path: root/meta/recipes-connectivity
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2013-09-06resolvconf: specify configuration for systemd-tmpfiles --updateJonathan Liu1
2013-09-06connman: Ignore the NFS root network interface in init scriptJukka Rissanen1
2013-09-06irda-utils: add init.d/irattach status command for LSB complianceRoy.Li1
2013-08-30bluez4: fix network Connect parameter validationPeter A. Bigot2
2013-08-30remove the unnecessary protocol parametersJackie Huang4
2013-08-29libnfsidmap: Add and modify idmapd.confZhang Xiao2
2013-08-26connman-gnome: fix DHCP segfaultMihai Prica2
2013-08-26connman: upgrade to 1.17Cristian Iorga1
2013-08-26openssl: avoid NULL pointer dereference in three placesXufeng Zhang3
2013-08-26openssh: add init.d/sshd status command for LSB complianceJackie Huang1
2013-08-26nfs-utils: add init.d/nfsserver status command for LSB complianceJackie Huang1
2013-08-22connman: fix systemd support for connman-* packages.Yevhen Kyriukha1
2013-08-16openssh: fix for read-only rootfsChen Qi2
2013-08-16irda-utils: fix for read-only rootfsChen Qi1
2013-08-16nfs-utils: Replace spaces with tabs in shell functionMuhammad Shakeel1
2013-08-05telepathy-glib: upgrade to v0.20.4Cristian Iorga2
2013-08-05telepathy-idle: upgrade to v0.1.16Cristian Iorga2
2013-08-05telepathy-mission-control: upgrade to v5.15.0Cristian Iorga1
2013-08-02ofono: Enable test scripts by defaultJukka Rissanen2
2013-08-02ofono: Move bluetooth enabling to .inc fileJukka Rissanen3
2013-08-02ofono: Add systemd supportJukka Rissanen1
2013-08-02resolvconf: upgrade to 1.74Saul Wold1
2013-08-01bluez5: Add obex-profiles as a PACKAGECONFIG, package obexd separatelyRoss Burton1
2013-08-01avahi: Remove unnecessary runtime dependency on sysvinit-pidofMuhammad Shakeel1
2013-07-30iproute2: upgrade to v3.10.0Cristian Iorga1
2013-07-29bluez5: Only install .conf files if foundJukka Rissanen1
2013-07-29openssl: Fix multilib header conflict - opensslconf.hMing Liu1
2013-07-27openssh: Added Upstream Status to openssh-CVE-2011-4327Andrei Dinu1
2013-07-27wpa-supplicant: enable required configuration options for connmanSimon Busch1
2013-07-27socat: add PACKAGECONFIG for tcp-wrappersMartin Jansa1
2013-07-25connman: upgrade to v1.16Cristian Iorga2
2013-07-18bluez5: new package for v5.7Cristian Iorga3
2013-07-18bluez4: conflicts with bluez5Cristian Iorga1
2013-07-18iproute2: Fix alternative link for ip commandYi Zhao1
2013-07-18wpa-supplicant: backport patch to fix dbus interface for autoscan functionalitySimon Busch2
2013-07-09(lib)telepathy*: add missing dependency on libxslt-nativeMartin Jansa5
2013-07-09connman: remove xuser creation, RDEPEND on xuser-accountLaurentiu Palcu1
2013-07-05resolvconf: Update to 1.72Saul Wold1
2013-07-02connman: Set the VPN client program pathsJukka Rissanen1
2013-07-02openssh: fix initscript restart commandMarc Ferland1
2013-06-17openssh: obey 'tcp-wrappers' PACKAGECONFIGRoy.Li1
2013-06-17openssh: fix a unaligned memory access issueRoy.Li2
2013-06-17openssl: Add fix for cipher des-ede3-cfb1Muhammad Shakeel2
2013-06-17bind: backport six CVE patchesRoy.Li7
2013-06-17dhcp: drop noattrmode.patchKevin Strasser1
2013-06-17dhcp: drop fixincludes.patchKevin Strasser2
2013-06-13socat: Update to Wold1
2013-06-13ofono: Add run time dependency for ofono test scriptsMuhammad Shakeel1
2013-06-13wpa-supplicant: Enable EXTRA_CFLAGSRoy.Li1
2013-06-11avahi: inherit python classes, use PACKAGECONFIGChristopher Larson1