path: root/meta/recipes-connectivity/openssh
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2013-10-18openssh: fix sshd status command error promptQiang Chen1
2013-09-17openssh: use volatiles for managing /var/run/sshdMing Liu2
2013-09-10openssh: Add systemd supportMuhammad Shakeel4
2013-08-26openssh: add init.d/sshd status command for LSB complianceJackie Huang1
2013-08-16openssh: fix for read-only rootfsChen Qi2
2013-07-27openssh: Added Upstream Status to openssh-CVE-2011-4327Andrei Dinu1
2013-07-02openssh: fix initscript restart commandMarc Ferland1
2013-06-17openssh: obey 'tcp-wrappers' PACKAGECONFIGRoy.Li1
2013-06-17openssh: fix a unaligned memory access issueRoy.Li2
2013-06-10openssh : upgrade to 6.2p2Andrei Dinu7
2013-04-28openssh : upgrade to 6.2p1Andrei Dinu7
2013-04-02openssh: don't add update-rc.d to RDEPENDSMartin Jansa1
2013-02-04openssh: fix RPROVIDESMartin Jansa1
2013-01-28openssh : upgrade to 6.1p1Andrei Dinu7
2012-11-28openssh: CVE-2011-4327Li Wang2
2012-08-17openssh: openssh's init fails to restart if sshd is not runningAmy Fong1
2012-08-15openssh: cleanup update-alternatives deprecated codeSaul Wold1
2012-08-06openssh: use ${localstatedir} instead of /var for packagingJavier Martinez Canillas1
2012-06-18recipes: replace CONFLICTS with RCONFLICTS_${PN}Martin Jansa1
2012-05-30openssh: use new update-alternativesMark Hatle1
2012-05-08openssh: upgrade to 6.0p1Scott Garman6
2011-11-30PR Bump for OpenSSL 1.0Saul Wold1
2011-10-27openssh: upgrade to 5.9p1Scott Garman6
2011-10-10Use useradd and update-rc.d classes in the OpenSSH recipeJulian Pidancet1
2011-09-15openssh: update init script to create ECDSA keys if neededMartin Jansa2
2011-07-27openssh: Support PAMXiaofeng Yan2
2011-07-07openssh/dropbear: No need for each to PROVIDE ssh/sshdRichard Purdie1
2011-07-01Drop PRIORITY variableRichard Purdie1
2011-06-06openssh: upgrade to v5.8p2Scott Garman5
2011-05-17update patch upstream statusQing He1
2011-05-17openssh: Don't use ${libdir}execTom Rini1
2011-05-17recipes: Add Upstream-Status to various recipe patchesScott Garman1
2011-03-10openssh: allow the openssh meta package to be emptyScott Garman1
2010-10-11recipes-connectivity: Cleanup package descriptions and summariesMark Hatle1
2010-09-02openssh: new recipe additionScott Garman5