AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2012-12-18pixman: update to upstream version 0.28.2Marko Lindqvist1
2012-12-18gdb: update to upstream version 7.5.1Marko Lindqvist4
2012-12-18gdk-pixbuf: update to upstream version 2.26.5Marko Lindqvist5
2012-12-18guile: update to upstream version 2.0.7Marko Lindqvist2
2012-12-18patch: update to upstream version 2.7.1Marko Lindqvist2
2012-12-18patch: drop global-reject-file patchMarko Lindqvist2
2012-12-18gtk+: update to upstream version 2.24.14Marko Lindqvist13
2012-12-18fontconfig: update to upstream version 2.10.2Marko Lindqvist4
2012-12-18iptables: include /usr/share/xtables/pf.os in PN if it's buildMartin Jansa1
2012-12-18kernel.bbclass: Allow modules*.tar.gz generation to be inhibitedPhil Blundell1
2012-12-18kernel.bbclass: use the same versioning schema for modules.tgz and provide li...Martin Jansa1
2012-12-18bitbake.conf: exclude DATETIME var dependency from IMAGE_NAMEMartin Jansa1
2012-12-18rootfs_*.bbclass: exclude BUILDNAME var dependency from do_rootfsMartin Jansa3
2012-12-17gst-openmax: fix build with newer GLibRoss Burton1
2012-12-17gst-meta-base: don't rdepend on ximagesink/xvimagesinkRoss Burton1
2012-12-17sstate.bbclass: Improve stamp-extra-info task handling to avoid warningsRichard Purdie1
2012-12-17sstate.bbclass: Remove unused/uneeded variableRichard Purdie1
2012-12-17sstate.bbclass: Simplify overcomplicated cleanall functionRichard Purdie1
2012-12-14lib/oe/patch: Use force option when creating symlinks to patchesRichard Purdie1
2012-12-14distutils: Replacing path to native python by path to python in the image to ...Lukas Bulwahn1
2012-12-14xserver-xorg: add libgcrypt dependencyMarko Lindqvist1
2012-12-14cups CVE-2011-3170Li Wang2
2012-12-14cups - CVE-2011-2896Li Wang2
2012-12-14librsvg: CVE-2011-3146Li Wang2
2012-12-14libxml2 CVE-2012-2871Li Wang2
2012-12-14cups: CVE-2012-5519Li Wang2
2012-12-14linux-firmware: split out ralink driversAnders Darander1
2012-12-14mesa: remove dependency on mesa-dri in mesa-dri-devRoss Burton1
2012-12-14autotools: copy also remove-potcdate.sin from ${STAGING_DATADIR_NATIVE}/gette...Martin Jansa1
2012-12-14gettext: move remove-potcdate.sin from gettext-native to gettext-minimal-nativeMartin Jansa3
2012-12-14ghostscript-native:fix host underlinking issuesHongxu Jia2
2012-12-14squashfs: fix CVE-2012-4025yanjun.zhu4
2012-12-14iperf: pass in target path varsFahad Usman1
2012-12-14perf: pass CFLAGS and LDFLAGSFahad Usman1
2012-12-14perf: kill -WerrorFahad Usman1
2012-12-14newt: enable python supportKang Kai2
2012-12-14native tools set packagegroupHongxu Jia1
2012-12-14package_rpm: Workaround for 'all' arch multilib package namingMark Hatle1
2012-12-14package_rpm.bbclass: Add a simply way to enable RPM debuggingMark Hatle1
2012-12-14rpm/smart: Fix runtime-relocation issues w/ RPM and SmartMark Hatle5
2012-12-14package_rpm.bbclass: Add additional install error detectionMark Hatle1
2012-12-14package_rpm.bbclass: Add support for incremental installsMark Hatle1
2012-12-14package_rpm.bbclass: Add additional loggingMark Hatle1
2012-12-14package_rpm.bbclass: Fix the way the RPM platform file is generatedMark Hatle1
2012-12-14package_rpm: Update the way the multilib package names are translatedMark Hatle3
2012-12-14Update sanity tests to use smart instead of zypperPaul Eggleton20
2012-12-14classes/rootfs_rpm: install smart instead of zypper in rpm-based imagesPaul Eggleton1
2012-12-14classes/*_rpm: integrate Smart into RPM filesystem constructionPaul Eggleton3
2012-12-14runqemu: add support for FSTYPE=vmdkTrevor Woerner2
2012-12-14mkelfimage-native:make failed if libz not in hostHongxu Jia2