diff options
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/ b/meta/lib/oe/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1758dcecba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+# Utility functions for reading and modifying recipes
+# Some code borrowed from the OE layer index
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Intel Corporation
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+import tempfile
+import textwrap
+import difflib
+import utils
+import shutil
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+# Help us to find places to insert values
+recipe_progression = ['SUMMARY', 'DESCRIPTION', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER', 'SECTION', 'LICENSE', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', 'PROVIDES', 'DEPENDS', 'PR', 'PV', 'SRC_URI', 'do_fetch', 'do_unpack', 'do_patch', 'EXTRA_OECONF', 'do_configure', 'EXTRA_OEMAKE', 'do_compile', 'do_install', 'do_populate_sysroot', 'INITSCRIPT', 'USERADD', 'GROUPADD', 'PACKAGES', 'FILES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RPROVIDES', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS', 'ALLOW_EMPTY', 'do_package', 'do_deploy']
+# Variables that sometimes are a bit long but shouldn't be wrapped
+nowrap_vars = ['SUMMARY', 'HOMEPAGE', 'BUGTRACKER']
+list_vars = ['SRC_URI', 'LIC_FILES_CHKSUM']
+def pn_to_recipe(cooker, pn):
+ """Convert a recipe name (PN) to the path to the recipe file"""
+ import bb.providers
+ if pn in cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn:
+ filenames = cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn[pn]
+ best = bb.providers.findBestProvider(pn,, cooker.recipecache, cooker.recipecache.pkg_pn)
+ return best[3]
+ else:
+ return None
+def get_unavailable_reasons(cooker, pn):
+ """If a recipe could not be found, find out why if possible"""
+ import bb.taskdata
+ taskdata = bb.taskdata.TaskData(None, skiplist=cooker.skiplist)
+ return taskdata.get_reasons(pn)
+def parse_recipe(fn, d):
+ """Parse an individual recipe"""
+ import bb.cache
+ envdata = bb.cache.Cache.loadDataFull(fn, [], d)
+ return envdata
+def get_var_files(fn, varlist, d):
+ """Find the file in which each of a list of variables is set.
+ Note: requires variable history to be enabled when parsing.
+ """
+ envdata = parse_recipe(fn, d)
+ varfiles = {}
+ for v in varlist:
+ history = envdata.varhistory.variable(v)
+ files = []
+ for event in history:
+ if 'file' in event and not 'flag' in event:
+ files.append(event['file'])
+ if files:
+ actualfile = files[-1]
+ else:
+ actualfile = None
+ varfiles[v] = actualfile
+ return varfiles
+def patch_recipe_file(fn, values, patch=False, relpath=''):
+ """Update or insert variable values into a recipe file (assuming you
+ have already identified the exact file you want to update.)
+ Note that some manual inspection/intervention may be required
+ since this cannot handle all situations.
+ """
+ remainingnames = {}
+ for k in values.keys():
+ remainingnames[k] = recipe_progression.index(k) if k in recipe_progression else -1
+ remainingnames = OrderedDict(sorted(remainingnames.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf:
+ def outputvalue(name):
+ rawtext = '%s = "%s"\n' % (name, values[name])
+ if name in nowrap_vars:
+ tf.write(rawtext)
+ elif name in list_vars:
+ splitvalue = values[name].split()
+ if len(splitvalue) > 1:
+ linesplit = ' \\\n' + (' ' * (len(name) + 4))
+ tf.write('%s = "%s%s"\n' % (name, linesplit.join(splitvalue), linesplit))
+ else:
+ tf.write(rawtext)
+ else:
+ wrapped = textwrap.wrap(rawtext)
+ for wrapline in wrapped[:-1]:
+ tf.write('%s \\\n' % wrapline)
+ tf.write('%s\n' % wrapped[-1])
+ tfn =
+ with open(fn, 'r') as f:
+ # First runthrough - find existing names (so we know not to insert based on recipe_progression)
+ # Second runthrough - make the changes
+ existingnames = []
+ for runthrough in [1, 2]:
+ currname = None
+ for line in f:
+ if not currname:
+ insert = False
+ for k in remainingnames.keys():
+ for p in recipe_progression:
+ if re.match('^%s[ ?:=]' % p, line):
+ if remainingnames[k] > -1 and recipe_progression.index(p) > remainingnames[k] and runthrough > 1 and not k in existingnames:
+ outputvalue(k)
+ del remainingnames[k]
+ break
+ for k in remainingnames.keys():
+ if re.match('^%s[ ?:=]' % k, line):
+ currname = k
+ if runthrough == 1:
+ existingnames.append(k)
+ else:
+ del remainingnames[k]
+ break
+ if currname and runthrough > 1:
+ outputvalue(currname)
+ if currname:
+ sline = line.rstrip()
+ if not sline.endswith('\\'):
+ currname = None
+ continue
+ if runthrough > 1:
+ tf.write(line)
+ if remainingnames:
+ tf.write('\n')
+ for k in remainingnames.keys():
+ outputvalue(k)
+ with open(tfn, 'U') as f:
+ tolines = f.readlines()
+ if patch:
+ with open(fn, 'U') as f:
+ fromlines = f.readlines()
+ relfn = os.path.relpath(fn, relpath)
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(fromlines, tolines, 'a/%s' % relfn, 'b/%s' % relfn)
+ os.remove(tfn)
+ return diff
+ else:
+ with open(fn, 'w') as f:
+ f.writelines(tolines)
+ os.remove(tfn)
+ return None
+def localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist):
+ """Given a list of variables and variable history (fetched with get_var_files())
+ find where each variable should be set/changed. This handles for example where a
+ recipe includes an inc file where variables might be changed - in most cases
+ we want to update the inc file when changing the variable value rather than adding
+ it to the recipe itself.
+ """
+ fndir = os.path.dirname(fn) + os.sep
+ first_meta_file = None
+ for v in meta_vars:
+ f = varfiles.get(v, None)
+ if f:
+ actualdir = os.path.dirname(f) + os.sep
+ if actualdir.startswith(fndir):
+ first_meta_file = f
+ break
+ filevars = defaultdict(list)
+ for v in varlist:
+ f = varfiles[v]
+ # Only return files that are in the same directory as the recipe or in some directory below there
+ # (this excludes bbclass files and common inc files that wouldn't be appropriate to set the variable
+ # in if we were going to set a value specific to this recipe)
+ if f:
+ actualfile = f
+ else:
+ # Variable isn't in a file, if it's one of the "meta" vars, use the first file with a meta var in it
+ if first_meta_file:
+ actualfile = first_meta_file
+ else:
+ actualfile = fn
+ actualdir = os.path.dirname(actualfile) + os.sep
+ if not actualdir.startswith(fndir):
+ actualfile = fn
+ filevars[actualfile].append(v)
+ return filevars
+def patch_recipe(d, fn, varvalues, patch=False, relpath=''):
+ """Modify a list of variable values in the specified recipe. Handles inc files if
+ used by the recipe.
+ """
+ varlist = varvalues.keys()
+ varfiles = get_var_files(fn, varlist, d)
+ locs = localise_file_vars(fn, varfiles, varlist)
+ patches = []
+ for f,v in locs.iteritems():
+ vals = {k: varvalues[k] for k in v}
+ patchdata = patch_recipe_file(f, vals, patch, relpath)
+ if patch:
+ patches.append(patchdata)
+ if patch:
+ return patches
+ else:
+ return None
+def copy_recipe_files(d, tgt_dir, whole_dir=False, download=True):
+ """Copy (local) recipe files, including both files included via include/require,
+ and files referred to in the SRC_URI variable."""
+ import bb.fetch2
+ import oe.path
+ # FIXME need a warning if the unexpanded SRC_URI value contains variable references
+ uris = (d.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or "").split()
+ fetch = bb.fetch2.Fetch(uris, d)
+ if download:
+ # Copy local files to target directory and gather any remote files
+ bb_dir = os.path.dirname(d.getVar('FILE', True)) + os.sep
+ remotes = []
+ includes = [path for path in d.getVar('BBINCLUDED', True).split() if
+ path.startswith(bb_dir) and os.path.exists(path)]
+ for path in fetch.localpaths() + includes:
+ # Only import files that are under the meta directory
+ if path.startswith(bb_dir):
+ if not whole_dir:
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(path, bb_dir)
+ subdir = os.path.join(tgt_dir, os.path.dirname(relpath))
+ if not os.path.exists(subdir):
+ os.makedirs(subdir)
+ shutil.copy2(path, os.path.join(tgt_dir, relpath))
+ else:
+ remotes.append(path)
+ # Simply copy whole meta dir, if requested
+ if whole_dir:
+ shutil.copytree(bb_dir, tgt_dir)
+ return remotes
+def get_recipe_patches(d):
+ """Get a list of the patches included in SRC_URI within a recipe."""
+ patchfiles = []
+ # Execute src_patches() defined in patch.bbclass - this works since that class
+ # is inherited globally
+ patches = bb.utils.exec_flat_python_func('src_patches', d)
+ for patch in patches:
+ _, _, local, _, _, parm = bb.fetch.decodeurl(patch)
+ patchfiles.append(local)
+ return patchfiles
+def validate_pn(pn):
+ """Perform validation on a recipe name (PN) for a new recipe."""
+ reserved_names = ['forcevariable', 'append', 'prepend', 'remove']
+ if not re.match('[0-9a-z-]+', pn):
+ return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: only characters 0-9, a-z and - are allowed' % pn
+ elif pn in reserved_names:
+ return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: is a reserved keyword' % pn
+ elif pn.startswith('pn-'):
+ return 'Recipe name "%s" is invalid: names starting with "pn-" are reserved' % pn
+ return ''