path: root/meta
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2015-07-20python-smartpm: Improve warnings/errors consistencyRichard Purdie2
2015-07-20lib/oe/package_manager: Use log-level warning instead of quietRichard Purdie1
2015-07-20package_ipk/deb: Drop version information from RPROVIDESRichard Purdie2
2015-07-20debian: Add versions to RPROVIDESRichard Purdie1
2015-07-20gamin: removeRoss Burton6
2015-07-20extensible sdk: Error when trying to install as root.Randy Witt3 Upstream-Status updated to AcceptedJose Lamego1
2015-07-20libcap: control attr PACKAGECONFIG via xattr DISTRO featureAndre McCurdy1
2015-07-20libcap: avoid losing default Large File Support CFLAGSAndre McCurdy1
2015-07-20libcap: always link apps dynamicallyAndre McCurdy1
2015-07-20local.conf.sample: Added /tmp to BB_DISKMON_DIRSMariano Lopez1
2015-07-20linux-yocto/3.19: drm and axxia updatesBruce Ashfield2
2015-07-20linux-yocto/3.14: fix gcc 4.9.4/5.1 build issues, yaffs2 memory leakBruce Ashfield3
2015-07-16qemu: upgrade to 2.4.0-rc0Cristian Iorga4
2015-07-16gtk-icon-utils: Rename, upgrade, add binaryJussi Kukkonen5
2015-07-16lib/oe/recipeutils: fix replace_dir_vars to return the correct variablesPaul Eggleton1
2015-07-16sstate.bbclass: remove redundant cd and mkdir commandsAndre McCurdy1
2015-07-16oeqa/devtool: add useful failure messages for some test casesCostin Constantin1
2015-07-16bitbake.conf: fix qemu user mode linux for qemuarm64Cristian Iorga1
2015-07-16oeqa/buildoptions: add useful failure messages for all test casesCostin Constantin1
2015-07-16oeqa/ add useful failure messages to all test casesCostin Constantin1
2015-07-16oeqa/bbtests: add useful failure messages for all test casesCostin Constantin1
2015-07-16connman-conf: fix SRC_URI_appendMartin Jansa1
2015-07-16classes/logging: allow shell message functions to work in devshellPaul Eggleton1
2015-07-16Use die() or bbfatal_log() where the log should definitely be printedPaul Eggleton4
2015-07-16classes/base: fix die() to print the full logPaul Eggleton2
2015-07-16classes/useradd: don't read bbnote/bbwarn/bbfatal valuesPaul Eggleton1
2015-07-16guile: Add explicit directories to guile_cross_configRoss Burton1
2015-07-16chkconfig: use explicit directories in obey_variables()Ross Burton1
2015-07-16dmidecode: use absolute paths in fixup taskRoss Burton1
2015-07-16depmodwrapper-cross: set S correctlyRoss Burton1
2015-07-16qemuwrapper-cross: set S correctlyRoss Burton1
2015-07-16opkg-arch-config: set S correctlyRoss Burton1
2015-07-16systemd-compat-units: set S correctlyRoss Burton1
2015-07-16gnupg: fix build of GPLv2 version of gnupg with gcc 5Andre McCurdy1
2015-07-16lighttpd: Fix mod_cgi to avoid it buffers data without bound.Li xin2
2015-07-16systemd: update the status of configurable root patchUmut Tezduyar Lindskog1
2015-07-16kernel: fix path assumptions in tasksRoss Burton1
2015-07-16libc-package: don't abuse B to change directoryRoss Burton1
2015-07-16python: add explicit directories in py_package_preprocessRoss Burton2
2015-07-16boost: add dirs flag to boostconfig taskRoss Burton1
2015-07-16ptest: add dirs flag to ptest tasksRoss Burton1
2015-07-16grep: use internal regex library with musl-libcAndre McCurdy1
2015-07-16systemd: add PACKAGECONFIG for valgrindChen Qi1
2015-07-16piglit: Fix floating dependency on freeglutRoy Li1
2015-07-16systemd: recommend the vconsole setup unitsRoss Burton1
2015-07-16gnu-config: set noexec for do_compileRobert Yang1
2015-07-16glibc: print PN when bbwarnRobert Yang1
2015-07-16newt: enable native buildsRoss Burton2
2015-07-16slang: enable native buildsRoss Burton1