path: root/handbook
diff options
authorRichard Purdie <>2010-09-10 12:32:48 +0100
committerRichard Purdie <>2010-09-10 12:32:48 +0100
commitad30f2cc4e1072ab5b2ec60de08f4d299118a255 (patch)
treec50fab12544b530991a9993e7e23608d7c88214a /handbook
parent0a217cd18f09c837f67bf54956904a79fb013876 (diff)
handbook: Various minor fixes
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'handbook')
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/handbook/extendpoky.xml b/handbook/extendpoky.xml
index 61620053a6..662096844d 100644
--- a/handbook/extendpoky.xml
+++ b/handbook/extendpoky.xml
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ do_install() {
As a result of the build process "helloworld", "helloworld-dbg" and "hellworld-dev"
- packages will be built by default. You can <link linkend='usingpoky-extend-addpkg-files'>
- control package process</link> yourself.
+ packages will be built by default. It is possible to<link linkend='usingpoky-extend-addpkg-files'>
+ customise the packaging process</link>.
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ FILES_sxpm = "${bindir}/sxpm"
pkg_postinst_PACKAGENAME () {
- #!/bin/sh -e
- # Commands to carry out
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# Commands to carry out
@@ -265,12 +265,12 @@ pkg_postinst_PACKAGENAME () {
pkg_postinst_PACKAGENAME () {
- #!/bin/sh -e
- if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
- # Actions to carry out on the device go here
- else
- exit 1
- fi
+#!/bin/sh -e
+if [ x"$D" = "x" ]; then
+ # Actions to carry out on the device go here
+ exit 1
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ RRECOMMENDS_task-custom-tools = "\
variable. To create these, the best reference is <filename>meta/classes/poky-image.bbclass</filename>
which illustrates how poky achieves this. In summary, the file looks at the contents of the
<glossterm><link linkend='var-IMAGE_FEATURES'>IMAGE_FEATURES</link></glossterm>
- variable and then map into a set of tasks or packages. Based on this then the
+ variable and then maps this into a set of tasks or packages. Based on this then the
<glossterm><link linkend='var-IMAGE_INSTALL'> IMAGE_INSTALL</link></glossterm>
variable is generated automatically. Extra features can be added by
extending the class or creating a custom class for use with specialised image .bb files.
@@ -586,12 +586,11 @@ DISPLAY_SUBPIXEL_ORDER=vrgb
The Poky tree includes several additional layers which demonstrate
- this functionality, such as meta-moblin, meta-emenlow, meta-extras.
- Default layers enabled are meta-moblin and meta-emenlow, which may
- suffer from future changes. The meta-extras repostory is not enabled
- by default but enabling any layer is as easy as adding the layers path
- to the BBLAYERS variable in your bblayers.conf. this is how meta-extras
- are enabled in Poky builds:
+ this functionality, such as meta-emenlow and meta-extras.
+ The meta-emenlow layer is an example layer enabled by default. The meta-extras
+ repostory is not enabled by default but enabling any layer is as easy as adding
+ the layers path to the BBLAYERS variable in your bblayers.conf. this is how
+ meta-extras are enabled in Poky builds:
<literallayout class='monospaced'>LCONF_VERSION = "1"
@@ -650,7 +649,8 @@ BBFILE_PRIORITY_emenlow = "6"
- Emenlow bbclasses and configuration are added to the BBPATH
+ Additional bbclass and configuration files can be locationed by
+ bitbake through the addition to the BBPATH
environment variable. In this case, the first file with the
matching name found in BBPATH is the one that is used, just
like the PATH variable for binaries. It is therefore recommended
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ BBFILE_PRIORITY_emenlow = "6"
They usually happen at preset times such as at night when the machine
load isn't high from the incremental builds.
<ulink url=''>poky autobuilder</ulink>
- is an example implementation with buildrot.
+ is an example implementation with buildbot.
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ bitbake -c compile -f NAME_OF_PACKAGE
"-f" or "--force" is used to force re-execution of the specified task.
Other tasks may also be called this way. But note that all the modifications
in <glossterm><link linkend='var-WORKDIR'>WORKDIR</link></glossterm>
- are gone once you executes "-c clean" for a pacakge.
+ are gone once you executes "-c clean" for a package.
<section id='usingpoky-modifying-packages-quilt'>
diff --git a/handbook/ref-classes.xml b/handbook/ref-classes.xml
index 770c062e71..036044dd28 100644
--- a/handbook/ref-classes.xml
+++ b/handbook/ref-classes.xml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- 'do_configure' regenearates the configure script and (using autoreconf)
+ 'do_configure' regenearates the configure script (using autoreconf) and
then launches it with a standard set of arguments used during
cross-compilation. Additional parameters can be passed to
<command>configure</command> through the <glossterm><link
diff --git a/handbook/ref-structure.xml b/handbook/ref-structure.xml
index 3d7c3c9db7..ca589de428 100644
--- a/handbook/ref-structure.xml
+++ b/handbook/ref-structure.xml
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
This directory contains user configuration files and the output
- from Poky. It's now deprecated to be a sub-directory in Poky source tree,
- though it's still supported. The desired way is to use <link
- linkend='structure-core-script'>seperate output directory</link> for build
- outside of Poky source tree.
+ generated by Poky in its standard configuration where the source tree is
+ combined with the output. It is also possible to place output and configuration
+ files in a directory separate from the Poky source, see the section <link
+ linkend='structure-core-script'>seperate output directory</link>.
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
a shell makes changes to PATH and sets other core BitBake variables based on the
current working directory. You need to use this before running Poky commands.
Internally it uses scripts within the <filename class="directory">scripts/
- </filename> directory to do the bulk of the work. Now this script supports
+ </filename> directory to do the bulk of the work. This script supports
specifying any directory as the build output:
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ source POKY_SRC/poky-init-build-env [BUILDDIR]
- Above command can be typed from any directory, as long as POKY_SRC points to
+ The above command can be typed from any directory, as long as POKY_SRC points to
the desired Poky source tree. The optional BUILDDIR could be any directory you'd
- like to contain output contents.
+ like Poky to generate the build output into.
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ source POKY_SRC/poky-init-build-env [BUILDDIR]
This file defines layers walked by bitbake. If there's no <filename>
bblayers.conf</filename> present, it is created from <filename>bblayers.conf.sample
- </filename>.
+ </filename> when the environment setup script is sourced.
diff --git a/handbook/ref-variables.xml b/handbook/ref-variables.xml
index de51dff1aa..ef1e85cfba 100644
--- a/handbook/ref-variables.xml
+++ b/handbook/ref-variables.xml
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
<para>A regular expression which evalutates to match the machines the recipe
works with. It stops recipes being run on machines they're incompatible with,
which is partciuarly useful with kernels. It also helps to increase parsing
- speed that, further parsing of the recipe is skipped as if it found the current
+ speed as further parsing of the recipe is skipped as if it found the current
machine is not compatible.</para>