This recipe is used only when the package manager is not deployed on
target and there still are delayed postinstalls that need to be run on
target. At the moment, run-postinsts is targeted to dpkg/opkg. RPM uses another
recipe, called rpm-postinsts which, in turn, is used even when the rpm
package is deployed.
This patch intends to make run-postinsts generic and deprecate
rpm-postinsts. Here's why:
* when opkg/dpkg are not deplyed, the meta-data files are useless.
Hence, the awk script is not needed. The postinstall files are already
saved in /etc/(deb|ipk)-postinsts directory and we can use the same
procedure as in rpm's case;
Also, the recipe is moved out from meta/recipes-devel/dpkg to
Signed-off-by: Laurentiu Palcu <laurentiu.palcu@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>