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2 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass b/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
index 687ddebccf..635049ec97 100644
--- a/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
@@ -11,6 +11,76 @@ def raise_sanity_error(msg):
%s""" % msg)
+# Check a single tune for validity.
+def check_toolchain_tune(data, tune, multilib):
+ tune_errors = []
+ if not tune:
+ return "No tuning found for %s multilib." % multilib
+ bb.debug(2, "Sanity-checking tuning '%s' (%s) features:" % (tune, multilib))
+ features = (data.getVar("TUNE_FEATURES_tune-%s" % tune, True) or "").split()
+ if not features:
+ return "Tuning '%s' has no defined features, and cannot be used." % tune
+ valid_tunes = data.getVarFlags('TUNEVALID') or {}
+ conflicts = data.getVarFlags('TUNECONFLICTS') or {}
+ # [doc] is the documentation for the variable, not a real feature
+ if 'doc' in valid_tunes:
+ del valid_tunes['doc']
+ if 'doc' in conflicts:
+ del conflicts['doc']
+ for feature in features:
+ if feature in conflicts:
+ for conflict in conflicts[feature].split():
+ if conflict in features:
+ tune_errors.append("Feature '%s' conflicts with '%s'." %
+ (feature, conflict))
+ if feature in valid_tunes:
+ bb.debug(2, " %s: %s" % (feature, valid_tunes[feature]))
+ else:
+ tune_errors.append("Feature '%s' is not defined." % feature)
+ whitelist = data.getVar("TUNEABI_WHITELIST", True) or ''
+ override = data.getVar("TUNEABI_OVERRIDE", True) or ''
+ if whitelist:
+ tuneabi = data.getVar("TUNEABI_tune-%s" % tune, True) or ''
+ if not tuneabi:
+ tuneabi = tune
+ if True not in [x in whitelist.split() for x in tuneabi.split()]:
+ tune_errors.append("Tuning '%s' (%s) cannot be used with any supported tuning/ABI." %
+ (tune, tuneabi))
+ if tune_errors:
+ return "Tuning '%s' has the following errors:\n" + '\n'.join(tune_errors)
+def check_toolchain(data):
+ tune_error_set = []
+ deftune = data.getVar("DEFAULTTUNE", True)
+ tune_errors = check_toolchain_tune(data, deftune, 'default')
+ if tune_errors:
+ tune_error_set.append(tune_errors)
+ multilibs = (data.getVar("MULTILIB_VARIANTS", True) or "").split()
+ if multilibs:
+ seen_libs = []
+ seen_tunes = []
+ for lib in multilibs:
+ if lib in seen_libs:
+ tune_error_set.append("The multilib '%s' appears more than once." % lib)
+ else:
+ seen_libs.append(lib)
+ tune = data.getVar("DEFAULTTUNE_virtclass-multilib-%s" % lib, True)
+ if tune in seen_tunes:
+ tune_error_set.append("The tuning '%s' appears in more than one multilib." % tune)
+ else:
+ seen_libs.append(tune)
+ if tune == deftune:
+ tune_error_set.append("Multilib '%s' (%s) is also the default tuning." % (lib, deftune))
+ else:
+ tune_errors = check_toolchain_tune(data, tune, lib)
+ if tune_errors:
+ tune_error_set.append(tune_errors)
+ if tune_error_set:
+ return "Toolchain tunings invalid:\n" + '\n'.join(tune_error_set)
+ return ""
def check_conf_exists(fn, data):
bbpath = []
fn = data.expand(fn)
@@ -327,6 +397,9 @@ def check_sanity(e):
messages = messages + pseudo_msg + '\n'
+ toolchain_msg = check_toolchain(
+ if toolchain_msg != "":
+ messages = messages + toolchain_msg + '\n'
# Check if DISPLAY is set if IMAGETEST is set
if not data.getVar( 'DISPLAY',, True ) and data.getVar( 'IMAGETEST',, True ) == 'qemu':
diff --git a/meta/conf/documentation.conf b/meta/conf/documentation.conf
index 3e40a77a40..004a16c6a7 100644
--- a/meta/conf/documentation.conf
+++ b/meta/conf/documentation.conf
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ for hardware floating point instructions."
TUNEVALID[doc] = "Descriptions of valid tuning features, stored as flags."
TUNECONFLICTS[doc] = "List of conflicting features for a given feature."
+TUNEABI[doc] = "An underlying ABI used by a particular tuning in a given \
+toolchain layer. This feature allows providers using prebuilt \
+libraries to check compatibility of a tuning against their selection \
+of libraries."
+TUNEABI_WHITELIST[doc] = "A whitelist of permissible TUNEABI values; if unset, all are allowed."
ASSUME_PROVIDED[doc] = "List of packages (recipes actually) which are assumed to be implicitly available.\
These packages won't be built by bitbake."