path: root/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
index a890de7911..83aa381fe7 100644
--- a/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/distrodata.bbclass
@@ -268,240 +268,6 @@ python do_checkpkg() {
import tempfile
import subprocess
- """
- sanity check to ensure same name and type. Match as many patterns as possible
- such as:
- gnome-common-2.20.0.tar.gz (most common format)
- gtk+-2.90.1.tar.gz
- xf86-input-synaptics-12.6.9.tar.gz
- dri2proto-2.3.tar.gz
- blktool_4.orig.tar.gz
- libid3tag-0.15.1b.tar.gz
- unzip552.tar.gz
- icu4c-3_6-src.tgz
- genext2fs_1.3.orig.tar.gz
- gst-fluendo-mp3
- """
- prefix1 = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*([\-_][a-zA-Z]\w+)*\+?[\-_]" # match most patterns which uses "-" as separator to version digits
- prefix2 = "[a-zA-Z]+" # a loose pattern such as for unzip552.tar.gz
- prefix3 = "[0-9]+[\-]?[a-zA-Z]+" # a loose pattern such as for 80325-quicky-0.4.tar.gz
- prefix = "(%s|%s|%s)" % (prefix1, prefix2, prefix3)
- ver_regex = "(([A-Z]*\d+[a-zA-Z]*[\.\-_]*)+)"#"((\d+[\.\-_[a-z]])+)"
- # src.rpm extension was added only for rpm package. Can be removed if the rpm
- # packaged will always be considered as having to be manually upgraded
- suffix = "(tar\.gz|tgz|tar\.bz2|tar\.lz4|zip|xz|rpm|bz2|lz4|orig\.tar\.gz|tar\.xz|src\.tar\.gz|src\.tgz|svnr\d+\.tar\.bz2|stable\.tar\.gz|src\.rpm)"
- suffixtuple = ("tar.gz", "tgz", "zip", "tar.bz2", "tar.xz", "tar.lz4", "bz2", "lz4", "orig.tar.gz", "src.tar.gz", "src.rpm", "src.tgz", "svnr\d+.tar.bz2", "stable.tar.gz", "src.rpm")
- sinterstr = "(?P<name>%s?)v?(?P<ver>%s)(\-source)?" % (prefix, ver_regex)
- sdirstr = "(?P<name>%s)\.?v?(?P<ver>%s)(\-source)?[\.\-](?P<type>%s$)" % (prefix, ver_regex, suffix)
- def parse_inter(s):
- m =, s)
- if not m:
- return None
- else:
- return ('name'),'ver'), "")
- def parse_dir(s):
- m =, s)
- if not m:
- return None
- else:
- return ('name'),'ver'),'type'))
- def modelate_version(version):
- if version[0] in ['.', '-']:
- if version[1].isdigit():
- version = version[1] + version[0] + version[2:len(version)]
- else:
- version = version[1:len(version)]
- version = re.sub('\-', '.', version)
- version = re.sub('_', '.', version)
- version = re.sub('(rc)+', '.-1.', version)
- version = re.sub('(alpha)+', '.-3.', version)
- version = re.sub('(beta)+', '.-2.', version)
- if version[0] == 'v':
- version = version[1:len(version)]
- return version
- """
- Check whether 'new' is newer than 'old' version. We use existing vercmp() for the
- purpose. PE is cleared in comparison as it's not for build, and PV is cleared too
- for simplicity as it's somehow difficult to get from various upstream format
- """
- def __vercmp(old, new):
- (on, ov, ot) = old
- (en, ev, et) = new
- if on != en or (et and et not in suffixtuple):
- return False
- ov = modelate_version(ov)
- ev = modelate_version(ev)
- result = bb.utils.vercmp(("0", ov, ""), ("0", ev, ""))
- if result < 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- """
- wrapper for fetch upstream directory info
- 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
- 'd' - database
- 'tmpf' - tmpfile for fetcher output
- We don't want to exit whole build due to one recipe error. So handle all exceptions
- gracefully w/o leaking to outer.
- """
- def internal_fetch_wget(url, ud, d, tmpf):
- status = "ErrFetchUnknown"
- agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.6.12"
- fetchcmd = "/usr/bin/env wget -t 1 --passive-ftp -O %s --user-agent=\"%s\" '%s'" % (, agent, url)
- try:
- fetcher = bb.fetch2.wget.Wget(d)
- fetcher._runwget(ud, d, fetchcmd, True)
- status = "SUCC"
- except bb.fetch2.BBFetchException, e:
- status = "ErrFetch"
- return status
- """
- Check on middle version directory such as "2.4/" in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz",
- 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
- 'd' - database
- 'curver' - current version
- Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style
- """
- def check_new_dir(url, curver, ud, d):
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
- f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-1-" % pn)
- status = internal_fetch_wget(url, ud, d, f)
- fhtml =
- if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml):
- newver = parse_inter(curver)
- """
- match "*4.1/">*4.1/ where '*' matches chars
- N.B. add package name, only match for digits
- """
- regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True)
- if regex == '':
- regex = "^%s" %prefix
- m ="^%s" % regex, curver)
- if m:
- s = "%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?" %
- else:
- s = "(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?"
- searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\">" % s
- reg = re.compile(searchstr)
- valid = 0
- for line in fhtml.split("\n"):
- if line.find(curver) >= 0:
- valid = 1
- m =
- if m:
- ver ="\"")[1]
- ver = ver.strip("/")
- ver = parse_inter(ver)
- if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True:
- newver = ver
- """Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format"""
- if not valid:
- status = "ErrParseInterDir"
- else:
- """rejoin the path name"""
- status = newver[0] + newver[1]
- elif not len(fhtml):
- status = "ErrHostNoDir"
- f.close()
- if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status):
- logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True)
-"cp %s %s/" % (, logpath), shell=True)
- os.unlink(
- return status
- """
- Check on the last directory to search '2.4.1' in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz",
- 'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
- 'd' - database
- 'curname' - current package name
- Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style
- """
- def check_new_version(url, curname, ud, d):
- """possible to have no version in pkg name, such as spectrum-fw"""
- if not"\d+", curname):
- return pcurver
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
- newver_regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True)
- f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-2-" % pn)
- status = internal_fetch_wget(url, ud, d, f)
- fhtml =
- if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml):
- newver = parse_dir(curname)
- if not newver_regex:
- """this is the default matching pattern, if recipe does not """
- """provide a regex expression """
- """match "{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz">{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz """
- pn1 ="^%s" % prefix, curname).group()
- s = "[^\"]*%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+[^\"]*" % pn1
- searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\".*[>\"]" % s
- reg = searchstr
- else:
- reg = newver_regex
- valid = 0
- count = 0
- for line in fhtml.split("\n"):
- if pn == 'kconfig-frontends':
- m = re.findall(reg, line)
- if m:
- valid = 1
- for match in m:
- (on, ov, oe) = newver
- ver = (on, match[0], oe)
- if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True:
- newver = ver
- continue
- count += 1
- m =, line)
- if m:
- valid = 1
- if not newver_regex:
- ver ="\"")[1].split("/")[-1]
- if ver == "download":
- ver ="\"")[1].split("/")[-2]
- ver = parse_dir(ver)
- else:
- """ we cheat a little here, but we assume that the
- regular expression in the recipe will extract exacly
- the version """
- (on, ov, oe) = newver
- ver = (on,'pver'), oe)
- if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) == True:
- newver = ver
- """Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format"""
- if not valid:
- status = "ErrParseDir"
- else:
- """newver still contains a full package name string"""
- status = re.sub('_', '.', newver[1])
- elif not len(fhtml):
- status = "ErrHostNoDir"
- f.close()
- """if host hasn't directory information, no need to save tmp file"""
- if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status):
- logpath = d.getVar('LOG_DIR', True)
-"cp %s %s/" % (, logpath), shell=True)
- os.unlink(
- return status
"""first check whether a uri is provided"""
src_uri = d.getVar('SRC_URI', True)
if not src_uri:
@@ -543,9 +309,6 @@ python do_checkpkg() {
localdata.setVar('OVERRIDES', "pn-" + pnstripped[0] + ":" + d.getVar('OVERRIDES', True))
- chk_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True)
- if not chk_uri:
- chk_uri = src_uri
pdesc = localdata.getVar('DESCRIPTION', True)
pgrp = localdata.getVar('SECTION', True)
if localdata.getVar('PRSPV', True):
@@ -562,232 +325,63 @@ python do_checkpkg() {
psrcuri = localdata.getVar('SRC_URI', True)
maintainer = localdata.getVar('RECIPE_MAINTAINER', True)
+ """ Get upstream version version """
+ pupver = None
+ pstatus = "ErrUnknown"
found = 0
for uri in src_uri.split():
- m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)').match(uri)
- if not m:
- raise MalformedUrl(uri)
- elif'type') in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'cvs', 'svn', 'git'):
- found = 1
- pproto ='type')
- break
+ m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)').match(uri)
+ if not m:
+ raise MalformedUrl(uri)
+ elif'type') in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'cvs', 'svn', 'git'):
+ found = 1
+ psrcuri = uri
+ pproto ='type')
+ break
if not found:
pproto = "file"
- pupver = "N/A"
- pstatus = "ErrUnknown"
- (type, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(uri)
- if type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']:
- if d.getVar('PRSPV', True):
- pcurver = d.getVar('PRSPV', True)
- else:
- pcurver = d.getVar('PV', True)
- else:
- if d.getVar('PRSPV', True):
- pcurver = d.getVar('PRSPV', True)
- else:
- pcurver = d.getVar("SRCREV", True)
- if type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']:
- ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(uri, d)
- newver = pcurver
- altpath = path
- dirver = "-"
- curname = "-"
- """
- match version number amid the path, such as "5.7" in:
- N.B. how about sth. like "../5.7/5.8/..."? Not find such example so far :-P
- """
- m ="[^/]*(\d+\.)+\d+([\-_]r\d+)*/", path)
- if m:
- altpath = path.split([0]
- dirver ="/")
- """use new path and remove param. for wget only param is md5sum"""
- alturi = bb.fetch.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}])
- my_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True)
- if my_uri:
- if d.getVar('PRSPV', True):
- newver = d.getVar('PRSPV', True)
- else:
- newver = d.getVar('PV', True)
- else:
- newver = check_new_dir(alturi, dirver, ud, d)
- altpath = path
- if not re.match("Err", newver) and dirver != newver:
- altpath = altpath.replace(dirver, newver, True)
- # For folder in folder cases - try to enter the folder again and then try parsing
- """Now try to acquire all remote files in current directory"""
- if not re.match("Err", newver):
- curname = altpath.split("/")[-1]
- """get remote name by skipping pacakge name"""
- m ="/.*/", altpath)
- if not m:
- altpath = "/"
- else:
- altpath =
- chk_uri = d.getVar('REGEX_URI', True)
- if not chk_uri:
- alturi = bb.fetch.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}])
- else:
- alturi = chk_uri
- newver = check_new_version(alturi, curname, ud, d)
- while(newver == "ErrHostNoDir"):
- if alturi == "/download":
- break
- else:
- alturi = "/".join(alturi.split("/")[0:-2]) + "/download"
- newver = check_new_version(alturi, curname, ud, d)
- if not re.match("Err", newver):
- pupver = newver
- if pupver != pcurver:
- pstatus = "UPDATE"
- else:
- pstatus = "MATCH"
- if re.match("Err", newver):
- pstatus = newver + ":" + altpath + ":" + dirver + ":" + curname
- elif type == 'git':
- if user:
- gituser = user + '@'
- else:
- gituser = ""
- if 'protocol' in parm:
- gitproto = parm['protocol']
- else:
- gitproto = "git"
- # Get all tags and HEAD
- if d.getVar('GIT_REGEX', True):
- gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s %s 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path, d.getVar('GIT_REGEX', True))
- else:
- gitcmd = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s *tag* 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
- gitcmd2 = "git ls-remote %s://%s%s%s HEAD 2>&1" % (gitproto, gituser, host, path)
- tmp = os.popen(gitcmd).read()
- if 'unable to connect' in tmp:
- tmp = None
- tmp2 = os.popen(gitcmd2).read()
- if 'unable to connect' in tmp2:
- tmp2 = None
- #This is for those repos have tag like: refs/tags/1.2.2
- phash = pversion.rsplit("+")[-1]
- if tmp:
- tmpline = tmp.split("\n")
- verflag = 0
- pupver = pversion
- for line in tmpline:
- if len(line)==0:
- break;
- puptag = line.split("/")[-1]
- upstr_regex = d.getVar('REGEX', True)
- if upstr_regex:
- puptag =, puptag)
- else:
- puptag ="(?P<pver>([0-9][\.|_]?)+)", puptag)
- if puptag == None:
- continue
- puptag ='pver')
- puptag = re.sub("_",".",puptag)
- plocaltag = pupver.split("+git")[0]
- if "git" in plocaltag:
- plocaltag = plocaltag.split("-")[0]
- result = bb.utils.vercmp(("0", puptag, ""), ("0", plocaltag, ""))
- if result > 0:
- verflag = 1
- pupver = puptag
- elif verflag == 0 :
- pupver = plocaltag
- #This is for those no tag repo
- elif tmp2:
+ if pproto in ['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'git']:
+ try:
+ ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(psrcuri, d)
+ pupver = ud.method.latest_versionstring(ud, d)
+ if pproto == 'git':
+ if pupver == "":
pupver = pversion.rsplit("+")[0]
- phash = pupver
- else:
- pstatus = "ErrGitAccess"
- if not ('ErrGitAccess' in pstatus):
- latest_head = tmp2.rsplit("\t")[0][:7]
- tmp3 ='(?P<git_ver>(\d+[\.-]?)+)(?P<git_prefix>(\+git[r|\-|]?)AUTOINC\+)(?P<head_md5>([\w|_]+))', pversion)
- tmp4 ='(?P<git_ver>(\d+[\.-]?)+)(?P<git_prefix>(\+git[r|\-|]?)AUTOINC\+)(?P<head_md5>([\w|_]+))', pupver)
- if not tmp4:
- tmp4 ='(?P<git_ver>(\d+[\.-]?)+)', pupver)
- if tmp3:
- # Get status of the package - MATCH/UPDATE
- result = bb.utils.vercmp(("0",'git_ver'), ""), ("0",'git_ver') , ""))
- # Get the latest tag
- pstatus = 'MATCH'
- if result < 0:
- latest_pv ='git_ver')
- else:
- latest_pv = pupver
- if not('head_md5')[:7] in latest_head) or not(latest_head in'head_md5')[:7]):
- pstatus = 'UPDATE'
- git_prefix ='git_prefix')
- pupver = latest_pv +'git_prefix') + latest_head
- else:
- if not tmp3:
- bb.plain("#DEBUG# Package %s: current version (%s) doesn't match the usual pattern" %(pname, pversion))
- elif type == 'svn':
- ud = bb.fetch2.FetchData(uri, d)
- svnFetcher = bb.fetch2.svn.Svn(d)
- svnFetcher.urldata_init(ud, d)
- try:
- pupver = svnFetcher.latest_revision(ud, d, ud.names[0])
- except bb.fetch2.FetchError:
- pstatus = "ErrSvnAccess"
- if pupver:
- if pupver in pversion:
- pstatus = "MATCH"
- else:
- pstatus = "UPDATE"
- else:
- pstatus = "ErrSvnAccess"
- if 'rev' in ud.parm:
- pcurver = ud.parm['rev']
- if pstatus != "ErrSvnAccess":
- tag = pversion.rsplit("+svn")[0]
- svn_prefix ='(\+svn[r|\-]?)', pversion)
- if tag and svn_prefix:
- pupver = tag + + pupver
- elif type == 'cvs':
- pupver = "HEAD"
- pstatus = "UPDATE"
- elif type == 'file':
- """local file is always up-to-date"""
- pupver = pcurver
- pstatus = "MATCH"
+ if, "gitrAUTOINC"):
+ pupver += "+gitrAUTOINC+"
+ else:
+ pupver += "+gitAUTOINC+"
+ latest_revision = ud.method.latest_revision(ud, d, ud.names[0])
+ pupver += latest_revision[:10]
+ except Exception as inst:
+ bb.warn("%s: unexpected error: %s" % (pname, repr(inst)))
+ pstatus = "ErrAccess"
+ elif pproto == "file":
+ """Local files are always updated"""
+ pupver = pversion
- pstatus = "ErrUnsupportedProto"
+ pstatus = "ErrUnsupportedProto"
+ bb.note("do_checkpkg, protocol %s isn't implemented" % pproto)
- if re.match("Err", pstatus):
- pstatus += ":%s%s" % (host, path)
+ if not pupver:
+ pupver = "N/A"
+ elif pupver == pversion:
+ pstatus = "MATCH"
+ else:
+ pstatus = "UPDATE"
"""Read from manual distro tracking fields as alternative"""
pmver = d.getVar("RECIPE_UPSTREAM_VERSION", True)
if not pmver:
- pmver = "N/A"
- pmstatus = "ErrNoRecipeData"
+ pmver = "N/A"
+ pmstatus = "ErrNoRecipeData"
+ elif pmver == pupver:
+ pmstatus = "MATCH"
- if pmver == pcurver:
- pmstatus = "MATCH"
- else:
- pmstatus = "UPDATE"
+ pmstatus = "UPDATE"
- psrcuri = psrcuri.split()[0]
pdepends = "".join(pdepends.split("\t"))
pdesc = "".join(pdesc.split("\t"))
no_upgr_reason = d.getVar('RECIPE_NO_UPDATE_REASON', True)