path: root/meta/classes
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2012-10-27populate_sdk_base: allow SDK path of various levelFabien Proriol1
2012-10-27sstate: add manifest info for shared file matchesSaul Wold1
2012-10-27insane.bbclass and friends: Fix sanity checks and multlib headers for n32Peter Seebach3
2012-10-26populate_sdk_base: Ensure that the multilib cross-canadian tools are usedMark Hatle1
2012-10-26populate_sdk_base: Update extraction script for multilibsMark Hatle1
2012-10-26multilib - crosssdk: Stop building multilib for crosssdk packagesMark Hatle2
2012-10-26multilib: Add support for cross-canadian multilib packagesMark Hatle2
2012-10-24rootfs_rpm.bbclass: maybe no rpm postinst scriptRobert Yang1
2012-10-24terminal: Add support for running custom terminals.Morten Minde Neergaard1
2012-10-24gtk-immodules-cache: Add initial class to update gtk inputmethod module cacheSamuel Stirtzel1
2012-10-24qemugl: Remove since support for it was removed from qemuRichard Purdie1
2012-10-23rootfs_ipk.bbclass: Some extra spaces / tabs were removed / formatedAndrei Gherzan1
2012-10-23rootfs_ipk.bbclass: Don't duplicate remove_packaging_data_files codeAndrei Gherzan1
2012-10-23insane: add a check for Xorg driver ABI dependenciesRoss Burton1
2012-10-23cpan-base: Add more debug paths to FILESPhil Blundell1
2012-10-23package: Hardlink debug source to improve performanceRichard Purdie1
2012-10-22kernel.bbclass: Do not chdir to /boot before running update-alternativesHolger Hans Peter Freyther1
2012-10-22package.bbclass: Exclude the PKGTRIPLETS variableRichard Purdie1
2012-10-22multilib/clsextend: Improve handling of regexps in PACKAGES_DYNAMICRichard Purdie1
2012-10-22sstate: Improve handling of machine specific manifestsRichard Purdie1
2012-10-22package.bbclass: Switch shlibs to pkgdata directory and make package non-mach...Richard Purdie3
2012-10-22base.bbclass: Add PKGTRIPLETS and PKGMLTRIPLETS variablesRichard Purdie1
2012-10-19kernel.bbclass: add kernel-modules to PACKAGESMartin Jansa1
2012-10-19PACKAGES_DYNAMIC: use regexp not globMartin Jansa1
2012-10-19kernel.bbclass: remove explicit version.h targetBruce Ashfield1
2012-10-19autotools: Use STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE for config.rpathRichard Purdie1
2012-10-18sstate: when warnings about sysroot overwrites, say what the recipe wasRoss Burton1
2012-10-18insane: Don't try to run objdump on symlinksPhil Blundell1
2012-10-18insane: Rationalise phdrs-based QA checksPhil Blundell1
2012-10-18gtk-doc.bbclass: Run gtkdocize in ${S} not ${B}Phil Blundell1
2012-10-18buildhistory.bbclass: Fix hostname print for 'No changes' caseOtavio Salvador1
2012-10-18autotools.bbclass: Fix gettext macro versions issuesRichard Purdie1
2012-10-18autotools: Fix race over aclocal macro directoryRichard Purdie1
2012-10-18sanity.bbclass: trigger network tests explicitlyBogdan Marinescu1
2012-10-18sstate: Use -m option to tar when unpacking sstateRichard Purdie1
2012-10-18insane.conf: add new libexec testSaul Wold1
2012-10-18populate_sdk_base.bbclass: Make it possible to override the create_shar metho...Thomas Kristensen1
2012-10-18recipe_sanity: Don't bother checking LICENSEPhil Blundell1
2012-10-18insane.bbclass: add AArch64 supportMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2012-10-18kernel-arch.bblass: add AArch64 supportMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2012-10-18siteinfo.bbclass: add AArch64 supportMarcin Juszkiewicz1
2012-10-18module.bbclass: Move do_make_scripts() to module-basePhil Blundell2
2012-10-18kernel.bbclass, module.bbclass: Make update-modules optionalPhil Blundell2
2012-10-17cpan_build: Unify directory layout for native and target buildsPhil Blundell1
2012-10-17pkgconfig: Drop automatic pkgconfig RDEPENDSRichard Purdie1
2012-10-17package: Recommend virtual-locale-*, don't depend on itRichard Purdie1
2012-10-17libc-package: Drop bogus replacement operationRichard Purdie1
2012-10-08sstate: Also add datadir/sgl to sstate whitelist to avoid openjade warningRichard Purdie1
2012-10-07package_rpm.bbclass: Fix an issue where complementary installs failMark Hatle1
2012-10-05sstate: Add extra entries to the sstate duplicate files whitelistRichard Purdie1