path: root/meta
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2013-08-20curl: update to upstream version 7.32.0Marko Lindqvist1
2013-08-20pixman: update to upstream version 0.30.2Marko Lindqvist1
2013-08-20glib-2.0: use trim_version() to get the source directoryMarko Lindqvist1
2013-08-20texinfo: handle correctly @enumerate specification greater than 10Jackie Huang2
2013-08-20uclibc: Upgrade to latest on gitKhem Raj2
2013-08-20prelink: update to latest cross-prelinkMark Hatle1
2013-08-20qemuppc: Change default tune to 74xxKhem Raj1 Add tune fileKhem Raj1
2013-08-19linux-yocto-3.8/meta: enable ALTIVEC for qemuppcBruce Ashfield3
2013-08-19linux-yocto-3.8/meta: update drm and intel power management settingsBruce Ashfield3
2013-08-19cronie: fix out of tree buildSaul Wold2
2013-08-16qemu: Fix bit extraction for MTFSFI and MTFSFKhem Raj2
2013-08-16classes/buildhistory: avoid mangling names in dot graphs for imagesPaul Eggleton1
2013-08-16classes/buildhistory: tag last 3 build revisionsPaul Eggleton1
2013-08-16classes/buildhistory: show command line in commit messagePaul Eggleton1
2013-08-16classes/buildhistory: record size of installed package not compressed archiveMartin Jansa5
2013-08-16classes/buildhistory: remove default of BUILDHISTORY_CHECKVERBACKWARDSPaul Eggleton1
2013-08-16cronie: upgrade to 1.4.11Cristiana Voicu1
2013-08-16sudo: upgrade to 1.8.7Cristiana Voicu3
2013-08-16texinfo: add perl RDEPENDS and fix up packagingSaul Wold1
2013-08-16openssh: fix for read-only rootfsChen Qi3
2013-08-16irda-utils: fix for read-only rootfsChen Qi1 use 'cp -a' to avoid potential problemChen Qi1 don't spawn background process at rootfs timeChen Qi1 use $ROOT_DIR/var/volatile/tmp as TMPDIRChen Qi1
2013-08-16udev: remove implicit dependency on initscriptsChen Qi1 make $ROOT_MOUNT/media writable when necessaryChen Qi1
2013-08-16device_table-minimal.txt: use user/group names instead of uid/gidChen Qi1
2013-08-16image.bbclass: create device table after package installationChen Qi1
2013-08-16makedevs: support using user/group names in device table filesChen Qi1
2013-08-16qemu, default-providers: Add mesa as default virtual/eglMartin Jansa2
2013-08-16cmake.bbclass: Don't use packages from the native build machineStefan Herbrechtsmeier1
2013-08-16matchbox-wm: fix icon handling on 64-bit hostsRoss Burton1
2013-08-16libmatchbox: upgrade to 1.11Ross Burton2
2013-08-16xrestop: add dependency on ncursesMartin Jansa1
2013-08-16xeyes: add dependency on libxrenderMartin Jansa1
2013-08-16gst-plugins-gl: add dependency on glewMartin Jansa1
2013-08-16at-spi2-core: add intltool-native dependencyMartin Jansa1
2013-08-16nfs-utils: Replace spaces with tabs in shell functionMuhammad Shakeel1
2013-08-16rpcbind: Replace spaces with tabs in shell functionMuhammad Shakeel1
2013-08-16lighttpd: Replace spaces with tabs in shell functionMuhammad Shakeel1 remove the obsolete POSTLOG variableChen Qi1
2013-08-14cogl: GL/GLX feature cleanupRoss Burton1
2013-08-14linux-dtb: Use kernel build system to generate the dtb filesOtavio Salvador1
2013-08-14systemtap: upgrade to 2.3Cristiana Voicu2
2013-08-13qemu: Skip it for mips64 targetKhem Raj3
2013-08-13dpkg: fix include header caused compile errorKai Kang2
2013-08-13procps: Add cgroup supportJukka Rissanen2
2013-08-13blacklist.bbclass: Avoid blacklist specific handle in base.bbclassOtavio Salvador2
2013-08-13opkg: Fix possible installation of GPLv3 headerPaul Barker2