path: root/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2012-05-24xcmiscproto: upgrade to 1.2.2Laurentiu Palcu1
2012-05-24xextproto: upgrade to 7.2.1Laurentiu Palcu1
2012-05-24kbproto: upgrade to 1.0.6Laurentiu Palcu1
2012-05-24xproto: upgrade to 7.0.23Laurentiu Palcu1
2012-05-03bigreqsproto: Update to 1.1.2Saul Wold1
2012-05-01xorg: add more native BBCLASSEXTENDs from meta-oeMartin Jansa4
2012-03-21inputproto: upgrade to 2.2Shane Wang1
2012-03-01glproto: Update to 1.4.15Saul Wold1
2012-01-17xorg-*: disable xmlto where it was failingMartin Jansa1
2012-01-03misc patches: fix patch headersNitin A Kamble1
2011-12-05xproto: fix compilation with x32 toolchainNitin A Kamble2
2011-10-04libxft, libxrender, renderproto: add native BBCLASSEXTENDMartin Jansa1
2011-08-16dri2proto: upgrade from 2.4 to 2.6Dexuan Cui2
2011-08-16glproto: upgrade from 1.4.13 to 1.4.14Dexuan Cui2
2011-08-16xproto: upgrade from 7.0.21 to 7.0.22Dexuan Cui1
2011-06-15dri2proto: Revert "dri2proto: make DRI2 swap event match GLX spec"Dexuan Cui2
2011-06-15glproto: Revert "glxproto: make GLX swap event struct match spec"Dexuan Cui2
2011-06-14inputproto: upgrade from 2.0.1 to the latest version 2.0.2Dexuan Cui1
2011-06-14glproto: upgrade from 1.4.12 to the latest version 1.4.13Dexuan Cui1
2011-06-14dri2proto: upgrade from 2.3 to the latest version 2.4Dexuan Cui1
2011-06-14resourceproto: upgrade from 1.1.1 to the latest version 1.2.0Dexuan Cui1
2011-05-27conf/bitbake.conf: Added variables for PR service.Lianhao Lu1
2011-05-12recpies: add Upstream-Status for multiple recipes' patchesDexuan Cui1
2011-05-04poky-default-revisions: move the SRCREV to recipe fileYu Ke3
2011-04-18evieext: upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1Yu Ke1
2011-04-18xextproto: upgrade from 7.1.2 to the latest version 7.2.0Dexuan Cui1
2011-04-18xproto: upgrade from 7.0.20 to the latest version 7.0.21Dexuan Cui1
2011-04-18fixesproto: upgrade from 4.1.2 to the latest version 5.0Dexuan Cui1
2011-04-04xproto: Fix configure commandline option whitespaceRichard Purdie1
2011-04-04xorg-[lib-common|proto-common]: disable use of fop document generationJoshua Lock1
2011-04-04xorg-proto: inherit gettext class instead of adding gettext to DEPENDS directlyKhem Raj4
2011-02-03recipes-graphics: Add more detailed SUMMARY and DESCRIPTIONSMark Hatle33
2011-01-28xf86vidmodeproto: upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-28xf86driproto: upgrade from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-28xineramaproto: upgrade from 1.2 to 1.2.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-28printproto: upgrade from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-28dmxproto: upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-18bigreqsproto: upgrade to 1.1.1Yu Ke1
2011-01-06scrnsaverproto: upgrade from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06resourceproto: upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1Dexuan Cui1
2011-01-06compositeproto: upgrade from 0.4 to 0.4.2Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06xproto: upgrade from 7.0.19 to 7.0.20Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06inputproto: upgrade from 2.0 to 2.0.1Dexuan Cui2
2011-01-06renderproto: upgrade from 0.11 to the latest version 0.11.1Dexuan Cui1
2010-12-09SRC_URI Checksums AdditionalsSaul Wold30
2010-11-29xproto: disable spec generationKevin Tian1
2010-11-24xproto: Update to version 7.0.19Saul Wold1
2010-11-22Meta: Recipe ReogranizationSaul Wold3
2010-11-19glproto: fix LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold1
2010-11-18xextproto: upgrade from 7.1.1 to the latest version 7.1.2Dexuan Cui1