path: root/meta/classes
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authorRichard Purdie <>2013-05-21 08:35:31 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <>2013-05-21 09:14:38 +0100
commit72579e1fe49e8bc66c9f5850a2c679ce8941c85d (patch)
treeca995eb9e8411f825f5fabd3a93215c05c8e22ae /meta/classes
parentf45aa6e07318f22ede4614b28ea15cd48f5e4095 (diff)
update-alternatives: Drop deprecated code, update to show error message
This code has been deprecated for a while and confuses the class, lets drop it and just give the user hard error messages instead of the current warnings/fixups. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass b/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
index 2cadaf79e3..f75f5b6115 100644
--- a/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
@@ -57,96 +57,12 @@
# The package priority for a specific target
# ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY_<pkg>[name] = "priority"
-# -----
-# The following describes deprecated behavior, using any of the
-# following modes will result in a warning, and eventually an error:
-# There are two basic modes supported: 'single update' and 'batch update'
-# 'single update' is used for a single alternative command, and you're
-# expected to provide at least below keywords:
-# ALTERNATIVE_NAME - the name that the alternative is registered
-# ALTERNATIVE_PATH - the path of installed alternative
-# ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY and ALTERNATIVE_LINK are optional which have defaults
-# in this class.
-# 'batch update' is used if you have multiple alternatives to be updated.
-# Unlike 'single update', 'batch update' in most times only require two
-# parameters:
-# ALTERNATIVE_LINKS - a list of symbolic links for which you'd like to
-# create alternatives, with space as delimiter, e.g:
-# ALTERNATIVE_LINKS = "${bindir}/cmd1 ${sbindir}/cmd2 ..."
-# ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY - optional, applies to all
-# To simplify the design, this class has the assumption that for a name
-# listed in ALTERNATIVE_LINKS, say /path/cmd:
-# the name of the alternative would be: cmd
-# the path of installed alternative would be: /path/cmd.${BPN}
-# ${D}/path/cmd will be renamed to ${D}/path/cmd.{BPN} automatically
-# priority will be the same from ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY
-# If above assumption breaks your requirement, then you still need to use
-# your own update-alternatives command directly.
-# defaults
-# The following code is deprecated, but included for compatibility with older packages
-def update_alternatives_after_parse(d):
- if'native', d) or'nativesdk', d):
- return
- # The following code is deprecated, but included for compatibility with older packages
- pn = d.getVar('BPN', True)
- if d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_LINKS') != None:
- # Convert old format to new format...
- alt_links = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_LINKS', True) or ""
- for alt_link in alt_links.split():
- alt_name = os.path.basename(alt_link)
- alternative = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pn, True) or ""
- alternative += " " + alt_name
- d.setVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pn, alternative)
- d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', alt_name, alt_link)
- d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', alt_name, alt_link)
- return
- if d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_NAME') != None or d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_PATH') != None:
- # Convert old format to new format...
- alt_name = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_NAME', True)
- alt_path = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_PATH', True)
- alt_link = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_LINK', True) or ("%s/%s" % (d.getVar('bindir', True), alt_name))
- if alt_name == None:
- raise"%s inherits update-alternatives but doesn't set ALTERNATIVE_NAME" % d.getVar('FILE'))
- if alt_path == None:
- raise"%s inherits update-alternatives but doesn't set ALTERNATIVE_PATH" % d.getVar('FILE'))
- alternative = d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pn, True) or ""
- alternative += " " + alt_name
- # Fix the alt_path if it's relative
- alt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(alt_link), alt_path)
- d.setVar('ALTERNATIVE_%s' % pn, alternative)
- d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_LINK_NAME', alt_name, alt_link)
- d.setVarFlag('ALTERNATIVE_TARGET', alt_name, alt_path)
# We need special processing for vardeps because it can not work on
# modified flag values. So we agregate the flags into a new variable
# and include that vairable in the set.
def gen_updatealternativesvardeps(d):
@@ -178,9 +94,6 @@ python __anonymous() {'cross-canadian', d):
- # deprecated stuff...
- update_alternatives_after_parse(d)
# compute special vardeps
@@ -202,9 +115,6 @@ def gen_updatealternativesvars(d):
ret.append(v + "_VARDEPS_" + p)
return " ".join(ret)
-# First the deprecated items...
# Now the new stuff, we use a custom function to generate the right values
populate_packages[vardeps] += "${UPDALTVARS} ${@gen_updatealternativesvars(d)}"
@@ -215,10 +125,7 @@ python perform_packagecopy_append () {
# Check for deprecated usage...
pn = d.getVar('BPN', True)
if d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_LINKS', True) != None:
- bb.warn('%s: Use of ALTERNATIVE_LINKS is deprecated, see update-alternatives.bbclass for more info.' % pn)
- if d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_NAME', True) != None or d.getVar('ALTERNATIVE_PATH', True) != None:
- bb.warn('%s: Use of ALTERNATIVE_NAME is deprecated, see update-alternatives.bbclass for more info.' % pn)
+ bb.fatal('%s: Use of ALTERNATIVE_LINKS/ALTERNATIVE_PATH/ALTERNATIVE_NAME is no longer supported, please convert to the updated syntax, see update-alternatives.bbclass for more info.' % pn)
# Do actual update alternatives processing
pkgdest = d.getVar('PKGD', True)