path: root/meta/recipes-graphics
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2011-01-18xdpyinfo: upgrade to 1.2.0Yu Ke1
2011-01-18mkfontscale: upgrade to 1.0.8Yu Ke2
2011-01-18xprop: upgrade to 1.2.0Yu Ke2
2011-01-18bigreqsproto: upgrade to 1.1.1Yu Ke1
2011-01-18xinit: upgrade to 1.3.0Yu Ke1
2011-01-18mkfontdir: upgrade to 1.0.6Yu Ke1
2011-01-18xhost: upgrade to 1.0.4Yu Ke2
2011-01-07xserver-xf86-common: Remove COMPATIBLE_HOST as it was wrong solutionSaul Wold1
2011-01-07xvinfo: Fix LIC_FILES_CHKSUMRichard Purdie1
2011-01-06recpies: use SRCPV instead of SRCREV for PVYu Ke9
2011-01-06xserver: Add COMPATIBLE_MACHINESaul Wold1
2011-01-06libxxf86misc: upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06libdmx: upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06pixman: upgrade from 0.20.0 to 0.21.2Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06scrnsaverproto: upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06resourceproto: upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06compositeproto: upgrade from 0.4 to 0.4.2Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06xproto: upgrade from 7.0.19 to 7.0.20Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06inputproto: upgrade from 2.0 to 2.0.1Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06renderproto: upgrade from 0.11 to the latest version 0.11.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06xvinfo: Upgrade to 1.1.1Zhai Edwin1
2011-01-02xserver-kdrive: add DEPENDS for libdrmSaul Wold1
2011-01-02mutter: Add COMPATIBLE_MACHINE list to prevent PPC buildSaul Wold1
2010-12-26xserver-xf86: fix LIC_FILES_CHKSUM spelling and locationSaul Wold2
2010-12-25libsdl: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMRichard Purdie1
2010-12-25xserver-kdrive: Add missing DEPENDS on pixmanRichard Purdie1
2010-12-24xserver-kdrive: add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-23xserver-xf86: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-23xf86-input-vmmouse: add COMPATIBLE_HOST set to x86*Saul Wold1
2010-12-21task-poky-clutter: remove clutter-box2d from default buildSaul Wold1
2010-12-16fstests: upgrade to svn revision #426Nitin A Kamble1
2010-12-16recipes-graphics: Add SUMMARY and update DESCRIPTIONMark Hatle12
2010-12-14clutter-box2d: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold2
2010-12-14libxscrnsaver: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-14task-poky-clutter: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-12-14mutter: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold2
2010-12-13table: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold2
2010-12-13clutter: Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold2
2010-12-09SRC_URI Checksums AdditionalsSaul Wold112
2010-12-09xserver-xf86-config: add license checksumYu Ke1
2010-12-09xserver-nodm-init: add license checksumYu Ke2
2010-12-09x11-common: add license checksumYu Ke2
2010-12-06x11vnc: Update to 0.9.12Zhai Edwin1
2010-12-06x11perf: Update to 1.5.2Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06tidy: Add license checksumZhai Edwin2
2010-12-06makedepend: upgrade from 1.0.2 to 1.0.3Nitin A Kamble1
2010-12-06fstests:Add license checksum and update the GPL informationMei Lei1
2010-12-02table move missing patch back to correct locationSaul Wold1
2010-12-02task-poky-clutter: remove cairo packagesSaul Wold1