path: root/meta
diff options
authorXiaofeng Yan <>2011-12-12 19:28:39 +0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2011-12-13 12:21:04 +0000
commitc95e859672599e43e156ac12dc1d919e0dd34510 (patch)
tree45eaa626b83feb1ee09b55a0c68016a248f134d3 /meta
parente20bb10573dd67fd60b5b7f944eb0cbec2332a04 (diff)
openembedded-core-c95e859672599e43e156ac12dc1d919e0dd34510.tar.bz2 add feature based on directfb
gtk run over x11 at current OE-core. If gtk want to run over directfb, then \ the configuration related to x11 should be disabled and directfb should be enabled. [YOCTO #1674] Signed-off-by: Xiaofeng Yan <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-gnome/gtk+/ b/meta/recipes-gnome/gtk+/
index 1d8f4a69d1..5eb7eb16ec 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-gnome/gtk+/
+++ b/meta/recipes-gnome/gtk+/
@@ -9,9 +9,19 @@ LICENSE = "LGPLv2 & LGPLv2+ & LGPLv2.1+"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=3bf50002aefd002f49e7bb854063f7e7"
SECTION = "libs"
-DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 pango atk jpeg libpng libxext libxcursor \
- gtk-doc-native docbook-utils-native libxrandr libgcrypt \
- libxdamage libxrender libxcomposite cairo gdk-pixbuf"
+X11DEPENDS = "virtual/libx11 libxext libxcursor libxrandr libxdamage libxrender libxcomposite"
+DEPENDS = "glib-2.0 pango atk jpeg libpng gtk-doc-native gdk-pixbuf-native docbook-utils-native \
+ libgcrypt cairo gdk-pixbuf"
+PACKAGECONFIG ??= "${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'x11', 'x11', '', d)} \
+ ${@base_contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'directfb', 'directfb', '', d)}"
+# for gtk+ 2.x, have to pick either x11 or directfb not both
+# for gtk+ 3.x, PACKAGECONFIG[gtk-directfb] should be removed because directfb will not be support as
+# a backend.
+PACKAGECONFIG[x11] = "--with-x=yes --with-gdktarget=x11,--with-x=no,${X11DEPENDS}"
+PACKAGECONFIG[gtk-directfb] = "--with-gdktarget=directfb,,directfb"
inherit autotools pkgconfig