path: root/meta/packages/mesa
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2009-01-27mesa: Exclude mesa packages from world builds to reduce breakageRichard Purdie3
2009-01-21qemugl: Install the library in the standard locationRichard Purdie1
2009-01-19Add qemuglRichard Purdie1
2008-12-30mesa: Set PROVIDES correctly and alow building of an empty PN package for nowRichard Purdie1
2008-12-30classes/autotools_stage.bbclass: Add autotools_stage class to further recipes...Richard Purdie1
2008-10-30[mesa dri] Adds splitting of dri drivers into seperate packagesRobert Bragg2
2008-10-21netbook: changed platform name from eee901 to netbookSamuel Ortiz2
2008-10-13Adds support for GEM + DRI2Robert Bragg2
2008-09-29mesa-dri: Bump PRRichard Purdie2
2008-09-29mess-dri: Add missing expat DEPENDSRichard Purdie2
2008-09-26mesa-dri: mark as x86 onlyMarcin Juszkiewicz2
2008-09-23mesa-dri: make it non-default for targets other then EeePC 901Marcin Juszkiewicz1
2008-09-23mesa-xlib: added non-dri version of mesaMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2008-09-23mesa-dri: fix packaging so test apps will really land in own packageMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2008-09-23Bumps the mesa-dri revision to 7.2 and adds a mesa-xdemos package includingRobert Bragg3
2008-09-22Adds eee901 specific support into and adds a new virtual/libglRobert Bragg1
2008-09-22added missing dri2proto dependencyTomas Frydrych2
2008-09-22Adds recipes to support building X servers based on the xfree86 DDX insteadRobert Bragg5
2008-08-11mesa: Add from OE.devRichard Purdie5