path: root/documentation/bsp-guide
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1 files changed, 40 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.xml b/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.xml
index 94dd5160a7..cf9c91f4b6 100644
--- a/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.xml
+++ b/documentation/bsp-guide/bsp.xml
@@ -319,46 +319,57 @@ meta-<bsp_name>/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-wrs_git.bbappend
- These files make up the definition of a kernel to use with this hardware.
- In this case, it is a complete self-contained kernel with its own
- configuration and patches.
- However, kernels can be shared between many machines as well.
- Following is an example:
- <programlisting>
- </programlisting>
- This example file is the core kernel recipe that details from where to get the kernel
- source.
- All standard source code locations are supported.
- Consequently, the source could be a release tarball, a git repository, or source included in
- the directory within the BSP itself.
- </para>
- <para>
- The file then contains information about what patches to apply and how to configure and build them.
- Because the file can reuse the main Poky kernel build class, the definitions here can
- remain very simple.
+ This file appends your specific changes to the kernel you are using.
- <programlisting>
- </programlisting>
+ For your BSP you typically want to use an existing Poky kernel found in the
+ Poky repository at <filename class='directory'>meta/recipes-kernel/kernel</filename>.
+ You can append your specific changes to the kernel by using a
+ <filename>.bbappend</filename> file, which is located in the
+ <filename class='directory'>meta-&lt;bsp_name&gt;/recipes-kernel/linux</filename>
+ directory.
- The above example file contains patches you can apply against the base kernel, from wherever
- they may have been obtained.
+ Consider a BSP that uses the <filename></filename> kernel.
+ You would use the <filename>linux-yocto-stable_git.bbappend</filename> file to add
+ specific BSP settings to the kernel, thus configuring the kernel for your particular BSP.
+ Consider an example for the existing "crownbay" BSP.
+ The <filename>.bbaappend</filename> file used for the "crownbay" BSP is:
+ <programlisting>
+ </programlisting>
+ The file contains the following:
+COMPATIBLE_MACHINE_crownbay = "cronwbay"
+KMACHINE_crownbay = "crownbay"
+ This <filename>.bbappend</filename> file adds "crownbay" as a compatible machine,
+ and additionally sets a Yocto Kernel-specific variable that identifies the name of the
+ BSP branch to use in the GIT repository to find configuration information.
- <para>
- Finally, this last example file contains kernel configuration information.
+ <note><para>
+ For an established BSP the configuration information is incorporated directly into the
+ git tree.
+ For a new BSP, however, the <filename>.bbappend</filename> file needs to
+ include its own set of configuration options in a file called
+ <filename>defconfig</filename> located in a directory that matches the recipe name.
+ <programlisting>
+SRC_URI += "file://defconfig"
+ </programlisting>
+ Once a BSP is committed, the Yocto kernel maintainer moves this configuration information
+ into the git tree so that the <filename>.bbappend</filename> file does not need to locate
+ its own configuration options.
+ Again, the initial configuration options using the SRC_URI are put into a
+ directory named
+ <filename class='directory'>meta-&lt;bsp_name&gt;/recipes/linux/linux-yocto-stable</filename>.
- Examples of kernel recipes are available in Poky itself, and thus, make these files optional.
- However, it would be unusual not to have a kernel configuration.
- </para>
+ You can find more information about creating a BSP that is based on an existing similar
+ BSP by reading the "Yocto Project Kernel Architecture and Use Manual."
+ </para></note>
<!-- <section id='bsp-filelayout-packages'>