path: root/meta/classes
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2012-08-20 16:52:21 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2012-08-21 11:37:01 +0100
commit8385d6d74624000d68814f4e3266d47bc8885942 (patch)
treeb5936e4a38273c8b2f830c9b7ddfdde729b3d9c2 /meta/classes
parent04568d1f18250d531aad5d286157d2d559083520 (diff)
meta/classes: Various python whitespace fixes
It was pointed out we have a number of weird indentations in the python functions. This patch cleans up 3, 7 and other weird indentations for the core bbclass files. It also fixes some wierd (odd) shell function indentation which my searches picked up. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes')
16 files changed, 207 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/base.bbclass b/meta/classes/base.bbclass
index 1a094ad384..59febd1022 100644
--- a/meta/classes/base.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/base.bbclass
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ def preferred_ml_updates(d):
virt = ""
if pkg.startswith("virtual/"):
- pkg = pkg.replace("virtual/", "")
- virt = "virtual/"
+ pkg = pkg.replace("virtual/", "")
+ virt = "virtual/"
for p in prefixes:
newname = "PREFERRED_PROVIDER_" + virt + p + "-" + pkg
if pkg != "kernel":
@@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ python () {
appends = bb.utils.explode_deps(d.expand(" ".join(appends)))
newappends = []
for a in appends:
- if a.endswith("-native") or a.endswith("-cross"):
- newappends.append(a)
- elif a.startswith("virtual/"):
- subs = a.split("/", 1)[1]
- newappends.append("virtual/" + prefix + subs + extension)
- else:
- newappends.append(prefix + a + extension)
+ if a.endswith("-native") or a.endswith("-cross"):
+ newappends.append(a)
+ elif a.startswith("virtual/"):
+ subs = a.split("/", 1)[1]
+ newappends.append("virtual/" + prefix + subs + extension)
+ else:
+ newappends.append(prefix + a + extension)
return newappends
def appendVar(varname, appends):
diff --git a/meta/classes/bugzilla.bbclass b/meta/classes/bugzilla.bbclass
index 6806dcd682..006763d2c7 100644
--- a/meta/classes/bugzilla.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/bugzilla.bbclass
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ python bugzilla_eventhandler() {
data =
name = bb.event.getName(event)
if name == "MsgNote":
- # avoid recursion
- return
+ # avoid recursion
+ return
if name == "TaskFailed":
xmlrpc = data.getVar("BUGZILLA_XMLRPC", True)
diff --git a/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass b/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
index dc9afb101b..6fd13a8602 100644
--- a/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/buildstats.bbclass
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def set_device(e):
for line in open("/proc/diskstats", "r"):
if majordev == int(line.split()[0]) and minordev == int(line.split()[1]):
- rdev=line.split()[2]
+ rdev=line.split()[2]
file = open('DEVFILE', True), "w")
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ def get_diskdata(var, dev, data):
olddiskdata = data.getVar(var, False)
diskdata = {}
if olddiskdata is None:
- return
+ return
newdiskdata = get_diskstats(dev)
for key in olddiskdata.iterkeys():
- diskdata["Start"+key] = str(int(olddiskdata[key]))
+ diskdata["Start"+key] = str(int(olddiskdata[key]))
diskdata["End"+key] = str(int(newdiskdata[key]))
return diskdata
diff --git a/meta/classes/grub-efi.bbclass b/meta/classes/grub-efi.bbclass
index 147accc895..a093628455 100644
--- a/meta/classes/grub-efi.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/grub-efi.bbclass
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ python build_grub_cfg() {
if not workdir:
bb.error("WORKDIR not defined, unable to package")
labels = d.getVar('LABELS', True)
if not labels:
bb.debug(1, "LABELS not defined, nothing to do")
if labels == []:
bb.debug(1, "No labels, nothing to do")
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ python build_grub_cfg() {
if append:
cfgfile.write('%s' % (append))
if initrd:
cfgfile.write('initrd /initrd')
diff --git a/meta/classes/image-swab.bbclass b/meta/classes/image-swab.bbclass
index 0414653f72..37d75355bf 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image-swab.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image-swab.bbclass
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ python() {
# and cross packages which aren't swabber-native or one of its dependencies
# I have ignored them for now...
if not'native', d) and not'nativesdk', d) and not'cross', d):
- deps = (d.getVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends') or "").split()
- deps.append('strace-native:do_populate_sysroot')
- d.setVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends', " ".join(deps))
- logdir = d.expand("${TRACE_LOGDIR}")
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(logdir)
+ deps = (d.getVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends') or "").split()
+ deps.append('strace-native:do_populate_sysroot')
+ d.setVarFlag('do_setscene', 'depends', " ".join(deps))
+ logdir = d.expand("${TRACE_LOGDIR}")
+ bb.utils.mkdirhier(logdir)
- d.setVar('STRACEFUNC', '')
+ d.setVar('STRACEFUNC', '')
STRACEPID = "${@os.getpid()}"
@@ -76,23 +76,23 @@ imageswab_attachstrace () {
do_generate_swabber_report () {
- update_distro ${HOST_DATA}
+ update_distro ${HOST_DATA}
- # Swabber can't create the directory for us
- mkdir -p ${SWABBER_REPORT}
+ # Swabber can't create the directory for us
+ mkdir -p ${SWABBER_REPORT}
- REPORTSTAMP=${SWAB_ORIG_TASK}-`date +%2m%2d%2H%2M%Y`
+ REPORTSTAMP=${SWAB_ORIG_TASK}-`date +%2m%2d%2H%2M%Y`
- if [ `which ccache` ] ; then
- CCACHE_DIR=`( ccache -s | grep "cache directory" | grep -o '[^ ]*$' 2> /dev/null )`
- fi
+ if [ `which ccache` ] ; then
+ CCACHE_DIR=`( ccache -s | grep "cache directory" | grep -o '[^ ]*$' 2> /dev/null )`
+ fi
- if [ "$(ls -A ${HOST_DATA})" ]; then
- echo "Generating swabber report"
- swabber -d ${HOST_DATA} -l ${SWABBER_LOGS} -o ${SWABBER_REPORT}/report-${REPORTSTAMP}.txt -r ${SWABBER_REPORT}/extra_report-${REPORTSTAMP}.txt -c all -p ${TOPDIR} -f ${OEROOT}/meta/conf/swabber ${TOPDIR} ${OEROOT} ${CCACHE_DIR}
- else
- echo "No host data, cannot generate swabber report."
- fi
+ if [ "$(ls -A ${HOST_DATA})" ]; then
+ echo "Generating swabber report"
+ swabber -d ${HOST_DATA} -l ${SWABBER_LOGS} -o ${SWABBER_REPORT}/report-${REPORTSTAMP}.txt -r ${SWABBER_REPORT}/extra_report-${REPORTSTAMP}.txt -c all -p ${TOPDIR} -f ${OEROOT}/meta/conf/swabber ${TOPDIR} ${OEROOT} ${CCACHE_DIR}
+ else
+ echo "No host data, cannot generate swabber report."
+ fi
addtask generate_swabber_report after do_${SWAB_ORIG_TASK}
do_generate_swabber_report[depends] = "swabber-native:do_populate_sysroot"
diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 556a17684f..0f3f1cd082 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def package_qa_get_machine_dict():
"linux-gnux32" : {
"x86_64": (62, 0, 0, True, 32),
- }
+ }
# Currently not being used by default "desktop"
@@ -719,19 +719,19 @@ Rerun configure task after fixing this. The path was '%s'""" % root)
cnf = d.getVar('EXTRA_OECONF', True) or ""
if "gettext" not in d.getVar('P', True) and "gcc-runtime" not in d.getVar('P', True) and "--disable-nls" not in cnf:
- ml = d.getVar("MLPREFIX", True) or ""
- if'native', d) or'cross', d) or'crosssdk', d) or'nativesdk', d):
- gt = "gettext-native"
- elif'cross-canadian', d):
- gt = "gettext-nativesdk"
- else:
- gt = "virtual/" + ml + "gettext"
- deps = bb.utils.explode_deps(d.getVar('DEPENDS', True) or "")
- if gt not in deps:
- for config in configs:
- gnu = "grep \"^[[:space:]]*AM_GNU_GETTEXT\" %s >/dev/null" % config
- if, shell=True) == 0:
- bb.fatal("""%s required but not in DEPENDS for file %s.
+ ml = d.getVar("MLPREFIX", True) or ""
+ if'native', d) or'cross', d) or'crosssdk', d) or'nativesdk', d):
+ gt = "gettext-native"
+ elif'cross-canadian', d):
+ gt = "gettext-nativesdk"
+ else:
+ gt = "virtual/" + ml + "gettext"
+ deps = bb.utils.explode_deps(d.getVar('DEPENDS', True) or "")
+ if gt not in deps:
+ for config in configs:
+ gnu = "grep \"^[[:space:]]*AM_GNU_GETTEXT\" %s >/dev/null" % config
+ if, shell=True) == 0:
+ bb.fatal("""%s required but not in DEPENDS for file %s.
Missing inherit gettext?""" % (gt, config))
if not package_qa_check_license(workdir, d):
diff --git a/meta/classes/package.bbclass b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
index 278f0f0ea9..b17fa08da1 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package.bbclass
@@ -230,42 +230,42 @@ def splitfile2(debugsrcdir, d):
sourcefile = d.expand("${WORKDIR}/debugsources.list")
if debugsrcdir and os.path.isfile(sourcefile):
- dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
- pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % d.getVar('PATH', True)
- strip = d.getVar("STRIP", True)
- objcopy = d.getVar("OBJCOPY", True)
- debugedit = d.expand("${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm/bin/debugedit")
- workdir = d.getVar("WORKDIR", True)
- workparentdir = os.path.dirname(workdir)
- workbasedir = os.path.basename(workdir)
- nosuchdir = []
- basepath = dvar
- for p in debugsrcdir.split("/"):
- basepath = basepath + "/" + p
- if not os.path.exists(basepath):
- nosuchdir.append(basepath)
- bb.mkdirhier(basepath)
- processdebugsrc = "LC_ALL=C ; sort -z -u '%s' | egrep -v -z '(<internal>|<built-in>)$' | "
- # We need to ignore files that are not actually ours
- # we do this by only paying attention to items from this package
- processdebugsrc += "fgrep -z '%s' | "
- processdebugsrc += "(cd '%s' ; cpio -pd0mL --no-preserve-owner '%s%s' 2>/dev/null)"
- % (sourcefile, workbasedir, workparentdir, dvar, debugsrcdir), shell=True)
- # The copy by cpio may have resulted in some empty directories! Remove these
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s%s" % (dvar, debugsrcdir)):
- for d in dirs:
- dir = os.path.join(root, d)
- #bb.note("rmdir -p %s" % dir)
-"rmdir -p %s 2>/dev/null" % dir, shell=True)
- # Also remove debugsrcdir if its empty
- for p in nosuchdir[::-1]:
- if os.path.exists(p) and not os.listdir(p):
- os.rmdir(p)
+ dvar = d.getVar('PKGD', True)
+ pathprefix = "export PATH=%s; " % d.getVar('PATH', True)
+ strip = d.getVar("STRIP", True)
+ objcopy = d.getVar("OBJCOPY", True)
+ debugedit = d.expand("${STAGING_LIBDIR_NATIVE}/rpm/bin/debugedit")
+ workdir = d.getVar("WORKDIR", True)
+ workparentdir = os.path.dirname(workdir)
+ workbasedir = os.path.basename(workdir)
+ nosuchdir = []
+ basepath = dvar
+ for p in debugsrcdir.split("/"):
+ basepath = basepath + "/" + p
+ if not os.path.exists(basepath):
+ nosuchdir.append(basepath)
+ bb.mkdirhier(basepath)
+ processdebugsrc = "LC_ALL=C ; sort -z -u '%s' | egrep -v -z '(<internal>|<built-in>)$' | "
+ # We need to ignore files that are not actually ours
+ # we do this by only paying attention to items from this package
+ processdebugsrc += "fgrep -z '%s' | "
+ processdebugsrc += "(cd '%s' ; cpio -pd0mL --no-preserve-owner '%s%s' 2>/dev/null)"
+ % (sourcefile, workbasedir, workparentdir, dvar, debugsrcdir), shell=True)
+ # The copy by cpio may have resulted in some empty directories! Remove these
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk("%s%s" % (dvar, debugsrcdir)):
+ for d in dirs:
+ dir = os.path.join(root, d)
+ #bb.note("rmdir -p %s" % dir)
+"rmdir -p %s 2>/dev/null" % dir, shell=True)
+ # Also remove debugsrcdir if its empty
+ for p in nosuchdir[::-1]:
+ if os.path.exists(p) and not os.listdir(p):
+ os.rmdir(p)
def runstrip(file, elftype, d):
# Function to strip a single file, called from split_and_strip_files below
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ python split_and_strip_files () {
file_list = {}
file_links = {}
if (d.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT', True) != '1') and \
- (d.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP', True) != '1'):
+ (d.getVar('INHIBIT_PACKAGE_STRIP', True) != '1'):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dvar):
for f in files:
file = os.path.join(root, f)
diff --git a/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass b/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
index a297a1f9d4..e94586e6ca 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package_ipk.bbclass
@@ -172,23 +172,23 @@ package_install_internal_ipk() {
ipk_log_check() {
- target="$1"
- lf_path="$2"
- lf_txt="`cat $lf_path`"
- for keyword_die in "exit 1" "Collected errors" ERR Fail
- do
- if (echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep "$keyword_die") >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "log_check: There were error messages in the logfile"
- echo -e "log_check: Matched keyword: [$keyword_die]\n"
- echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep -C 5 -i "$keyword_die"
- echo ""
- do_exit=1
- fi
- done
- test "$do_exit" = 1 && exit 1
- true
+ target="$1"
+ lf_path="$2"
+ lf_txt="`cat $lf_path`"
+ for keyword_die in "exit 1" "Collected errors" ERR Fail
+ do
+ if (echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep "$keyword_die") >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "log_check: There were error messages in the logfile"
+ echo -e "log_check: Matched keyword: [$keyword_die]\n"
+ echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep -C 5 -i "$keyword_die"
+ echo ""
+ do_exit=1
+ fi
+ done
+ test "$do_exit" = 1 && exit 1
+ true
diff --git a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass b/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
index 4b18cc6701..d0f69bf40f 100644
--- a/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/package_rpm.bbclass
@@ -101,23 +101,23 @@ package_generate_rpm_conf_common() {
rpm_log_check() {
- target="$1"
- lf_path="$2"
- lf_txt="`cat $lf_path`"
- for keyword_die in "Cannot find package" "exit 1" ERR Fail
- do
- if (echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep "$keyword_die") >/dev/null 2>&1
- then
- echo "log_check: There were error messages in the logfile"
- echo -e "log_check: Matched keyword: [$keyword_die]\n"
- echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep -C 5 -i "$keyword_die"
- echo ""
- do_exit=1
- fi
- done
- test "$do_exit" = 1 && exit 1
- true
+ target="$1"
+ lf_path="$2"
+ lf_txt="`cat $lf_path`"
+ for keyword_die in "Cannot find package" "exit 1" ERR Fail
+ do
+ if (echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep "$keyword_die") >/dev/null 2>&1
+ then
+ echo "log_check: There were error messages in the logfile"
+ echo -e "log_check: Matched keyword: [$keyword_die]\n"
+ echo "$lf_txt" | grep -v log_check | grep -C 5 -i "$keyword_die"
+ echo ""
+ do_exit=1
+ fi
+ done
+ test "$do_exit" = 1 && exit 1
+ true
diff --git a/meta/classes/recipe_sanity.bbclass b/meta/classes/recipe_sanity.bbclass
index 63e9e7ff23..c3bd0d2a4c 100644
--- a/meta/classes/recipe_sanity.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/recipe_sanity.bbclass
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ def __note(msg, d):
__recipe_sanity_badruntimevars = "RDEPENDS RPROVIDES RRECOMMENDS RCONFLICTS"
def bad_runtime_vars(cfgdata, d):
if"native", d) or \
-"cross", d):
+"cross", d):
for var in d.getVar("__recipe_sanity_badruntimevars", True).split():
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def var_renames_overwrite(cfgdata, d):
def incorrect_nonempty_PACKAGES(cfgdata, d):
if"native", d) or \
-"cross", d):
+"cross", d):
if d.getVar("PACKAGES", True):
return True
diff --git a/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass b/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
index ff7c73bb45..40d8211aa1 100644
--- a/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/sanity.bbclass
@@ -280,10 +280,10 @@ def check_sanity_validmachine(sanity_data):
tunefound = True
if len(dups):
- messages = messages + "Error, the PACKAGE_ARCHS variable contains duplicates. The following archs are listed more than once: %s" % " ".join(dups)
+ messages = messages + "Error, the PACKAGE_ARCHS variable contains duplicates. The following archs are listed more than once: %s" % " ".join(dups)
if tunefound == False:
- messages = messages + "Error, the PACKAGE_ARCHS variable does not contain TUNE_PKGARCH (%s)." % tunepkg
+ messages = messages + "Error, the PACKAGE_ARCHS variable does not contain TUNE_PKGARCH (%s)." % tunepkg
return messages
diff --git a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
index e87f3c05ab..6762e32cfb 100644
--- a/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/sstate.bbclass
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ def sstate_installpkg(ss, d):
sstatepkg = d.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True) + '_' + ss['name'] + ".tgz"
if not os.path.exists(sstatepkg):
- pstaging_fetch(sstatefetch, sstatepkg, d)
+ pstaging_fetch(sstatefetch, sstatepkg, d)
if not os.path.isfile(sstatepkg):
bb.note("Staging package %s does not exist" % sstatepkg)
@@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ def sstate_clean_manifest(manifest, d):
# so we ignore errors here.
if entry.endswith("/"):
- if os.path.islink(entry[:-1]):
- os.remove(entry[:-1])
- elif os.path.exists(entry) and len(os.listdir(entry)) == 0:
- os.rmdir(entry[:-1])
+ if os.path.islink(entry[:-1]):
+ os.remove(entry[:-1])
+ elif os.path.exists(entry) and len(os.listdir(entry)) == 0:
+ os.rmdir(entry[:-1])
except OSError:
@@ -314,14 +314,14 @@ python sstate_cleanall() {
for manifest in (os.listdir(manifest_dir)):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(manifest, manifest_pattern):
- name = manifest.replace(manifest_pattern[:-1], "")
- namemap = d.getVar('SSTATETASKNAMES', True).split()
- tasks = d.getVar('SSTATETASKS', True).split()
- if name not in namemap:
- continue
- taskname = tasks[namemap.index(name)]
- shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d, taskname[3:])
- sstate_clean(shared_state, d)
+ name = manifest.replace(manifest_pattern[:-1], "")
+ namemap = d.getVar('SSTATETASKNAMES', True).split()
+ tasks = d.getVar('SSTATETASKS', True).split()
+ if name not in namemap:
+ continue
+ taskname = tasks[namemap.index(name)]
+ shared_state = sstate_state_fromvars(d, taskname[3:])
+ sstate_clean(shared_state, d)
def sstate_hardcode_path(d):
diff --git a/meta/classes/staging.bbclass b/meta/classes/staging.bbclass
index eda415e480..8b3dcb4d58 100644
--- a/meta/classes/staging.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/staging.bbclass
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ SYSROOT_LOCK = "${STAGING_DIR}/staging.lock"
# We clean out any existing sstate from the sysroot if we rerun configure
python sysroot_cleansstate () {
- ss = sstate_state_fromvars(d, "populate_sysroot")
- sstate_clean(ss, d)
+ ss = sstate_state_fromvars(d, "populate_sysroot")
+ sstate_clean(ss, d)
do_configure[prefuncs] += "sysroot_cleansstate"
diff --git a/meta/classes/tinderclient.bbclass b/meta/classes/tinderclient.bbclass
index e57bc48c3b..6984efd1be 100644
--- a/meta/classes/tinderclient.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/tinderclient.bbclass
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ def tinder_http_post(server, selector, content_type, body):
import httplib
# now post it
for i in range(0,5):
- try:
- h = httplib.HTTP(server)
- h.putrequest('POST', selector)
- h.putheader('content-type', content_type)
- h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body)))
- h.endheaders()
- h.send(body)
- errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
- #print errcode, errmsg, headers
- return (errcode,errmsg, headers, h.file)
- except:
- print "Error sending the report!"
- # try again
- pass
+ try:
+ h = httplib.HTTP(server)
+ h.putrequest('POST', selector)
+ h.putheader('content-type', content_type)
+ h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body)))
+ h.endheaders()
+ h.send(body)
+ errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply()
+ #print errcode, errmsg, headers
+ return (errcode,errmsg, headers, h.file)
+ except:
+ print "Error sending the report!"
+ # try again
+ pass
# return some garbage
return (-1, "unknown", "unknown", None)
diff --git a/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass b/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
index 47215add1e..4e1ff27052 100644
--- a/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/update-alternatives.bbclass
@@ -150,22 +150,22 @@ def update_alternatives_after_parse(d):
def gen_updatealternativesvardeps(d):
- pkgs = (d.getVar("PACKAGES", True) or "").split()
- vars = (d.getVar("UPDALTVARS", True) or "").split()
- # First compute them for non_pkg versions
- for v in vars:
- for flag in (d.getVarFlags(v) or {}):
- if flag == "doc" or flag == "vardeps" or flag == "vardepsexp":
- continue
- d.appendVar('%s_VARDEPS' % (v), ' %s:%s' % (flag, d.getVarFlag(v, flag, False)))
- for p in pkgs:
- for v in vars:
- for flag in (d.getVarFlags("%s_%s" % (v,p)) or {}):
+ pkgs = (d.getVar("PACKAGES", True) or "").split()
+ vars = (d.getVar("UPDALTVARS", True) or "").split()
+ # First compute them for non_pkg versions
+ for v in vars:
+ for flag in (d.getVarFlags(v) or {}):
if flag == "doc" or flag == "vardeps" or flag == "vardepsexp":
- continue
- d.appendVar('%s_VARDEPS_%s' % (v,p), ' %s:%s' % (flag, d.getVarFlag('%s_%s' % (v,p), flag, False)))
+ continue
+ d.appendVar('%s_VARDEPS' % (v), ' %s:%s' % (flag, d.getVarFlag(v, flag, False)))
+ for p in pkgs:
+ for v in vars:
+ for flag in (d.getVarFlags("%s_%s" % (v,p)) or {}):
+ if flag == "doc" or flag == "vardeps" or flag == "vardepsexp":
+ continue
+ d.appendVar('%s_VARDEPS_%s' % (v,p), ' %s:%s' % (flag, d.getVarFlag('%s_%s' % (v,p), flag, False)))
python __anonymous() {
# deprecated stuff...
@@ -176,18 +176,18 @@ python __anonymous() {
def gen_updatealternativesvars(d):
- ret = []
- pkgs = (d.getVar("PACKAGES", True) or "").split()
- vars = (d.getVar("UPDALTVARS", True) or "").split()
- for v in vars:
- ret.append(v + "_VARDEPS")
- for p in pkgs:
- for v in vars:
- ret.append(v + "_" + p)
- ret.append(v + "_VARDEPS_" + p)
- return " ".join(ret)
+ ret = []
+ pkgs = (d.getVar("PACKAGES", True) or "").split()
+ vars = (d.getVar("UPDALTVARS", True) or "").split()
+ for v in vars:
+ ret.append(v + "_VARDEPS")
+ for p in pkgs:
+ for v in vars:
+ ret.append(v + "_" + p)
+ ret.append(v + "_VARDEPS_" + p)
+ return " ".join(ret)
# First the deprecated items...
diff --git a/meta/classes/utils.bbclass b/meta/classes/utils.bbclass
index 57406109de..c47ad6976d 100644
--- a/meta/classes/utils.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/utils.bbclass
@@ -246,49 +246,49 @@ oe_machinstall() {
create_cmdline_wrapper () {
- # Create a wrapper script
- #
- # These are useful to work around relocation issues, by setting environment
- # variables which point to paths in the filesystem.
- #
- # Usage: create_wrapper FILENAME [[VAR=VALUE]..]
+ # Create a wrapper script
+ #
+ # These are useful to work around relocation issues, by setting environment
+ # variables which point to paths in the filesystem.
+ #
+ # Usage: create_wrapper FILENAME [[VAR=VALUE]..]
- cmd=$1
- shift
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
- echo "Generating wrapper script for $cmd"
+ echo "Generating wrapper script for $cmd"
- mv $cmd $cmd.real
- cmdname=`basename $cmd`.real
- cat <<END >$cmd
+ mv $cmd $cmd.real
+ cmdname=`basename $cmd`.real
+ cat <<END >$cmd
realpath=\`readlink -fn \$0\`
exec \`dirname \$realpath\`/$cmdname $@ "\$@"
- chmod +x $cmd
+ chmod +x $cmd
create_wrapper () {
- # Create a wrapper script
- #
- # These are useful to work around relocation issues, by setting environment
- # variables which point to paths in the filesystem.
- #
- # Usage: create_wrapper FILENAME [[VAR=VALUE]..]
+ # Create a wrapper script
+ #
+ # These are useful to work around relocation issues, by setting environment
+ # variables which point to paths in the filesystem.
+ #
+ # Usage: create_wrapper FILENAME [[VAR=VALUE]..]
- cmd=$1
- shift
+ cmd=$1
+ shift
- echo "Generating wrapper script for $cmd"
+ echo "Generating wrapper script for $cmd"
- mv $cmd $cmd.real
- cmdname=`basename $cmd`.real
- cat <<END >$cmd
+ mv $cmd $cmd.real
+ cmdname=`basename $cmd`.real
+ cat <<END >$cmd
realpath=\`readlink -fn \$0\`
exec env $@ \`dirname \$realpath\`/$cmdname "\$@"
- chmod +x $cmd
+ chmod +x $cmd
def check_app_exists(app, d):