AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2017-01-19gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Backport patches for improving live playbackKhem Raj4 cleanly disable do_rm_workPatrick Ohly1
2017-01-19runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var namesRobert Yang1
2017-01-19scripts/runqemu: fix checking for <file>.cpio.gzRobert Yang1
2017-01-19lib/oe/ Fix extract for ipk and debMariano Lopez1
2017-01-19extrausers: Use static ids when availableDavid Vincent2
2017-01-19wic: partitionedfs: account for non-table partitions when checking if logical...Maciej Borzecki1
2017-01-19kernel-module-split: Append KERNEL_VERSION string to kernel module nameOla Redell1
2017-01-19waf.bbclass: handle PACKAGECONFIGAndreas Müller1
2017-01-19kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Check value of UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLENathan Rossi1
2017-01-19kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Don't assume KERNEL_IMAGETYPE == fitImageNathan Rossi1
2017-01-19kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Allow unset load/entry addresses for ramdisksNathan Rossi1
2017-01-19qemuboot.bbclass: use IMGDEPLOYDIRRobert Yang1
2017-01-17sanity.bbclass: Improved error messageJuro Bystricky1
2017-01-17bitbake.conf: require conf/multiconfig/${BB_CURRENT_MC}.confJuro Bystricky2
2017-01-16systemd-boot.bbclass: Fix SYSYTEMD_BOOT_CFG creationAlejandro Hernandez1
2017-01-16scripts: python3 fixes and new tool ksumTom Zanussi2
2017-01-16opkg-utils: use D instead of OPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT in postrmAndré Draszik1
2017-01-16lib/oe/rootfs: reliably handle alternative symlinksAndré Draszik1
2017-01-16scripts/oe-selftest: fix typoChen Qi1
2017-01-16selftest: runtime-test: skip image-install test for poky-tinyLeonardo Sandoval1
2017-01-16selftest: devtool: use distro agnostic recipes for devtool checksLeonardo Sandoval1
2017-01-16selftest/base: don't fetch DISTRO variable in constructorRoss Burton1
2017-01-16selftest/bblayers: don't fetch a variable that is never usedRoss Burton1
2017-01-16insane.bbclass: print license text as part of QA messagePatrick Ohly1
2017-01-16runqemu: Allow the user to specity no kernel or rootFSAlistair Francis1
2017-01-16grub_git: remove redundant inheritsRoss Burton1
2017-01-16grub-git: Upgrade to tip of master and fix with glibc 2.25Khem Raj1
2017-01-16selftest/archiver: don't build an image for a basic testRoss Burton1
2017-01-16wayland: minor recipe cleanupAndre McCurdy1
2017-01-16wic: _exec_cmd: produce error if exit code is not 0Ed Bartosh1 fix getting image nameEd Bartosh1
2017-01-16recipes-test: exclude recipes from world targetLeonardo Sandoval9
2017-01-16libdrm: enable etnaviv experimental supportChristoph Settgast1
2017-01-16python3-pygobject: add PACKAGECONFIG for cairo - enabled by defaultAndreas Müller1
2017-01-16sqlite3: upgrade to 3.16.2Maxin B. John3
2017-01-16selftest/ fix path assumption for DEPLOY_DIR_SRCChen Qi1
2017-01-16selftest/ fix path assumption for LICENSE_DIRECTORYChen Qi1
2017-01-16iproute2 4.7->4.9Zheng Ruoqin3
2017-01-16canned-wks: remove mpc8315e-rdb.wksEd Bartosh1
2017-01-16rootfs: don't put /usr/lib/ssl and /etc into debugfsRoss Burton1
2017-01-16opkg: fix conffile errors in 'opkg status' callsRoss Burton2
2017-01-16apt-package: Include maintenance scriptsLinus Wallgren1
2017-01-16oe-selftest: devtool: Add test for externalsrc buildcleanOla x Nilsson1
2017-01-16externalsrc.bbclass: Add task buildcleanOla x Nilsson1
2017-01-16selftest/ fix sstate dir not found errorChen Qi1
2017-01-16wic/isoimage-isohybrid: remove do_stage_partition()Ioan-Adrian Ratiu2
2017-01-16linux-firmware: Modify firmware installation pathAmarnath Valluri1
2017-01-16kernel: Modify kernel modules installation path.Amarnath Valluri2
2017-01-16runtime: Add cleanup for logrotate testsJose Perez Carranza1