libgl [YOCTO #10415] Signed-off-by: Juan M Cruz Alcaraz <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-08-31recipetool: create: detect Eclipse licensesPaul Eggleton1
Add detection of EPL 1.0 and EDL 1.0 license files. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-31recipetool: create: suppress npm shrinkwrap/lockdown warnings againPaul Eggleton1
Since OE-Core revision 9a47a6690052ef943c0d4760630ee630fb012153 the mechanism we were using to suppress the warnings about NPM_LOCKDOWN and NPM_SHRINKWRAP not being set on the first fetch of the source is no longer available since we are using the normal fetch/unpack tasks to do the job. Use the newly added noverify parameter to suppress the warnings again. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-31recipetool: create: fix SRCPV prefix for non-git SCMsPaul Eggleton1
If you're fetching from an SCM other than git (for example subversion or mercurial) then we need to use a different prefix for the SRCPV in PV instead of +git. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-31recipetool: create: make recently added branch/tag handling git specificPaul Eggleton1
The branch and tag handling code that was recently added in OE-Core revs ecca596b75cfda2f798a0bdde75f4f774e23a95b and 3afdcbdc9a3e65bc925ec61717784ffec67d529d is specific to git, so only apply it when we're fetching from a git URL. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-31devtool: add: add explicit srcrev/branch optionsPaul Eggleton1
At the moment when fetching source from a git repository you have to know that you can specify the revision and branch in the URL with ';rev=' and ';branch=' respectively, and you can also get thrown off by the shell splitting on the ; character if you forget to surround the URL in quotes. Add explicit -S/--srcrev and -B/--srcbranch options (consistent with devtool upgrade) to make this easier for the user to discover and use. (The rev and branch URL parameters will continue to work, however.) Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: allow plugins to set LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUMPaul Eggleton1
We were being a bit prescriptive in setting LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM. We can't always trust what's in the metadata accompanying some source which plugins will almost always be pulling from, however we do want to allow plugins to set the LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values. Merge what we find in our license file scan with what the plugin sends back. Additionally, plugins can now add a "license" item to the handled list in order to inhibit the normal LICENSE / LIC_FILES_CHKSUM handling if they have already taken care of it completely. Thanks to Mark Horn <> for prompting, testing and fixing this patch. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: allow plugins to set PN / PV more easilyPaul Eggleton1
Previously if we were able to auto-determine the name from the URL, that took precedence over any name that might be set in extravalues by a plugin. Some plugins might be able to get a better idea of the name and thus we should move defaulting of the name further down after the plugins have had a chance to set it. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: create: replacing PV in SRCURIStanley Phoong1
During recipe creation, it seems that the automation for replacing ${PV} at the SRCURI for tag, (e.g mbed-tls-${PV}) is causing some issue due to PV assuming it's a git source. A fix is implemented in this patch to resolve this issue. Signed-off-by: Stanley Phoong <> Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: create: handle git URLs specifying only a tagStanley Phoong1
If a git URL is passed to recipetool create with a tag=, recipetool should handle it assuming that the tag is valid. [YOCTO #11393] Signed-off-by: Stanley Phoong <> Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: create: being able to set branch when revision is providedChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
This change is to improve the buildability of the recipe created by recipetool and devtool. When recipetool create is run on a git URL and a revision specified that is not on master, and "branch=" isn't already in the URL, then we should get the correct branch and append the branch to the URL. If the revision was found on multiple branches and 'master' is not in the list, we will display error to inform user to provide a correct branch and exit. [YOCTO #11389] Signed-off-by: Chang Rebecca Swee Fun <> Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-21recipetool: create: disable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS by defaultChang Rebecca Swee Fun1
When creating new recipes, we are almost certainly fetching a new source rather that something that has already been fetched. I have disable PREMIRRORS and MIRRORS settings in the recipe that created by devtool while leaving an option for users to enable them manually if needed. Since devtool already has this options, we need to ensure that recipetool is able to handle the options passed from devtool. Signed-off-by: Chang Rebecca Swee Fun <> Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-08-16recipetool: create: fix incorrect URL variable usagePaul Eggleton1
We have two variables here, srcuri and fetchuri. srcuri is what eventually ends up in the recipe, whereas fetchuri is what we actually pass to the fetcher when we fetch the source within recipetool - sometimes these need to be different particularly for an upcoming patch to handle automatically setting the branch parameter. In OE-Core revision 9a47a6690052ef943c0d4760630ee630fb012153 I erroneously changed the call to scriptutils.fetch_url() to pass srcuri instead of fetchuri - this likely didn't have any ill effect, but change it back to passing fetchuri to match the original intent. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-07-21recipetool: create: refactor code for ensuring npm is availablePaul Eggleton1
Across devtool and recipetool we had an ugly set of code for ensuring that we can call an npm binary, and much of that ugliness was a result of not being able to run build tasks when tinfoil was active - if recipetool found that npm was required and we didn't know beforehand (e.g. we're fetching from a plain git repository as opposed to an npm:// URL where it's obvious) then it had to exit and return a special result code, so that devtool knew it needed to build nodejs-native and then call recipetool again. Now that we are using real build tasks to fetch and unpack, we can drop most of this and move the code to the one place where it's still needed (i.e. create_npm where we potentially have to deal with node.js code in a plain source repository). Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-07-21recipetool: create: reimplement fetching with normal fetch/unpack tasksPaul Eggleton1
Now that we have the ability to run the tasks in a more standard context through tinfoil, change recipetool's fetching code to use that to fetch files using it. This has the major advantage that any dependencies of do_fetch and do_unpack (e.g. for subversion or npm) will be handled automatically. This also has the beneficial side-effect of fixing a recent regression that prevented this fetch operation from working with memory resident bitbake. Also fix devtool's usage of fetch_uri() at the same time so that we can completely replace it. Fixes [YOCTO #11710]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-07-21recipetool: create: eliminate second fetch for packagesPaul Eggleton1
When dealing with package files (.rpm, .ipk etc.) we need to unpack them ourselves to get the metadata, which is thrown away when the fetcher unpacks them. However, since we've already fetched the file once, I'm not sure as to why I thought I needed to fetch it again - we can just get the local path and then unpack it directly. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-07-21recipetool: create: ensure meaningful error for malformed tarballsPaul Eggleton1
If you pointed recipetool at a URL that should be a tarball e.g. but instead it returns an HTML page, we try to unpack it, gzip complains but the operation doesn't seem to fail - instead we just get back an empty source tree. Change the checks to account for this - if the source tree is empty, check if the downloaded file in DL_DIR looks like an HTML file and error accordingly if it is. If it's not, error out anyway because no source was unpacked and it should have been (otherwise we just blindly set up EXTERNALSRC for this which is pointless). Fixes an aspect of [YOCTO #11407]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-07-17recipetool: git reformat URI mangling & parameter strippedStanley Cheong Kwan, Phoong1
recipetool seems to be mangling and stripping out the parameters for git URI. This will fix this issue as well as resolve the conflict of protocol parameter added by user. If a user adds their own protocol as an argument, it'll be honored. [YOCTO #11390] [YOCTO #11391] Signed-off-by: Stanley Cheong Kwan, Phoong <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-05-23recipetool: create: extract name of package from a repositoryPaul Eggleton1
For git repositories in the absence of any other indicator, it's not an unreasonable assumption that the name of the repository is the name of the software package it contains, so use that as PN if we don't have anything else. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-04-12recipetool: create: hide missing npm error when called from devtoolPaul Eggleton1
If devtool is called with a URL to a source repository containing a node.js module, we don't know that until recipetool has fetched it, and due to the structure of the code we have to exit with a special code in order to let devtool know it needs to build nodejs-native. We also want to suppress the error message that recipetool would normally print under these circumstances; there is already a mechanism for this but it wasn't operative in the case where we're pointed to a source repository rather than an npm:// URL, so create some plumbing so that we know to hide the message. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-04-12devtool: add: fix node.js/npm handling with recipe specific sysrootsPaul Eggleton1
The change over to recipe specific sysroots means that we can no longer get a known location simply from configuration for the npm binary - we need to get the recipe sysroot for nodejs-native, look there for npm if we need to check it's present, and add that to PATH when calling out to npm. Unfortunately this means anywhere we need to get that path we have to have parsed all recipes, otherwise we have no reliable way of resolving nodejs-native. Thus we have to change recipetool create to always parse all recipes (the structure of the code does not allow us to do this conditionally). In the worst case, if npm hasn't already been added to its own sysroot and we are fetching from a source repository rather than an npm registry, this gets a bit ugly because we end up parsing recipes three times: 1) recipetool startup, which then fetches the code and determines it's a node.js module, finds that npm isn't available and then exits with a specific error to tell devtool it needs to build npm 2) when we invoke bitbake -c addto_recipe_sysroot nodejs-native 3) when we re-invoke recipetool This code is badly in need of refactoring, but now is unfortunately not the time to do that, so we're going to have to live with this ugliness for now. Fixes [YOCTO #10992]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-03-21devtool/recipetill: npm install of devDependenciesAnders Darander1
Web applications built using e.g. angular2, usually requires that the packages in devDependencies are available. Thus, add an option '--fetch-dev' to both devtool add and recipetool, to add npm packages in devDependencies to DEPENDS. Signed-off-by: Anders Darander <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2017-02-15classes: Drop now unneeded update_data callsRichard Purdie1
Now that the datastore works dynamically we don't need the update_data calls so we can just remove them. They're not actually done anything at all for a while. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2017-02-07recipetool: create: do not treat numbers in SCM URLs as versionsPaul Eggleton1
Numbers within SCM (e.g. git) URLs are extremely unlikely to be valid version numbers - more likely they are just part of the name, thus don't try to extract them and use them as the version - doing so causes pretty bad behaviour within devtool: --------- snip --------- $ devtool add NOTE: Fetching git://;protocol=https... ... NOTE: Using default source tree path .../build/workspace/sources/libtr ... RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object --------- snip --------- (This was because ${PV} was being substituted into the URL, but PV's value was being set to include ${SRCPV}, so there was a circular reference.) Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-12-16scripts: remove True option to getVar callsJoshua Lock1
getVar() now defaults to expanding by default, thus remove the True option from getVar() calls with a regex search and replace. Search made with the following regex: getVar ?\(( ?[^,()]*), True\) Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-11-23recipetool: add postinst to .deb importStephano Cetola1
The .deb import feature did not import postinst, postrm, preinst, or prerm functions. This change checks to see if those files exist, and if so, adds the appropriate functions. [ YOCTO #10421 ] Signed-off-by: Stephano Cetola <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-11-07recipetool: create: separate LICENSE items with & by defaultPaul Eggleton1
recipetool sets the LICENSE value based on licenses detected from the source tree. If there are multiple licenses then they were being separated by spaces, but this isn't actually legal formatting and if you're using "devtool add" you get a warning printed when devtool parses the recipe internally. Earlier I had made a conscious decision to do it this way since it's up to the user to figure out whether the multiple licenses should all apply (in which case they'd be separated with &) or if there is a choice of license (in which case | is the correct separator). However, I've come to the conclusion that we can just default to & and then the ugly warning goes away, and it's the safest alternative of the two (and most likely to be correct, since it's more common to have a codebase which is made up of code with different licenses, i.e. all of them apply to the combined work). I've tweaked the comment that we add to the recipe to explicitly state that we've used & and that the user needs to change that if that's not accurate. Fixes [YOCTO #10413]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-11-07devtool: add: show recipetool create outputPaul Eggleton1
When running devtool add, instead of hiding the recipetool create output, change it so that it's appropriate to show in the devtool context and show it in real-time. This means that you get status output such as when a URL is being fetched (though currently no progress information.) recipetool create now has a hidden --devtool option to enable this display mode. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-10-05devtool: add: build nodejs-native if npm is needed and not availablePaul Eggleton1
If the user runs devtool add on an npm:// URL (or source tree that uses node.js), and npm is not available, just build nodejs-native instead of telling the user they need to do it; if that fails because there isn't any such recipe (which would be the default, since it's not in OE-Core) then produce a slightly more readable error message hinting at what the user needs to do. Note that this forces the use of nodejs-native rather than npm on the host - this makes sense for two reasons: (1) we need it to be compatible with nodejs for the target, and (2) we have to have a recipe for that anyway, so allowing you to avoid having a recipe for the native version isn't really beneficial. There's a bit of a hack in here in order to allow this - for node.js sources that aren't fetched via npm we don't know that they are that until we've fetched and unpacked them, by which time we're inside recipetool and have an active tinfoil instance that will prevent bitbake being run. To avoid this being an issue, we allow recipetool to get to the point where we know we need npm and then exit with a specific exit code, at which point devtool can try to build it and then if that succeeds, it will re-execute recipetool. This is definitely not ideal, but it can't really be refactored and done properly until we do the tinfoil2 refactoring; in the mean time though we still want to be helpful to the user. Fixes [YOCTO #10337]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-09-19recipetool: create: support git short form URLsPaul Eggleton1
In keeping with making recipetool create / devtool add as easy to use as possible, users shouldn't have to know how to reformat git short form ssh URLs for consumption by BitBake's fetcher (for example should be expressed as git://;protocol=ssh ) - instead we should just take care of that automatically. Add some logic in the appropriate places to do that. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-09-19recipetool: create: tweak license crunchingPaul Eggleton1
Filter out a plain "Licensed under the XXXX license" statement, as seen in the capnproto project (and no doubt others). Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-09-19recipetool: create: fix error with git tree and no networkPaul Eggleton1
When creating a recipe for an existing local git clone, we attempt to use the fetcher to determine if it supports the SRCREV variable. Unfortunately running this code does a network check to get the latest revision as a direct result of us using '${AUTOREV}' as a default value. If you don't have a network connection this will of course fail. Rather than have this block creating the recipe, catch the exception and just guess from the URL. Ultimately this should probably be fixed in the fetcher but for now this will at least resolve the issue on this end. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-09-19recipetool: create: fix name/version extraction from filenamePaul Eggleton1
I ran into an example where recipetool was getting the name/version completely wrong: >From this it would create a file (likely because it couldn't split the file name and therefore took all of it, then got the version from one of the files inside the tarball). When this happens it's just irritating because you then have to delete the recipe / run devtool reset and then run recipetool create / devtool add again and specify the version manually. This patch is the result of systematically running the determine_from_filename() function over the files on the Yocto Project source mirror and my local downloads directory and fixing as many of the generic issues as reasonably practical - it now gets the name and version correct much more often. There are still cases where it won't, but they are now in the minority. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-09-08recipetool: create: avoid extra blank lines in output recipePaul Eggleton1
If we output extra blank lines (because of some automated editing) then it makes the output recipe look a bit untidy. You could argue that we should simply have the editing code not do that, but sometimes we don't have enough context there for that to be practical. It's simple enough to just filter out the extra blank lines when writing the file, so just do it that way. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
2016-09-08recipetool: create: allow license variable handling to be rerunPaul Eggleton1
If you make adjustments to the source tree (as will be) then you will need to re-run the license variable handling code at the end so that we get all of the files that should go into LIC_FILES_CHKSUM if nothing else. Split out the license variable handling to a separate function in order to allow this. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
2016-09-08recipetool: create: add --keep-temp command line optionPaul Eggleton1
For debugging it's useful to be able to tell recipetool to keep the temporary directory. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
2016-09-08recipetool: create: support git submodulesPaul Eggleton1
Ensure we fetch submodules and set SRC_URI correctly when pointing to a git repository that contains submodules. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <>
2016-07-28recipetool: create: fix greedy regex that broke support for github tarballsPaul Eggleton1
The regex here needs to be anchored to the end or it'll match longer URLs, which was exactly what I was trying to avoid. This regression was introduced in OE-Core revision 7998dc3597657229507e5c140fceef1e485ac402. Fixes [YOCTO #10023]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-07-25recipetool: record unknown license filesPaul Eggleton1
Add a comment to the recipe listing license files that were found but not able to be identified, so that the user can find and examine them by hand fairly easily. Fixes [YOCTO #9882]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-07-12recipetool: create: support specifying a file as the local sourcePaul Eggleton1
It is currently possible to specify a file (e.g. a tarball) on the local disk as the source, but you have to know to put file:// in front of it. There's really no need to force users to jump through that hoop if they really want to do this so check if the specified source is a file and prefix it with file:// if that's the case. Also ensure the same works for "devtool add" at the same time. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-07-12recipetool: create: fix handling of github URLsPaul Eggleton1
For a while now, Github hasn't been advertising a specific repository URL since cloning the web URL with git works. Armed with this knowledge and fully expecting people to just paste the github URL, we need to handle this situation specially. If it looks like a github URL to the root of a repository then treat it as a git repository instead of a normal https URL to be fetched by the wget fetcher. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-07-08recipetool: create: drop unused convert_pkginfo() functionPaul Eggleton1
Code cleanup, no functional changes - this code was never used. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>
2016-07-08recipetool: create: avoid decoding errors with Python 3Paul Eggleton1
We're opening source files with the default encoding (utf-8) but we can't necessarily be sure that they are UTF-8 clean - for example, recipetool create prior to this patch resulted in a UnicodeDecodeError. Use the "surrogateescape" mode to avoid this. Fixes [YOCTO #9822]. Signed-off-by: Paul Eggleton <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <>