AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2010-12-07bitbake/crumbs: do the test for ignored messages soonerJoshua Lock1
2010-12-07bitbake/crumbs: Fix crumbs UI for bitbake event class name changesJoshua Lock1 fix the wrong usage on BB_TASKHASH_WHITELISTKevin Tian1
2010-12-07imagetest-qemu: Allow the task to run after any rootfs is created and also st...Richard Purdie1
2010-12-07bitbake/data_smart: Refactor _append/_prepend code to remove duplicationRichard Purdie1
2010-12-07bitbake/data_smart: Fix append/prepend/override ordering issueRichard Purdie1
2010-12-07Remove unused tunctl-src/Makefile from scripts/Scott Garman1
2010-12-07Add sanity test scenarios for -lsb imagesScott Garman5
2010-12-06task-poky-tools: disable blktrace due to build failuresSaul Wold1
2010-12-06gupnp: add gnome-icon-theme to DEPENDSSaul Wold1
2010-12-06sanity.bbclass: Warn people when TERMCMD is set to a non-installed programJoshua Lock2
2010-12-06local.conf.sample: Note extra variables required when disabling en_US localeJoshua Lock1
2010-12-06libart-lgpl: Add config.h for x86_64Saul Wold1
2010-12-06libnl: fix typo in the Makefile fixQing He2
2010-12-06preferred-xorg-versions: Update to match new versionsSaul Wold1
2010-12-06eee-acpi-scripts: Update to 1.1.11Zhai Edwin3
2010-12-06distro_tracking_fields: update fields for devel/toolchain recipesNitin A Kamble1
2010-12-06subversion: upgrade from 1.5.5 to 1.6.13Nitin A Kamble5
2010-12-06gtk-engines: Update to 2.20.2Zhai Edwin1
2010-12-06gnome-icon-theme: Update to 2.31.0Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06gnome-desktop: Update to 2.32.1Zhai Edwin4
2010-12-06web: Update to svn r129Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06x11vnc: Update to 0.9.12Zhai Edwin1
2010-12-06x11perf: Update to 1.5.2Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06puzzles: Update to svn r9023Zhai Edwin2
2010-12-06ethtool: Update to 2.6.36Zhai Edwin1
2010-12-06consolekit: Update to 0.4.3Zhai Edwin3
2010-12-06acpid: update to 1.0.10Zhai Edwin3
2010-12-06tidy: Add license checksumZhai Edwin2
2010-12-06pointercal: Add license checksumZhai Edwin2
2010-12-06bluez-hcidump: update LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-boot: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-nfs: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06ppp-dialin: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-qt: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-standalone-sdk-target: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-apps-x11-pimlico: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06telepathy-glib: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-basic: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-sdk-gmae: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-standalone-gmae-sdk-target: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-tools: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-base: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-x11-sato: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06formfactor: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-sdk: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky-lsb: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06task-poky: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06run-postinsts: update LIC_FILES_CHKSUM infoDongxiao Xu1
2010-12-06distro_tracking_fields: update fields for devel/toolchain recipesNitin A Kamble1