diff options
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/ b/meta/lib/oe/
index 788f465bd9..2d56ba404e 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/
@@ -202,6 +202,78 @@ class GitApplyTree(PatchTree):
def __init__(self, dir, d):
PatchTree.__init__(self, dir, d)
+ @staticmethod
+ def extractPatchHeader(patchfile):
+ """
+ Extract just the header lines from the top of a patch file
+ """
+ lines = []
+ with open(patchfile, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f.readlines():
+ if line.startswith('Index: ') or line.startswith('diff -') or line.startswith('---'):
+ break
+ lines.append(line)
+ return lines
+ @staticmethod
+ def prepareCommit(patchfile):
+ """
+ Prepare a git commit command line based on the header from a patch file
+ (typically this is useful for patches that cannot be applied with "git am" due to formatting)
+ """
+ import tempfile
+ import re
+ author_re = re.compile('[\S ]+ <\S+@\S+\.\S+>')
+ # Process patch header and extract useful information
+ lines = GitApplyTree.extractPatchHeader(patchfile)
+ outlines = []
+ author = None
+ date = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.startswith('Subject: '):
+ subject = line.split(':', 1)[1]
+ # Remove any [PATCH][oe-core] etc.
+ subject = re.sub(r'\[.+?\]\s*', '', subject)
+ outlines.insert(0, '%s\n\n' % subject.strip())
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('From: ') or line.startswith('Author: '):
+ authorval = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip().replace('"', '')
+ # git is fussy about author formatting i.e. it must be Name <email@domain>
+ if author_re.match(authorval):
+ author = authorval
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('Date: '):
+ if date is None:
+ dateval = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip()
+ # Very crude check for date format, since git will blow up if it's not in the right
+ # format. Without e.g. a python-dateutils dependency we can't do a whole lot more
+ if len(dateval) > 12:
+ date = dateval
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('Signed-off-by: '):
+ authorval = line.split(':', 1)[1].strip().replace('"', '')
+ # git is fussy about author formatting i.e. it must be Name <email@domain>
+ if author_re.match(authorval):
+ author = authorval
+ outlines.append(line)
+ # Add a pointer to the original patch file name
+ if outlines and outlines[-1].strip():
+ outlines.append('\n')
+ outlines.append('(from original patch: %s)\n' % os.path.basename(patchfile))
+ # Write out commit message to a file
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) as tf:
+ tmpfile =
+ for line in outlines:
+ tf.write(line)
+ # Prepare git command
+ cmd = ["git", "commit", "-F", tmpfile]
+ # git doesn't like plain email addresses as authors
+ if author and '<' in author:
+ cmd.append('--author="%s"' % author)
+ if date:
+ cmd.append('--date="%s"' % date)
+ return (tmpfile, cmd)
def _applypatch(self, patch, force = False, reverse = False, run = True):
def _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force = False, reverse = False, run = True):
if reverse:
@@ -218,11 +290,25 @@ class GitApplyTree(PatchTree):
shellcmd = ["git", "--work-tree=.", "am", "-3", "-p%s" % patch['strippath']]
return _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force, reverse, run)
except CmdError:
+ # Fall back to git apply
shellcmd = ["git", "--git-dir=.", "apply", "-p%s" % patch['strippath']]
output = _applypatchhelper(shellcmd, patch, force, reverse, run)
except CmdError:
+ # Fall back to patch
output = PatchTree._applypatch(self, patch, force, reverse, run)
+ # Add all files
+ shellcmd = ["git", "add", "-f", "."]
+ output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir)
+ # Exclude the patches directory
+ shellcmd = ["git", "reset", "HEAD", self.patchdir]
+ output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir)
+ # Commit the result
+ (tmpfile, shellcmd) = self.prepareCommit(patch['file'])
+ try:
+ output += runcmd(["sh", "-c", " ".join(shellcmd)], self.dir)
+ finally:
+ os.remove(tmpfile)
return output