path: root/meta/conf/machine/qemuppc.conf
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2016-12-13Use weak assignment for SERIAL_CONSOLES in qemu configuration filesChen Qi1
2016-09-27machine/qemu*: Add comment regarding the reason for virtio-rng-pciNathan Rossi1
2016-09-23runqemu: Move virtio RNG to machine configurationNathan Rossi1
2016-09-19qemuppc.conf: adjust kernel consoleRobert Yang1
2016-09-09runqemu: Allow unique network interface MAC addressesRichard Purdie1
2016-09-09qemuppc: Use virtio networking instead of pcnetRichard Purdie1
2016-09-09qemuppc.conf: set vars for runqemuRobert Yang1
2016-01-30gcc, qemuppc: Explicitly disable forcing SPE flagsKhem Raj1
2015-08-24qemurunner: Use two serial ports and log console with a threadRandy Witt1
2013-08-20qemuppc: Change default tune to 74xxKhem Raj1
2012-01-17qemuppc: replace emulation of qemuppc from prep to mac99Liming Wang1
2011-12-06conf/machine: Don't poke around providers which aren't machine specific/safeRichard Purdie1
2011-07-22conf/machine/tune: Overhaul tune include file variablesRichard Purdie1
2011-04-04qemuppc: add libqtopengl4 for ppcMei Lei1
2011-01-10machines: move PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS to tune filesKoen Kooi1
2010-07-19qemu machines: Switch to use linux-wrsBruce Ashfield1
2010-06-11qemuppc: Add ppc603e to PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS, fixing image buildsRichard Purdie1
2010-05-18Move all QEMU machines to use a common kernel recipe set and versionJoshua Lock1
2010-01-19qemuppc: Add qemuppc machineJoshua Lock1