path: root/meta/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/lib')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/ b/meta/lib/oe/
index 627467c26e..103cfb41b1 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -23,22 +23,41 @@ monitor_fields = ['RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'PACKAGES', 'FILELIST', 'PKGSIZE',
monitor_numeric_threshold = 20
# Image files to monitor (note that image-info.txt is handled separately)
img_monitor_files = ['installed-package-names.txt', 'files-in-image.txt']
+# Related context fields for reporting (note: PE, PV & PR are always reported for monitored package fields)
+related_fields = {}
+related_fields['RDEPENDS'] = ['DEPENDS']
+related_fields['RRECOMMENDS'] = ['DEPENDS']
+related_fields['FILELIST'] = ['FILES']
+related_fields['PKGSIZE'] = ['FILELIST']
+related_fields['files-in-image.txt'] = ['installed-package-names.txt', 'USER_CLASSES', 'IMAGE_CLASSES', 'ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND', 'IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND']
+related_fields['installed-package-names.txt'] = ['IMAGE_FEATURES', 'IMAGE_LINGUAS', 'IMAGE_INSTALL', 'BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS']
class ChangeRecord:
- def __init__(self, path, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue):
+ def __init__(self, path, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue, monitored):
self.path = path
self.fieldname = fieldname
self.oldvalue = oldvalue
self.newvalue = newvalue
+ self.monitored = monitored
+ self.related = []
self.filechanges = None
def __str__(self):
+ return self._str_internal(True)
+ def _str_internal(self, pathprefix):
+ if pathprefix:
+ prefix = '%s: ' % self.path
+ else:
+ prefix = ''
if self.fieldname in list_fields:
aitems = self.oldvalue.split()
bitems = self.newvalue.split()
removed = list(set(aitems) - set(bitems))
added = list(set(bitems) - set(aitems))
- return '%s: %s:%s%s' % (self.path, self.fieldname, ' removed "%s"' % ' '.join(removed) if removed else '', ' added "%s"' % ' '.join(added) if added else '')
+ out = '%s:%s%s' % (self.fieldname, ' removed "%s"' % ' '.join(removed) if removed else '', ' added "%s"' % ' '.join(added) if added else '')
elif self.fieldname in numeric_fields:
aval = int(self.oldvalue or 0)
bval = int(self.newvalue or 0)
@@ -46,9 +65,11 @@ class ChangeRecord:
percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
percentchg = 100
- return '%s: %s changed from %s to %s (%s%d%%)' % (self.path, self.fieldname, self.oldvalue or "''", self.newvalue or "''", '+' if percentchg > 0 else '', percentchg)
+ out = '%s changed from %s to %s (%s%d%%)' % (self.fieldname, self.oldvalue or "''", self.newvalue or "''", '+' if percentchg > 0 else '', percentchg)
elif self.fieldname in img_monitor_files:
- out = 'Changes to %s (%s):\n ' % (self.path, self.fieldname)
+ if pathprefix:
+ prefix = 'Changes to %s ' % self.path
+ out = '(%s):\n ' % self.fieldname
if self.filechanges:
out += '\n '.join(['%s' % i for i in self.filechanges])
@@ -57,10 +78,15 @@ class ChangeRecord:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(alines, blines, self.fieldname, self.fieldname, lineterm='')
out += '\n '.join(list(diff))
out += '\n --'
- return out
- return '%s: %s changed from "%s" to "%s"' % (self.path, self.self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue)
+ out = '%s changed from "%s" to "%s"' % (self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue)
+ if self.related:
+ for chg in self.related:
+ for line in chg._str_internal(False).splitlines():
+ out += '\n * %s' % line
+ return '%s%s' % (prefix, out)
class FileChange:
changetype_add = 'A'
@@ -199,21 +225,20 @@ def compare_dict_blobs(path, ablob, bblob, report_all):
changes = []
keys = list(set(adict.keys()) | set(bdict.keys()))
for key in keys:
- if report_all or key in monitor_fields:
- astr = adict.get(key, '')
- bstr = bdict.get(key, '')
- if astr != bstr:
- if (not report_all) and key in numeric_fields:
- aval = int(astr or 0)
- bval = int(bstr or 0)
- if aval != 0:
- percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
- else:
- percentchg = 100
- if percentchg < monitor_numeric_threshold:
- continue
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, key, astr, bstr)
- changes.append(chg)
+ astr = adict.get(key, '')
+ bstr = bdict.get(key, '')
+ if astr != bstr:
+ if (not report_all) and key in numeric_fields:
+ aval = int(astr or 0)
+ bval = int(bstr or 0)
+ if aval != 0:
+ percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100
+ else:
+ percentchg = 100
+ if percentchg < monitor_numeric_threshold:
+ continue
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, key, astr, bstr, key in monitor_fields)
+ changes.append(chg)
return changes
@@ -236,7 +261,7 @@ def process_changes(repopath, revision1, revision2 = 'HEAD', report_all = False)
blines =
filechanges = compare_file_lists(alines,blines)
if filechanges:
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None)
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True)
chg.filechanges = filechanges
elif filename == 'installed-package-names.txt':
@@ -244,13 +269,27 @@ def process_changes(repopath, revision1, revision2 = 'HEAD', report_all = False)
blines =
filechanges = compare_lists(alines,blines)
if filechanges:
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None)
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True)
chg.filechanges = filechanges
- chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename,,
+ chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename,,, True)
elif filename == 'image-info.txt':
changes.extend(compare_dict_blobs(path, d.a_blob, d.b_blob, report_all))
- return changes
+ # Link related changes
+ for chg in changes:
+ if chg.monitored:
+ for chg2 in changes:
+ # (Check dirname in the case of fields from recipe info files)
+ if chg.path == chg2.path or os.path.dirname(chg.path) == chg2.path:
+ if chg2.fieldname in related_fields.get(chg.fieldname, []):
+ chg.related.append(chg2)
+ elif chg.path.startswith('packages/') and chg2.fieldname in ['PE', 'PV', 'PR']:
+ chg.related.append(chg2)
+ if report_all:
+ return changes
+ else:
+ return [chg for chg in changes if chg.monitored]