path: root/meta/recipes-devtools
diff options
authorRobert Yang <>2012-05-23 13:55:39 +0800
committerRichard Purdie <>2012-05-24 08:34:49 +0100
commitd76067ae100623dd6dd4858568b98522d1daf474 (patch)
tree6fce0054d99bb6012d5636747028b3f76a4e48f0 /meta/recipes-devtools
parent5149630746626c6d416f26ab9dd1c7213fcd8c50 (diff)
rpm 5.4.0: respect to the arch when choose the alternatives
There is a bug if we: 1) bitbake diffutils with MACHINE=crownbay 2) bitbake diffutils with MACHINE=qemux86 3) bitbake core-image-sato with MACHINE=crownbay Then the diffutils.i586 would be installed to the crownbay's image, this is because diffutils.i586 is newer than diffutils.core2, and rpm doesn't respect to the arch priorities: We have put the archs in order in _solve_dbpath: crownbay/solvedb:core2/solvedb:i586/solvedb:all/solvedb Fix rpm to respect to the order, for example, if it finds a pkg in both core2/ and i586/, and the core2/ comes first, it should not use the one in i586/ even if it's build time is newer. Note: Don't worry about the _free(*ptr), it can check whether ptr is NULL or not. This is for the denzil branch, and the master branch also needs it. [YOCTO #2360] Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/recipes-devtools')
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-respect-arch.patch b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-respect-arch.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b63b37fea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/rpm/rpm-respect-arch.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+rpmts.c: respect to the arch priorities
+Let rpm respect to the priorities when choose alternatives rpm, the arch
+which comes first is preferred.
+Upstream-Status: Pending
+Signed-off-by: Robert Yang <>
+ lib/rpmts.c | 14 ++++++++++++++
+ 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/lib/rpmts.c b/lib/rpmts.c
+index 3fbbc9e..40ec08e 100644
+--- a/lib/rpmts.c
++++ b/lib/rpmts.c
+@@ -353,6 +353,7 @@ int rpmtsSolve(rpmts ts, rpmds ds, /*@unused@*/ const void * data)
+ Header h = NULL;
+ size_t bhnamelen = 0;
+ time_t bhtime = 0;
++ const char *bharch = NULL;
+ rpmTag rpmtag;
+ const char * keyp;
+ size_t keylen = 0;
+@@ -409,6 +410,7 @@ fprintf(stderr, "--> %s(%p,%p,%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, ts, ds, data);
+ while ((h = rpmmiNext(mi)) != NULL) {
+ size_t hnamelen;
+ time_t htime;
++ const char *harch = NULL;
+ if (rpmtag == RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME && !rpmdsAnyMatchesDep(h, ds, 1))
+ continue;
+@@ -431,12 +433,23 @@ fprintf(stderr, "--> %s(%p,%p,%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, ts, ds, data);
+ if (htime <= bhtime)
+ continue;
++ /* XXX Respect to the arch priorities */
++ he->tag = RPMTAG_ARCH;
++ xx = headerGet(h, he, 0);
++ harch = ((xx && he->p.str) ? xstrdup(he->p.str) : NULL);
++ he->p.ptr = _free(he->p.ptr);
++ if (bharch && (strcmp(bharch, harch) != 0))
++ continue;
+ /* Save new "best" candidate. */
+ (void)headerFree(bh);
+ bh = NULL;
+ bh = headerLink(h);
+ bhtime = htime;
+ bhnamelen = hnamelen;
++ bharch = _free(bharch);
++ bharch = xstrdup(harch);
++ harch = _free(harch);
+ }
+ mi = rpmmiFree(mi);
+@@ -449,6 +462,7 @@ fprintf(stderr, "--> %s(%p,%p,%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, ts, ds, data);
+ } while (1);
+ }
++ bharch = _free(bharch);
+ /* Is there a suggested resolution? */
+ if (bh == NULL)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
index 5ee6b47e34..d79d199970 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
+++ b/meta/recipes-devtools/rpm/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING.LIB;md5=2d5025d4aa3495befef8f17206a5b0a1"
DEPENDS = "bzip2 zlib db openssl elfutils expat libpcre attr acl popt ${extrarpmdeps}"
extrarpmdeps = "python perl file"
extrarpmdeps_virtclass-native = "python-native file-native"
-PR = "r36"
+PR = "r37"
# rpm2cpio is a shell script, which is part of the rpm src.rpm. It is needed
# in order to extract the distribution SRPM into a format we can extract...
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ SRC_URI = ";ex
file:// \
file://rpmdeps-oecore.patch \
file://rpm-resolvedep.patch \
+ file://rpm-respect-arch.patch \
# file://rpm-autoconf.patch \