path: root/meta/recipes-sato/web
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2011-05-11web: fix typo in MakefileNitin A Kamble2
2011-05-10web-sato: Update for svn -> git transtionSaul Wold1
2011-05-08gtkhtml2, web: Sync version for API ChangeSaul Wold1
2011-05-05web: fix SRCREVSaul Wold1
2011-05-04poky-default-revisions: move the SRCREV to recipe fileYu Ke2
2011-03-14Update SRC_URIs to use BPN instead of PNRichard Purdie1
2011-01-06recpies: use SRCPV instead of SRCREV for PVYu Ke2
2010-12-21web-webkit: Updated SVN Rev to 130 & added LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-16web-webkit: fix for make 3.82Joshua Lock2
2010-12-06web: Update to svn r129Zhai Edwin1
2010-11-22web_svn: Fixup Patching and add libowlSaul Wold2
2010-11-22Meta: Recipe ReogranizationSaul Wold2
2010-11-18web_svn: make it buildable for world buildSaul Wold2
2010-08-27Major layout change to the packages directoryRichard Purdie4