path: root/meta/classes/autotools.bbclass
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Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes/autotools.bbclass')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/autotools.bbclass b/meta/classes/autotools.bbclass
index 5fda03df80..4c32c84fa8 100644
--- a/meta/classes/autotools.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/autotools.bbclass
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ do_configure[postfuncs] += "autotools_postconfigure"
ACLOCALDIR = "${WORKDIR}/aclocal-copy"
python autotools_copy_aclocals () {
+ import copy
s = d.getVar("AUTOTOOLS_SCRIPT_PATH", True)
if not os.path.exists(s + "/") and not os.path.exists(s + "/"):
if not d.getVar("AUTOTOOLS_COPYACLOCAL", False):
@@ -165,36 +167,63 @@ python autotools_copy_aclocals () {
if start is None:
bb.fatal("Couldn't find ourself in BB_TASKDEPDATA?")
- # We need to find configure tasks which are either from <target> -> <target>
- # or <native> -> <native> but not <target> -> <native> unless they're direct
- # dependencies. This mirrors what would get restored from sstate.
- done = [start]
- next = [start]
+ # We need to figure out which m4 files we need to expose to this do_configure task.
+ # This needs to match what would get restored from sstate, which is controlled
+ # ultimately by calls from bitbake to setscene_depvalid().
+ # That function expects a setscene dependency tree. We build a dependency tree
+ # condensed to do_populate_sysroot -> do_populate_sysroot dependencies, similar to
+ # that used by setscene tasks. We can then call into setscene_depvalid() and decide
+ # which dependencies we can "see" and should expose the m4 files for.
+ setscenedeps = copy.deepcopy(taskdepdata)
+ start = set([start])
+ # Create collapsed do_populate_sysroot -> do_populate_sysroot tree
+ for dep in taskdepdata:
+ data = setscenedeps[dep]
+ if data[1] != "do_populate_sysroot":
+ for dep2 in setscenedeps:
+ data2 = setscenedeps[dep2]
+ if dep in data2[3]:
+ data2[3].update(setscenedeps[dep][3])
+ data2[3].remove(dep)
+ if dep in start:
+ start.update(setscenedeps[dep][3])
+ start.remove(dep)
+ del setscenedeps[dep]
+ # Remove circular references
+ for dep in setscenedeps:
+ if dep in setscenedeps[dep][3]:
+ setscenedeps[dep][3].remove(dep)
+ # Direct dependencies should be present and can be depended upon
+ for dep in start:
+ configuredeps.append(setscenedeps[dep][0])
+ # Call into setscene_depvalid for each sub-dependency and only copy m4 files
+ # for ones that would be restored from sstate.
+ done = list(start)
+ next = list(start)
while next:
new = []
for dep in next:
- data = taskdepdata[dep]
+ data = setscenedeps[dep]
for datadep in data[3]:
if datadep in done:
- if (not data[0].endswith("-native")) and taskdepdata[datadep][0].endswith("-native") and dep != start:
+ taskdeps = {}
+ taskdeps[dep] = setscenedeps[dep][:2]
+ taskdeps[datadep] = setscenedeps[datadep][:2]
+ retval = setscene_depvalid(datadep, taskdeps, [], d)
+ if retval:
+ bb.note("Skipping setscene dependency %s for m4 macro copying" % datadep)
- if taskdepdata[datadep][1] == "do_configure":
- configuredeps.append(taskdepdata[datadep][0])
+ configuredeps.append(setscenedeps[datadep][0])
next = new
- #configuredeps2 = []
- #for dep in taskdepdata:
- # data = taskdepdata[dep]
- # if data[1] == "do_configure" and data[0] != pn:
- # configuredeps2.append(data[0])
- #configuredeps.sort()
- #configuredeps2.sort()
- #bb.warn(str(configuredeps))
- #bb.warn(str(configuredeps2))
cp = []
if nodeps:
bb.warn("autotools: Unable to find task dependencies, -b being used? Pulling in all m4 files")