path: root/bitbake/lib/bb/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bitbake/lib/bb/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1078 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff16daf83f..0000000000
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1078 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
-# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Chris Larson
-# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Phil Blundell
-# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
-# Copyright (C) 2005 ROAD GmbH
-# Copyright (C) 2006 - 2007 Richard Purdie
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import sys, os, glob, os.path, re, time
-import atexit
-import itertools
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import signal
-import sre_constants
-import threading
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from contextlib import closing
-import bb
-from bb import utils, data, parse, event, cache, providers, taskdata, command, runqueue
-logger = logging.getLogger("BitBake")
-collectlog = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Collection")
-buildlog = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Build")
-parselog = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Parsing")
-providerlog = logging.getLogger("BitBake.Provider")
-class MultipleMatches(Exception):
- """
- Exception raised when multiple file matches are found
- """
-class NothingToBuild(Exception):
- """
- Exception raised when there is nothing to build
- """
-class state:
- initial, parsing, running, shutdown, stop = range(5)
-# BBCooker
-class BBCooker:
- """
- Manages one bitbake build run
- """
- def __init__(self, configuration, server):
- self.status = None
- self.appendlist = {}
- if server:
- self.server = server.BitBakeServer(self)
- self.configuration = configuration
- =
- if not server:
- self.parseConfigurationFiles(self.configuration.file)
- if not self.configuration.cmd:
- self.configuration.cmd ="BB_DEFAULT_TASK",, True) or "build"
- bbpkgs ='BBPKGS',, True)
- if bbpkgs and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) == 0:
- self.configuration.pkgs_to_build.extend(bbpkgs.split())
- #
- # Special updated configuration we use for firing events
- #
- self.configuration.event_data =
- # TOSTOP must not be set or our children will hang when they output
- fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
- if os.isatty(fd):
- import termios
- tcattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
- if tcattr[3] & termios.TOSTOP:
-"The terminal had the TOSTOP bit set, clearing...")
- tcattr[3] = tcattr[3] & ~termios.TOSTOP
- termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, tcattr)
- self.command = bb.command.Command(self)
- self.state = state.initial
- def parseConfiguration(self):
- # Change nice level if we're asked to
- nice ="BB_NICE_LEVEL",, True)
- if nice:
- curnice = os.nice(0)
- nice = int(nice) - curnice
- buildlog.verbose("Renice to %s " % os.nice(nice))
- def parseCommandLine(self):
- # Parse any commandline into actions
- if self.configuration.show_environment:
- self.commandlineAction = None
- if 'world' in self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
- buildlog.error("'world' is not a valid target for --environment.")
- elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 1:
- buildlog.error("Only one target can be used with the --environment option.")
- elif self.configuration.buildfile and len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
- buildlog.error("No target should be used with the --environment and --buildfile options.")
- elif len(self.configuration.pkgs_to_build) > 0:
- self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironmentTarget", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build]
- else:
- self.commandlineAction = ["showEnvironment", self.configuration.buildfile]
- elif self.configuration.buildfile is not None:
- self.commandlineAction = ["buildFile", self.configuration.buildfile, self.configuration.cmd]
- elif self.configuration.revisions_changed:
- self.commandlineAction = ["compareRevisions"]
- elif self.configuration.show_versions:
- self.commandlineAction = ["showVersions"]
- elif self.configuration.parse_only:
- self.commandlineAction = ["parseFiles"]
- elif self.configuration.dot_graph:
- if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
- self.commandlineAction = ["generateDotGraph", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
- else:
- self.commandlineAction = None
- buildlog.error("Please specify a package name for dependency graph generation.")
- else:
- if self.configuration.pkgs_to_build:
- self.commandlineAction = ["buildTargets", self.configuration.pkgs_to_build, self.configuration.cmd]
- else:
- self.commandlineAction = None
- buildlog.error("Nothing to do. Use 'bitbake world' to build everything, or run 'bitbake --help' for usage information.")
- def runCommands(self, server, data, abort):
- """
- Run any queued asynchronous command
- This is done by the idle handler so it runs in true context rather than
- tied to any UI.
- """
- return self.command.runAsyncCommand()
- def showVersions(self):
- # Need files parsed
- self.updateCache()
- pkg_pn = self.status.pkg_pn
- preferred_versions = {}
- latest_versions = {}
- # Sort by priority
- for pn in pkg_pn:
- (last_ver, last_file, pref_ver, pref_file) = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,, self.status)
- preferred_versions[pn] = (pref_ver, pref_file)
- latest_versions[pn] = (last_ver, last_file)
- logger.plain("%-35s %25s %25s", "Package Name", "Latest Version", "Preferred Version")
- logger.plain("%-35s %25s %25s\n", "============", "==============", "=================")
- for p in sorted(pkg_pn):
- pref = preferred_versions[p]
- latest = latest_versions[p]
- prefstr = pref[0][0] + ":" + pref[0][1] + '-' + pref[0][2]
- lateststr = latest[0][0] + ":" + latest[0][1] + "-" + latest[0][2]
- if pref == latest:
- prefstr = ""
- logger.plain("%-35s %25s %25s", p, lateststr, prefstr)
- def showEnvironment(self, buildfile = None, pkgs_to_build = []):
- """
- Show the outer or per-package environment
- """
- fn = None
- envdata = None
- if buildfile:
- fn = self.matchFile(buildfile)
- elif len(pkgs_to_build) == 1:
- self.updateCache()
- localdata = data.createCopy(
- taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
- taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, pkgs_to_build[0])
- taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
- targetid = taskdata.getbuild_id(pkgs_to_build[0])
- fnid = taskdata.build_targets[targetid][0]
- fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
- else:
- envdata =
- if fn:
- try:
- envdata = bb.cache.Cache.loadDataFull(fn, self.get_file_appends(fn),
- except Exception, e:
- parselog.exception("Unable to read %s", fn)
- raise
- # emit variables and shell functions
- data.update_data(envdata)
- with closing(StringIO()) as env:
- data.emit_env(env, envdata, True)
- logger.plain(env.getvalue())
- # emit the metadata which isnt valid shell
- data.expandKeys(envdata)
- for e in envdata.keys():
- if data.getVarFlag( e, 'python', envdata ):
- logger.plain("\npython %s () {\n%s}\n", e, data.getVar(e, envdata, 1))
- def generateDepTreeData(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
- """
- Create a dependency tree of pkgs_to_build, returning the data.
- """
- # Need files parsed
- self.updateCache()
- # If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
- if (task == None):
- task = self.configuration.cmd
- pkgs_to_build = self.checkPackages(pkgs_to_build)
- localdata = data.createCopy(
- taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
- runlist = []
- for k in pkgs_to_build:
- taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
- runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
- taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
- rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
- rq.rqdata.prepare()
- seen_fnids = []
- depend_tree = {}
- depend_tree["depends"] = {}
- depend_tree["tdepends"] = {}
- depend_tree["pn"] = {}
- depend_tree["rdepends-pn"] = {}
- depend_tree["packages"] = {}
- depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"] = {}
- depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"] = {}
- for task in xrange(len(rq.rqdata.runq_fnid)):
- taskname = rq.rqdata.runq_task[task]
- fnid = rq.rqdata.runq_fnid[task]
- fn = taskdata.fn_index[fnid]
- pn = self.status.pkg_fn[fn]
- version = "%s:%s-%s" % self.status.pkg_pepvpr[fn]
- if pn not in depend_tree["pn"]:
- depend_tree["pn"][pn] = {}
- depend_tree["pn"][pn]["filename"] = fn
- depend_tree["pn"][pn]["version"] = version
- for dep in rq.rqdata.runq_depends[task]:
- depfn = taskdata.fn_index[rq.rqdata.runq_fnid[dep]]
- deppn = self.status.pkg_fn[depfn]
- dotname = "%s.%s" % (pn, rq.rqdata.runq_task[task])
- if not dotname in depend_tree["tdepends"]:
- depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname] = []
- depend_tree["tdepends"][dotname].append("%s.%s" % (deppn, rq.rqdata.runq_task[dep]))
- if fnid not in seen_fnids:
- seen_fnids.append(fnid)
- packages = []
- depend_tree["depends"][pn] = []
- for dep in taskdata.depids[fnid]:
- depend_tree["depends"][pn].append(taskdata.build_names_index[dep])
- depend_tree["rdepends-pn"][pn] = []
- for rdep in taskdata.rdepids[fnid]:
- depend_tree["rdepends-pn"][pn].append(taskdata.run_names_index[rdep])
- rdepends = self.status.rundeps[fn]
- for package in rdepends:
- depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"][package] = []
- for rdepend in rdepends[package]:
- depend_tree["rdepends-pkg"][package].append(rdepend)
- packages.append(package)
- rrecs = self.status.runrecs[fn]
- for package in rrecs:
- depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"][package] = []
- for rdepend in rrecs[package]:
- depend_tree["rrecs-pkg"][package].append(rdepend)
- if not package in packages:
- packages.append(package)
- for package in packages:
- if package not in depend_tree["packages"]:
- depend_tree["packages"][package] = {}
- depend_tree["packages"][package]["pn"] = pn
- depend_tree["packages"][package]["filename"] = fn
- depend_tree["packages"][package]["version"] = version
- return depend_tree
- def generateDepTreeEvent(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
- """
- Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
- Generate an event with the result
- """
- depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task)
- def generateDotGraphFiles(self, pkgs_to_build, task):
- """
- Create a task dependency graph of pkgs_to_build.
- Save the result to a set of .dot files.
- """
- depgraph = self.generateDepTreeData(pkgs_to_build, task)
- # Prints a flattened form of package-depends below where subpackages of a package are merged into the main pn
- depends_file = file('', 'w' )
- print("digraph depends {", file=depends_file)
- for pn in depgraph["pn"]:
- fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
- version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
- print('"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn), file=depends_file)
- for pn in depgraph["depends"]:
- for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s"' % (pn, depend), file=depends_file)
- for pn in depgraph["rdepends-pn"]:
- for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pn"][pn]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (pn, rdepend), file=depends_file)
- print("}", file=depends_file)
-"PN dependencies saved to ''")
- depends_file = file('', 'w' )
- print("digraph depends {", file=depends_file)
- for package in depgraph["packages"]:
- pn = depgraph["packages"][package]["pn"]
- fn = depgraph["packages"][package]["filename"]
- version = depgraph["packages"][package]["version"]
- if package == pn:
- print('"%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s"]' % (pn, pn, version, fn), file=depends_file)
- else:
- print('"%s" [label="%s(%s) %s\\n%s"]' % (package, package, pn, version, fn), file=depends_file)
- for depend in depgraph["depends"][pn]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s"' % (package, depend), file=depends_file)
- for package in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"]:
- for rdepend in depgraph["rdepends-pkg"][package]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend), file=depends_file)
- for package in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"]:
- for rdepend in depgraph["rrecs-pkg"][package]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s" [style=dashed]' % (package, rdepend), file=depends_file)
- print("}", file=depends_file)
-"Package dependencies saved to ''")
- tdepends_file = file('', 'w' )
- print("digraph depends {", file=tdepends_file)
- for task in depgraph["tdepends"]:
- (pn, taskname) = task.rsplit(".", 1)
- fn = depgraph["pn"][pn]["filename"]
- version = depgraph["pn"][pn]["version"]
- print('"%s.%s" [label="%s %s\\n%s\\n%s"]' % (pn, taskname, pn, taskname, version, fn), file=tdepends_file)
- for dep in depgraph["tdepends"][task]:
- print('"%s" -> "%s"' % (task, dep), file=tdepends_file)
- print("}", file=tdepends_file)
-"Task dependencies saved to ''")
- def buildDepgraph( self ):
- all_depends = self.status.all_depends
- pn_provides = self.status.pn_provides
- localdata = data.createCopy(
- matched = set()
- def calc_bbfile_priority(filename):
- for _, _, regex, pri in self.status.bbfile_config_priorities:
- if regex.match(filename):
- if not regex in matched:
- matched.add(regex)
- return pri
- return 0
- for p in ('PREFERRED_PROVIDERS', localdata, 1) or "").split():
- try:
- (providee, provider) = p.split(':')
- except:
- providerlog.critical("Malformed option in PREFERRED_PROVIDERS variable: %s" % p)
- continue
- if providee in self.status.preferred and self.status.preferred[providee] != provider:
- providerlog.error("conflicting preferences for %s: both %s and %s specified", providee, provider, self.status.preferred[providee])
- self.status.preferred[providee] = provider
- # Calculate priorities for each file
- for p in self.status.pkg_fn:
- self.status.bbfile_priority[p] = calc_bbfile_priority(p)
- for collection, pattern, regex, _ in self.status.bbfile_config_priorities:
- if not regex in matched:
- collectlog.warn("No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_%s '%s'" % (collection, pattern))
- def buildWorldTargetList(self):
- """
- Build package list for "bitbake world"
- """
- all_depends = self.status.all_depends
- pn_provides = self.status.pn_provides
- parselog.debug(1, "collating packages for \"world\"")
- for f in self.status.possible_world:
- terminal = True
- pn = self.status.pkg_fn[f]
- for p in pn_provides[pn]:
- if p.startswith('virtual/'):
- parselog.debug(2, "World build skipping %s due to %s provider starting with virtual/", f, p)
- terminal = False
- break
- for pf in self.status.providers[p]:
- if self.status.pkg_fn[pf] != pn:
- parselog.debug(2, "World build skipping %s due to both us and %s providing %s", f, pf, p)
- terminal = False
- break
- if terminal:
- self.status.world_target.add(pn)
- # drop reference count now
- self.status.possible_world = None
- self.status.all_depends = None
- def interactiveMode( self ):
- """Drop off into a shell"""
- try:
- from bb import shell
- except ImportError:
- parselog.exception("Interactive mode not available")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- shell.start( self )
- def _findLayerConf(self):
- path = os.getcwd()
- while path != "/":
- bblayers = os.path.join(path, "conf", "bblayers.conf")
- if os.path.exists(bblayers):
- return bblayers
- path, _ = os.path.split(path)
- def parseConfigurationFiles(self, files):
- def _parse(f, data, include=False):
- try:
- return bb.parse.handle(f, data, include)
- except (IOError, bb.parse.ParseError) as exc:
- parselog.critical("Unable to parse %s: %s" % (f, exc))
- sys.exit(1)
- data =
- bb.parse.init_parser(data)
- for f in files:
- data = _parse(f, data)
- layerconf = self._findLayerConf()
- if layerconf:
- parselog.debug(2, "Found bblayers.conf (%s)", layerconf)
- data = _parse(layerconf, data)
- layers = ('BBLAYERS', data, True) or "").split()
- data =
- for layer in layers:
- parselog.debug(2, "Adding layer %s", layer)
-'LAYERDIR', layer, data)
- data = _parse(os.path.join(layer, "conf", "layer.conf"), data)
- data.expandVarref('LAYERDIR')
-'LAYERDIR', data)
- if not data.getVar("BBPATH", True):
- raise SystemExit("The BBPATH variable is not set")
- data = _parse(os.path.join("conf", "bitbake.conf"), data)
- = data
- # Handle any INHERITs and inherit the base class
- inherits = ["base"] + ('INHERIT',, True ) or "").split()
- for inherit in inherits:
- = _parse(os.path.join('classes', '%s.bbclass' % inherit),, True )
- # Nomally we only register event handlers at the end of parsing .bb files
- # We register any handlers we've found so far here...
- for var in'__BBHANDLERS', or []:
- bb.event.register(var,,
- if"BB_WORKERCONTEXT", is None:
- bb.fetch.fetcher_init(
- bb.codeparser.parser_cache_init(
- bb.parse.init_parser(data)
- def handleCollections( self, collections ):
- """Handle collections"""
- if collections:
- collection_list = collections.split()
- for c in collection_list:
- regex ="BBFILE_PATTERN_%s" % c,, 1)
- if regex == None:
- parselog.error("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s not defined" % c)
- continue
- priority ="BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s" % c,, 1)
- if priority == None:
- parselog.error("BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s not defined" % c)
- continue
- try:
- cre = re.compile(regex)
- except re.error:
- parselog.error("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s \"%s\" is not a valid regular expression", c, regex)
- continue
- try:
- pri = int(priority)
- self.status.bbfile_config_priorities.append((c, regex, cre, pri))
- except ValueError:
- parselog.error("invalid value for BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s: \"%s\"", c, priority)
- def buildSetVars(self):
- """
- Setup any variables needed before starting a build
- """
- if not"BUILDNAME",
-"BUILDNAME", time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'),
-"BUILDSTART", time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()),
- def matchFiles(self, buildfile):
- """
- Find the .bb files which match the expression in 'buildfile'.
- """
- bf = os.path.abspath(buildfile)
- filelist, masked = self.collect_bbfiles()
- try:
- os.stat(bf)
- return [bf]
- except OSError:
- regexp = re.compile(buildfile)
- matches = []
- for f in filelist:
- if and os.path.isfile(f):
- bf = f
- matches.append(f)
- return matches
- def matchFile(self, buildfile):
- """
- Find the .bb file which matches the expression in 'buildfile'.
- Raise an error if multiple files
- """
- matches = self.matchFiles(buildfile)
- if len(matches) != 1:
- parselog.error("Unable to match %s (%s matches found):" % (buildfile, len(matches)))
- for f in matches:
- parselog.error(" %s" % f)
- raise MultipleMatches
- return matches[0]
- def buildFile(self, buildfile, task):
- """
- Build the file matching regexp buildfile
- """
- # Parse the configuration here. We need to do it explicitly here since
- # buildFile() doesn't use the cache
- self.parseConfiguration()
- # If we are told to do the None task then query the default task
- if (task == None):
- task = self.configuration.cmd
- (fn, cls) = bb.cache.Cache.virtualfn2realfn(buildfile)
- buildfile = self.matchFile(fn)
- fn = bb.cache.Cache.realfn2virtual(buildfile, cls)
- self.buildSetVars()
- self.status = bb.cache.CacheData()
- infos = bb.cache.Cache.parse(fn, self.get_file_appends(fn), \
- maininfo = None
- for vfn, info in infos:
- self.status.add_from_recipeinfo(vfn, info)
- if vfn == fn:
- maininfo = info
- # Tweak some variables
- item =
- self.status.ignored_dependencies = set()
- self.status.bbfile_priority[fn] = 1
- # Remove external dependencies
- self.status.task_deps[fn]['depends'] = {}
- self.status.deps[fn] = []
- self.status.rundeps[fn] = []
- self.status.runrecs[fn] = []
- # Remove stamp for target if force mode active
- if self.configuration.force:
- logger.verbose("Remove stamp %s, %s", task, fn)
-'do_%s' % task, self.status, fn)
- # Setup taskdata structure
- taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
- taskdata.add_provider(, self.status, item)
- buildname ="BUILDNAME",
-, [item]), self.configuration.event_data)
- # Clear locks
- bb.fetch.persistent_database_connection = {}
- # Execute the runqueue
- runlist = [[item, "do_%s" % task]]
- rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
- def buildFileIdle(server, rq, abort):
- if abort or self.state == state.stop:
- rq.finish_runqueue(True)
- elif self.state == state.shutdown:
- rq.finish_runqueue(False)
- failures = 0
- try:
- retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
- except runqueue.TaskFailure as exc:
- for fnid in exc.args:
- buildlog.error("'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
- failures += len(exc.args)
- retval = False
- if not retval:
-, item, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
- self.command.finishAsyncCommand()
- return False
- if retval is True:
- return True
- return retval
- self.server.register_idle_function(buildFileIdle, rq)
- def buildTargets(self, targets, task):
- """
- Attempt to build the targets specified
- """
- # Need files parsed
- self.updateCache()
- # If we are told to do the NULL task then query the default task
- if (task == None):
- task = self.configuration.cmd
- targets = self.checkPackages(targets)
- def buildTargetsIdle(server, rq, abort):
- if abort or self.state == state.stop:
- rq.finish_runqueue(True)
- elif self.state == state.shutdown:
- rq.finish_runqueue(False)
- failures = 0
- try:
- retval = rq.execute_runqueue()
- except runqueue.TaskFailure as exc:
- for fnid in exc.args:
- buildlog.error("'%s' failed" % taskdata.fn_index[fnid])
- failures += len(exc.args)
- retval = False
- if not retval:
-, targets, failures), self.configuration.event_data)
- self.command.finishAsyncCommand()
- return False
- if retval is True:
- return True
- return retval
- self.buildSetVars()
- buildname ="BUILDNAME",
-, targets), self.configuration.event_data)
- localdata = data.createCopy(
- taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(self.configuration.abort)
- runlist = []
- for k in targets:
- taskdata.add_provider(localdata, self.status, k)
- runlist.append([k, "do_%s" % task])
- taskdata.add_unresolved(localdata, self.status)
- # Clear locks
- bb.fetch.persistent_database_connection = {}
- rq = bb.runqueue.RunQueue(self,, self.status, taskdata, runlist)
- self.server.register_idle_function(buildTargetsIdle, rq)
- def updateCache(self):
- if self.state == state.running:
- return
- if self.state != state.parsing:
- self.parseConfiguration ()
- # Import Psyco if available and not disabled
- import platform
- if platform.machine() in ['i386', 'i486', 'i586', 'i686']:
- if not self.configuration.disable_psyco:
- try:
- import psyco
- except ImportError:
-"Psyco JIT Compiler ( not available. Install it to increase performance.")
- else:
- psyco.bind( CookerParser.parse_next )
- else:
-"You have disabled Psyco. This decreases performance.")
- self.status = bb.cache.CacheData()
- ignore ="ASSUME_PROVIDED",, 1) or ""
- self.status.ignored_dependencies = set(ignore.split())
- for dep in self.configuration.extra_assume_provided:
- self.status.ignored_dependencies.add(dep)
- self.handleCollections("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS",, 1) )
- (filelist, masked) = self.collect_bbfiles()
-"__depends", "__base_depends",
- self.parser = CookerParser(self, filelist, masked)
- self.state = state.parsing
- if not self.parser.parse_next():
- collectlog.debug(1, "parsing complete")
- self.buildDepgraph()
- self.state = state.running
- return None
- return True
- def checkPackages(self, pkgs_to_build):
- if len(pkgs_to_build) == 0:
- raise NothingToBuild
- if 'world' in pkgs_to_build:
- self.buildWorldTargetList()
- pkgs_to_build.remove('world')
- for t in self.status.world_target:
- pkgs_to_build.append(t)
- return pkgs_to_build
- def get_bbfiles( self, path = os.getcwd() ):
- """Get list of default .bb files by reading out the current directory"""
- contents = os.listdir(path)
- bbfiles = []
- for f in contents:
- (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(f)
- if ext == ".bb":
- bbfiles.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f)))
- return bbfiles
- def find_bbfiles( self, path ):
- """Find all the .bb and .bbappend files in a directory"""
- from os.path import join
- found = []
- for dir, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for ignored in ('SCCS', 'CVS', '.svn'):
- if ignored in dirs:
- dirs.remove(ignored)
- found += [join(dir, f) for f in files if (f.endswith('.bb') or f.endswith('.bbappend'))]
- return found
- def collect_bbfiles( self ):
- """Collect all available .bb build files"""
- parsed, cached, skipped, masked = 0, 0, 0, 0
- collectlog.debug(1, "collecting .bb files")
- files = (data.getVar( "BBFILES",, 1 ) or "").split()
- data.setVar("BBFILES", " ".join(files),
- if not len(files):
- files = self.get_bbfiles()
- if not len(files):
- collectlog.error("no recipe files to build, check your BBPATH and BBFILES?")
-, self.configuration.event_data)
- newfiles = set()
- for f in files:
- if os.path.isdir(f):
- dirfiles = self.find_bbfiles(f)
- newfiles.update(dirfiles)
- else:
- globbed = glob.glob(f)
- if not globbed and os.path.exists(f):
- globbed = [f]
- newfiles.update(globbed)
- bbmask ='BBMASK',, 1)
- if bbmask:
- try:
- bbmask_compiled = re.compile(bbmask)
- except sre_constants.error:
- collectlog.critical("BBMASK is not a valid regular expression, ignoring.")
- return list(newfiles), 0
- bbfiles = []
- bbappend = []
- for f in newfiles:
- if bbmask and
- collectlog.debug(1, "skipping masked file %s", f)
- masked += 1
- continue
- if f.endswith('.bb'):
- bbfiles.append(f)
- elif f.endswith('.bbappend'):
- bbappend.append(f)
- else:
- collectlog.debug(1, "skipping %s: unknown file extension", f)
- # Build a list of .bbappend files for each .bb file
- for f in bbappend:
- base = os.path.basename(f).replace('.bbappend', '.bb')
- if not base in self.appendlist:
- self.appendlist[base] = []
- self.appendlist[base].append(f)
- return (bbfiles, masked)
- def get_file_appends(self, fn):
- """
- Returns a list of .bbappend files to apply to fn
- NB: collect_bbfiles() must have been called prior to this
- """
- f = os.path.basename(fn)
- if f in self.appendlist:
- return self.appendlist[f]
- return []
- def pre_serve(self):
- # Empty the environment. The environment will be populated as
- # necessary from the data store.
- #bb.utils.empty_environment()
- return
- def post_serve(self):
-, self.configuration.event_data)
- def shutdown(self):
- self.state = state.shutdown
- def stop(self):
- self.state = state.stop
-def server_main(cooker, func, *args):
- cooker.pre_serve()
- if cooker.configuration.profile:
- try:
- import cProfile as profile
- except:
- import profile
- prof = profile.Profile()
- ret = profile.Profile.runcall(prof, func, *args)
- prof.dump_stats("profile.log")
- # Redirect stdout to capture profile information
- pout = open('profile.log.processed', 'w')
- so = sys.stdout.fileno()
- orig_so = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())
- os.dup2(pout.fileno(), so)
- import pstats
- p = pstats.Stats('profile.log')
- p.sort_stats('time')
- p.print_stats()
- p.print_callers()
- p.sort_stats('cumulative')
- p.print_stats()
- os.dup2(orig_so, so)
- pout.flush()
- pout.close()
- print("Raw profiling information saved to profile.log and processed statistics to profile.log.processed")
- else:
- ret = func(*args)
- cooker.post_serve()
- return ret
-class CookerExit(bb.event.Event):
- """
- Notify clients of the Cooker shutdown
- """
- def __init__(self):
- bb.event.Event.__init__(self)
-class ParsingFailure(Exception):
- def __init__(self, realexception, recipe):
- self.realexception = realexception
- self.recipe = recipe
- Exception.__init__(self, "Failure when parsing %s" % recipe)
- self.args = (realexception, recipe)
-def parse_file(task):
- filename, appends = task
- try:
- return True, bb.cache.Cache.parse(filename, appends, parse_file.cfg)
- except Exception, exc:
- exc.recipe = filename
- raise exc
- # Need to turn BaseExceptions into Exceptions here so we gracefully shutdown
- # and for example a worker thread doesn't just exit on its own in response to
- # a SystemExit event for example.
- except BaseException, exc:
- raise ParsingFailure(exc, filename)
-class CookerParser(object):
- def __init__(self, cooker, filelist, masked):
- self.filelist = filelist
- self.cooker = cooker
- self.cfgdata =
- # Accounting statistics
- self.parsed = 0
- self.cached = 0
- self.error = 0
- self.masked = masked
- self.skipped = 0
- self.virtuals = 0
- = len(filelist)
- self.current = 0
- self.num_processes = int(self.cfgdata.getVar("BB_NUMBER_PARSE_THREADS", True) or
- multiprocessing.cpu_count())
- self.bb_cache = bb.cache.Cache(self.cfgdata)
- self.fromcache = []
- self.willparse = []
- for filename in self.filelist:
- appends = self.cooker.get_file_appends(filename)
- if not self.bb_cache.cacheValid(filename):
- self.willparse.append((filename, appends))
- else:
- self.fromcache.append((filename, appends))
- self.toparse = - len(self.fromcache)
- self.progress_chunk = max(self.toparse / 100, 1)
- self.start()
- def start(self):
- def init(cfg):
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
- parse_file.cfg = cfg
-, self.cfgdata)
- self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.num_processes, init, [self.cfgdata])
- parsed = self.pool.imap(parse_file, self.willparse)
- self.pool.close()
- self.results = itertools.chain(self.load_cached(), parsed)
- def shutdown(self, clean=True):
- if clean:
- event = bb.event.ParseCompleted(self.cached, self.parsed,
- self.skipped, self.masked,
- self.virtuals, self.error,
-, self.cfgdata)
- else:
- self.pool.terminate()
- self.pool.join()
- sync = threading.Thread(target=self.bb_cache.sync)
- sync.start()
- atexit.register(lambda: sync.join())
- codesync = threading.Thread(target=bb.codeparser.parser_cache_save(
- codesync.start()
- atexit.register(lambda: codesync.join())
- def load_cached(self):
- for filename, appends in self.fromcache:
- cached, infos = self.bb_cache.load(filename, appends, self.cfgdata)
- yield not cached, infos
- def parse_next(self):
- try:
- parsed, result =
- except StopIteration:
- self.shutdown()
- return False
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.shutdown(clean=False)
- raise
- except Exception as exc:
- self.shutdown(clean=False)
- bb.fatal('Error parsing %s: %s' % (exc.recipe, exc))
- self.current += 1
- self.virtuals += len(result)
- if parsed:
- self.parsed += 1
- if self.parsed % self.progress_chunk == 0:
- self.cfgdata)
- else:
- self.cached += 1
- for virtualfn, info in result:
- if info.skipped:
- self.skipped += 1
- else:
- self.bb_cache.add_info(virtualfn, info, self.cooker.status,
- parsed=parsed)
- return True
- def reparse(self, filename):
- infos = self.bb_cache.parse(filename,
- self.cooker.get_file_appends(filename),
- self.cfgdata)
- for vfn, info in infos:
- self.cooker.status.add_from_recipeinfo(vfn, info)