path: root/meta
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox-1.21.1/busybox-sed-fix-sed-clusternewline-testcase.patch b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox-1.21.1/busybox-sed-fix-sed-clusternewline-testcase.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1894037422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/busybox-1.21.1/busybox-sed-fix-sed-clusternewline-testcase.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+From 6394bcf17925715db042cfb24f5886b1bed1dfc9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jackie Huang <>
+Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:36:31 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] sed: fix "sed clusternewline" and "autoinsert newline" testcase
+Upstream-Status: Backport []
+Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang <>
+ editors/sed.c | 135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
+ testsuite/sed.tests | 4 --
+ 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/editors/sed.c b/editors/sed.c
+index f8ca5d3..98478b4 100644
+--- a/editors/sed.c
++++ b/editors/sed.c
+@@ -845,37 +845,79 @@ static void append(char *s)
+ llist_add_to_end(&G.append_head, xstrdup(s));
+ }
+-static void flush_append(void)
++/* Output line of text. */
++/* Note:
++ * The tricks with NO_EOL_CHAR and last_puts_char are there to emulate gnu sed.
++ * Without them, we had this:
++ * echo -n thingy >z1
++ * echo -n again >z2
++ * >znull
++ * sed "s/i/z/" z1 z2 znull | hexdump -vC
++ * output:
++ * gnu sed 4.1.5:
++ * 00000000 74 68 7a 6e 67 79 0a 61 67 61 7a 6e |thzngy.agazn|
++ * bbox:
++ * 00000000 74 68 7a 6e 67 79 61 67 61 7a 6e |thzngyagazn|
++ */
++enum {
++ NO_EOL_CHAR = 1,
++ LAST_IS_NUL = 2,
++static void puts_maybe_newline(char *s, FILE *file, char *last_puts_char, char last_gets_char)
++ char lpc = *last_puts_char;
++ /* Need to insert a '\n' between two files because first file's
++ * last line wasn't terminated? */
++ if (lpc != '\n' && lpc != '\0') {
++ fputc('\n', file);
++ lpc = '\n';
++ }
++ fputs(s, file);
++ /* 'x' - just something which is not '\n', '\0' or NO_EOL_CHAR */
++ if (s[0])
++ lpc = 'x';
++ /* had trailing '\0' and it was last char of file? */
++ if (last_gets_char == LAST_IS_NUL) {
++ fputc('\0', file);
++ lpc = 'x'; /* */
++ } else
++ /* had trailing '\n' or '\0'? */
++ if (last_gets_char != NO_EOL_CHAR) {
++ fputc(last_gets_char, file);
++ lpc = last_gets_char;
++ }
++ if (ferror(file)) {
++ xfunc_error_retval = 4; /* It's what gnu sed exits with... */
++ bb_error_msg_and_die(bb_msg_write_error);
++ }
++ *last_puts_char = lpc;
++static void flush_append(char *last_puts_char, char last_gets_char)
+ {
+ char *data;
+ /* Output appended lines. */
+ while ((data = (char *)llist_pop(&G.append_head))) {
+- fprintf(G.nonstdout, "%s\n", data);
++ puts_maybe_newline(data, G.nonstdout, last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ free(data);
+ }
+ }
+-static void add_input_file(FILE *file)
+- G.input_file_list = xrealloc_vector(G.input_file_list, 2, G.input_file_count);
+- G.input_file_list[G.input_file_count++] = file;
+ /* Get next line of input from G.input_file_list, flushing append buffer and
+ * noting if we ran out of files without a newline on the last line we read.
+ */
+-enum {
+- NO_EOL_CHAR = 1,
+- LAST_IS_NUL = 2,
+-static char *get_next_line(char *gets_char)
++static char *get_next_line(char *gets_char, char *last_puts_char, char last_gets_char)
+ {
+ char *temp = NULL;
+ int len;
+ char gc;
+- flush_append();
++ flush_append(last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ /* will be returned if last line in the file
+ * doesn't end with either '\n' or '\0' */
+@@ -919,54 +961,6 @@ static char *get_next_line(char *gets_char)
+ return temp;
+ }
+-/* Output line of text. */
+-/* Note:
+- * The tricks with NO_EOL_CHAR and last_puts_char are there to emulate gnu sed.
+- * Without them, we had this:
+- * echo -n thingy >z1
+- * echo -n again >z2
+- * >znull
+- * sed "s/i/z/" z1 z2 znull | hexdump -vC
+- * output:
+- * gnu sed 4.1.5:
+- * 00000000 74 68 7a 6e 67 79 0a 61 67 61 7a 6e |thzngy.agazn|
+- * bbox:
+- * 00000000 74 68 7a 6e 67 79 61 67 61 7a 6e |thzngyagazn|
+- */
+-static void puts_maybe_newline(char *s, FILE *file, char *last_puts_char, char last_gets_char)
+- char lpc = *last_puts_char;
+- /* Need to insert a '\n' between two files because first file's
+- * last line wasn't terminated? */
+- if (lpc != '\n' && lpc != '\0') {
+- fputc('\n', file);
+- lpc = '\n';
+- }
+- fputs(s, file);
+- /* 'x' - just something which is not '\n', '\0' or NO_EOL_CHAR */
+- if (s[0])
+- lpc = 'x';
+- /* had trailing '\0' and it was last char of file? */
+- if (last_gets_char == LAST_IS_NUL) {
+- fputc('\0', file);
+- lpc = 'x'; /* */
+- } else
+- /* had trailing '\n' or '\0'? */
+- if (last_gets_char != NO_EOL_CHAR) {
+- fputc(last_gets_char, file);
+- lpc = last_gets_char;
+- }
+- if (ferror(file)) {
+- xfunc_error_retval = 4; /* It's what gnu sed exits with... */
+- bb_error_msg_and_die(bb_msg_write_error);
+- }
+- *last_puts_char = lpc;
+ #define sed_puts(s, n) (puts_maybe_newline(s, G.nonstdout, &last_puts_char, n))
+ static int beg_match(sed_cmd_t *sed_cmd, const char *pattern_space)
+@@ -989,7 +983,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ int substituted;
+ /* Prime the pump */
+- next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char);
++ next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char, &last_puts_char, '\n' /*last_gets_char*/);
+ /* Go through every line in each file */
+ again:
+@@ -1003,7 +997,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ /* Read one line in advance so we can act on the last line,
+ * the '$' address */
+- next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char);
++ next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char, &last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ linenum++;
+ /* For every line, go through all the commands */
+@@ -1176,6 +1170,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ /* Append line to linked list to be printed later */
+ case 'a':
+ append(sed_cmd->string);
++ last_gets_char = '\n';
+ break;
+ /* Insert text before this line */
+@@ -1222,7 +1217,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ free(pattern_space);
+ pattern_space = next_line;
+ last_gets_char = next_gets_char;
+- next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char);
++ next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char, &last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ substituted = 0;
+ linenum++;
+ break;
+@@ -1258,7 +1253,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ pattern_space[len] = '\n';
+ strcpy(pattern_space + len+1, next_line);
+ last_gets_char = next_gets_char;
+- next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char);
++ next_line = get_next_line(&next_gets_char, &last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ linenum++;
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1362,7 +1357,7 @@ static void process_files(void)
+ /* Delete and such jump here. */
+ discard_line:
+- flush_append();
++ flush_append(&last_puts_char, last_gets_char);
+ free(pattern_space);
+ goto again;
+@@ -1403,6 +1398,12 @@ static void add_cmd_block(char *cmdstr)
+ free(sv);
+ }
++static void add_input_file(FILE *file)
++ G.input_file_list = xrealloc_vector(G.input_file_list, 2, G.input_file_count);
++ G.input_file_list[G.input_file_count++] = file;
+ int sed_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
+ int sed_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv)
+ {
+diff --git a/testsuite/sed.tests b/testsuite/sed.tests
+index 468565f..e26483c 100755
+--- a/testsuite/sed.tests
++++ b/testsuite/sed.tests
+@@ -135,10 +135,8 @@ testing "sed empty file plus cat" "sed -e 's/nohit//' input -" "one\ntwo" \
+ "" "one\ntwo"
+ testing "sed cat plus empty file" "sed -e 's/nohit//' input -" "one\ntwo" \
+ "one\ntwo" ""
+-test x"$SKIP_KNOWN_BUGS" = x"" && {
+ testing "sed append autoinserts newline" "sed -e '/woot/a woo' -" \
+ "woot\nwoo\n" "" "woot"
+ testing "sed insert doesn't autoinsert newline" "sed -e '/woot/i woo' -" \
+ "woo\nwoot" "" "woot"
+ testing "sed print autoinsert newlines" "sed -e 'p' -" "one\none" "" "one"
+@@ -154,11 +152,9 @@ testing "sed selective matches insert newline" \
+ testing "sed selective matches noinsert newline" \
+ "sed -ne 's/woo/bang/p' input -" "a bang\nb bang" "a woo\nb woo" \
+ "c no\nd no"
+-test x"$SKIP_KNOWN_BUGS" = x"" && {
+ testing "sed clusternewline" \
+ "sed -e '/one/a 111' -e '/two/i 222' -e p input -" \
+ "one\none\n111\n222\ntwo\ntwo" "one" "two"
+ testing "sed subst+write" \
+ "sed -e 's/i/z/' -e 'woutputw' input -; $ECHO -n X; cat outputw" \
+ "thzngy\nagaznXthzngy\nagazn" "thingy" "again"
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/
index 85d3208974..8b91e6329d 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/busybox/
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/busybox/
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2;name=tarball \
file://inetd.conf \
file://inetd \
file://login-utilities.cfg \
- file://busybox-list-suid-and-non-suid-app-configs.patch"
+ file://busybox-list-suid-and-non-suid-app-configs.patch \
+ file://busybox-sed-fix-sed-clusternewline-testcase.patch \
SRC_URI[tarball.md5sum] = "795394f83903b5eec6567d51eebb417e"
SRC_URI[tarball.sha256sum] = "cd5be0912ec856110ae12c76c3ec9cd5cba1df45b5a9da2b095b8284d1481303"