path: root/meta/recipes-sato
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2010-12-06puzzles: Update to svn r9023Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06task-poky-apps-x11-pimlico: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-x11-sato: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-02eds-tools: Fix SRCREV and add LIC_FILE_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-02matchbox-stroke: Add license checksumZhai Edwin1
2010-12-02matchbox-session-sato: Add license checksumZhai Edwin1
2010-11-22web_svn: Fixup Patching and add libowlSaul Wold2
2010-11-22Meta: Recipe ReogranizationSaul Wold31
2010-11-22pimlico-tasks: remove patchSaul Wold2
2010-11-22pcmanfm: Update to 0.9.8Zhai Edwin1
2010-11-22matchbox-panel-2: Update to svn r2111Zhai Edwin2
2010-11-22tasks: Update to 0.18Zhai Edwin1
2010-11-18matchbox-panel: Change function name "sync" to avoid conflictDongxiao Xu2
2010-11-18web_svn: make it buildable for world buildSaul Wold2
2010-11-18libical: Upgraded to version 0.46Dongxiao Xu1
2010-10-22Fix adding new contact failure when starting contacts for the 1st timeZhai Edwin2
2010-10-15Use gdk_threads_enter/gdk_threads_leave to ensure gtk multithread safeDongxiao Xu9
2010-10-13libowl-av: Fix music player crash if adding unknown type filesDongxiao Xu2
2010-10-11Add recipe for sdk directdisk targetJessica Zhang1
2010-10-08gststream commercial: modified recipes and tasks to add commercial identifierSaul Wold1
2010-09-30puzzles: Set LICENSERichard Purdie1
2010-09-20Complete packages -> recipes transitionRichard Purdie1
2010-09-07poky-image: Set LICENSE field for the image recipes (note this doesn't apply ...Richard Purdie5
2010-09-03task-poky-qt: create a task and add to poky-image-sdkSaul Wold1
2010-09-01packages: Separate out most of the remaining packages into recipesRichard Purdie28
2010-08-27connman: Use connman as default network management toolDongxiao Xu1
2010-08-27Major layout change to the packages directoryRichard Purdie109