path: root/meta/classes
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2011-01-19sstate.bbclass: Ensure clean/setscene sstate functions run under appropriate ...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-19package.bbclass: Take a shared lock when reading to improve do_package parall...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-17staging: relocate *.la paths in destination dirsDongxiao Xu1
2011-01-17libc-package.bbclass: should not rm scsi/*.hDexuan Cui1
2011-01-14qemuimagetest: Use the same image in sanity testing to fix the timeout issue ...Jiajun Xu1
2011-01-14image.bbclass: Use the dedicated BB_WORKERCONTEXT, not bitbake internals to d...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-13insane.bbclass: Make sure QA issues are reported as warningsRichard Purdie1
2011-01-12kernel.bbclass: Remove a binary generated by recent kernel versionsRichard Purdie1
2011-01-12kernel bbclass: add 'perf' to kernel-modules blacklistKoen Kooi1
2011-01-12Adding check for DL_DIR permissions: sanity.bbclassBeth Flanagan1
2011-01-12meta-environment: Remove c++ include dir from CXXFLAGS.Lianhao Lu1
2011-01-12cpan.bbclass: add a new parameter EXTRA_PERLFLAGSNitin A Kamble1
2011-01-12cpan.bbclass: use LIBDIR instead of DATADIRNitin A Kamble3
2011-01-10kernel-yocto: pass the build directory to configmeBruce Ashfield1
2011-01-07insane.bbclass: Enable the package_qa_hash_style checkRichard Purdie1
2011-01-06base.bbclass: Use the new stampfile function in bitbake to determine the path...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-06insane.bbclass: Fix message for LIC_FILES_CHKSUM ErrorsSaul Wold1
2011-01-05rootfs_rpm: fix rootfs generation rm errorDarren Hart1
2011-01-05rootfs_rpm.bbclass: Remove temporary work files in install directory, saving ...Richard Purdie1
2011-01-04base.bbclass: add lock file for do_unpack taskYu Ke1
2011-01-04sstate.bbclass: fix multimachine builds when PACKAGE_ARCH = MACHINE_ARCHKoen Kooi1
2010-12-31base.bbclass: Add error message for base_do_unpack failuresRichard Purdie1
2010-12-31base.bbclass: Correct bb.debug parametersRichard Purdie1
2010-12-31classes: Drop Handled/NotHandled eventhandler keywords, they don't do anythingRichard Purdie4
2010-12-30patch.bbclass: Move vardepsexclude flag to be along side the function using t...Richard Purdie1
2010-12-30kernel.bbclass: Ensure TOOLCHAIN_OPTIONS is passed to KERNEL_CC and KERNEL_LDRichard Purdie1
2010-12-30update-rc.d: Allow the primary deamon package to be specified in UPDATERCPN, ...Richard Purdie1
2010-12-28yocto-kernel: fix kmachine to deal with overridesBruce Ashfield1
2010-12-24poky-image.bbclass: Set LIC_FILES_CHKSUMRichard Purdie1
2010-12-24rootfs_ipk: The most recent opkg errors upon file overwrite. Until we fix pac...Richard Purdie1
2010-12-23qemuimage-testlib: Ensure TOPDIR/BUILDDIR are setRichard Purdie1
2010-12-23qmake2.bbclass: add space to end of DEPENDS_prependPaul Eggleton1
2010-12-23insane.bbclass: make LIC_FILES_CHKSUM failures report errorsSaul Wold1
2010-12-21poky.bbclass: Move mirrors/premirrors to poky.confRichard Purdie1
2010-12-21sanity.bbclass: Add check for '.' in PATH and error if found (see bug #572)Richard Purdie1
2010-12-21linux-yocto: remove or adjust to _ in branch namesBruce Ashfield1
2010-12-21meta-environment: Added package of meta-environment-${TARGET_ARCH} forLianhao Lu2
2010-12-21rm_work: With the recent pseudo changes, this no longer makes senseRichard Purdie1
2010-12-20kernel.bbclass: Use KERNEL_IMAGE_BASE_NAME variable instead of the expanded e...Richard Purdie1
2010-12-20rootfs_rpm: Add --ignoresize option when performing DB operations on a rootfsRichard Purdie1
2010-12-20sstate.bbclass: delete sstate files when doing cleanallPaul Eggleton1
2010-12-20base/utils.bbclass: Drop former checksum code now bitbake is handling this fo...Richard Purdie2
2010-12-20sanity.bbclass: add check for creation of long filenamesPaul Eggleton1
2010-12-20sanity.bbclass: allow minimisation of impact of more invasive sanity checksPaul Eggleton1
2010-12-20sanity.bbclass: make indenting consistentPaul Eggleton1
2010-12-17Calculate CCACHE_DIR by calling host's ccache config.Alex deVries1
2010-12-17Swabber's update_distro automatically updates the blob now.Alex deVries1
2010-12-17Stop using hardcoded paths, use new Ubuntu and generic filters.Alex deVries1
2010-12-16distrodata: fix messageSaul Wold1
2010-12-16distrodata: add eventhandler for checkpkg taskSaul Wold1