AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2010-09-17avahi: explicit depends on libcapQing He2
2010-09-17distro field: add distro fields for some graphcis recipesYu Ke2
2010-09-17distro tracking: Add info for gobject-introspection, gdk-pixbuf-csource-nativ...Zhai Edwin3
2010-09-17distro data: Update distro data tracking dataSaul Wold7
2010-09-16toolchain-scripts: Add POKY_TARGET_SYSROOT variable for SDK usageRichard Purdie1
2010-09-16local.conf.sample: Fix commented value to match the default download directoryRichard Purdie1
2010-09-16toolchain-scripts: Export TARGET_PREFIX and GDB variables for SDK usageRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13bitbake/runqueue: Remove now unneeded indentationRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13bitbake/ Optimise delay values to avoid unneeded delaysRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13sstate: Trigger generation of siggen info when building sstate packagesRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13bitbake/siggen: Allow generation of siggen data from task contextRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13bitbake/ Set BB_FILENAME to represent the .bb file being built (incl...Richard Purdie2
2010-09-13bitbake/ Improve debugging of checksumsRichard Purdie1
2010-09-13bitbake/ Allow variables to suplement dependencies using the vardep flagRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10bitbake/fetch: ensure the go() method completes when not using premirrorsJoshua Lock1 Add missing SRCREV for dtc-nativeRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10qemu_x86_64/conf: enable E1000 by defaultBruce Ashfield1
2010-09-10dtc: Drop unneeded SRCREVRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10dtc: device tree compiler recipesAdrian Alonso5
2010-09-10poky-default-revisions: set default dtc srcrevAdrian Alonso1
2010-09-10linux: add binary devicetree generationAdrian Alonso1
2010-09-10ncurses: rename site_config that was mis-merged when ncurses movedJeff Polk1
2010-09-10autotools: enable siteconfig by defaultJeff Polk6
2010-09-10siteinfo: add SITECONFIG_SYSROOTCACHE definition in place of hard-coded pathJeff Polk2
2010-09-10sstate: Add sstate-interceptfuncs called between install and packageJeff Polk1
2010-09-10[e] fix providers for libsegfault and otherNitin A Kamble4
2010-09-10libc-package.bbclass: fix qemu issue with pseudoNitin A Kamble1
2010-09-10pseudo: Update pseudo to latest revisionMark Hatle1
2010-09-10rootfs_rpm: Fix workaroundMark Hatle1
2010-09-10handbook: Drop USB Networking section, its no longer appropriateRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10handbook: Various minor fixesRichard Purdie4
2010-09-10handbook: review and update CH1(introduction) and CH2(using Poky)Yu Ke2
2010-09-10handbook: review and modify Appendix A, D and EDexuan Cui2
2010-09-10handbook: review and modify CH4 (BSP) and Appendix BZhai Edwin2
2010-09-10handbook: Fix some errors in Appendix F/GDongxiao Xu2
2010-09-10handbook: review and correct CH5(development)Lianhao Lu1
2010-09-10handbook: update appendix C/H/IQing He3
2010-09-10handbook: review and correct CH3(extend poky) in handbookKevin Tian1
2010-09-10linux-wrs/meta: fix qemuarm boot issues with Ashfield1
2010-09-10qemu: add qemu-mipsel to the list of simulatorsBruce Ashfield1
2010-09-10connman-gnome: Add some functionality.Dongxiao Xu2
2010-09-10bitbake: Add proxy variables to standard export listZhai Edwin2
2010-09-10Fix the matchbox-panel seg fault on netbook & emenlowZhai Edwin1
2010-09-10netbase: Don't hardcode the qemu IP configRichard Purdie6
2010-09-10scripts/runqemu: Drop broken toolchain symlink codeRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10scripts/poky-qemu-ifup: Ensure the host has a route to itRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10scrtips/poky-qemu: Fix network interface device numberingRichard Purdie2
2010-09-10poky-qemu-internal: Fix ifdown script to use the correct variableRichard Purdie1
2010-09-10gnu-config: Fix target version to contain all the substitutions and not overw...Richard Purdie1
2010-09-09libzypp: change /usr/lib64 to /usr/libKevin Tian1