path: root/bitbake/lib/bb/
diff options
authorChris Larson <>2010-04-09 19:46:14 -0700
committerRichard Purdie <>2010-07-02 15:41:33 +0100
commitad543e2e41b7e86d83cf0518b096ef82627bf891 (patch)
treef8f3c5d4f759f3169a937db1da6858a11aa938fa /bitbake/lib/bb/
parent978b5c946683885a64ee9e7c2064ff696f05cddb (diff)
Apply the 2to3 print function transform
(Bitbake rev: ff2e28d0d9723ccd0e9dd635447b6d889cc9f597) Signed-off-by: Chris Larson <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
Diffstat (limited to 'bitbake/lib/bb/')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
index 71dd599ed6..0dcf45dd5f 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
def _checkParsed( self ):
if not parsed:
- print "SHELL: This command needs to parse bbfiles..."
+ print("SHELL: This command needs to parse bbfiles...")
self.parse( None )
def _findProvider( self, item ):
@@ -119,28 +119,28 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
"""Register a new name for a command"""
new, old = params
if not old in cmds:
- print "ERROR: Command '%s' not known" % old
+ print("ERROR: Command '%s' not known" % old)
cmds[new] = cmds[old]
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
alias.usage = "<alias> <command>"
def buffer( self, params ):
"""Dump specified output buffer"""
index = params[0]
- print self._shell.myout.buffer( int( index ) )
+ print(self._shell.myout.buffer( int( index ) ))
buffer.usage = "<index>"
def buffers( self, params ):
"""Show the available output buffers"""
commands = self._shell.myout.bufferedCommands()
if not commands:
- print "SHELL: No buffered commands available yet. Start doing something."
+ print("SHELL: No buffered commands available yet. Start doing something.")
- print "="*35, "Available Output Buffers", "="*27
+ print("="*35, "Available Output Buffers", "="*27)
for index, cmd in enumerate( commands ):
- print "| %s %s" % ( str( index ).ljust( 3 ), cmd )
- print "="*88
+ print("| %s %s" % ( str( index ).ljust( 3 ), cmd ))
+ print("="*88)
def build( self, params, cmd = "build" ):
"""Build a providee"""
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
names = globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_pn, globexpr )
if len( names ) == 0: names = [ globexpr ]
- print "SHELL: Building %s" % ' '.join( names )
+ print("SHELL: Building %s" % ' '.join( names ))
td = taskdata.TaskData(cooker.configuration.abort)
localdata = data.createCopy(
@@ -174,16 +174,16 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
except Providers.NoProvider:
- print "ERROR: No Provider"
+ print("ERROR: No Provider")
last_exception = Providers.NoProvider
except runqueue.TaskFailure, fnids:
for fnid in fnids:
- print "ERROR: '%s' failed" % td.fn_index[fnid]
+ print("ERROR: '%s' failed" % td.fn_index[fnid])
last_exception = runqueue.TaskFailure
except build.EventException, e:
- print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % names
+ print("ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % names)
last_exception = e
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
if bbfile is not None:
os.system( "%s %s" % ( os.environ.get( "EDITOR", "vi" ), bbfile ) )
- print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
+ print("ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name)
edit.usage = "<providee>"
def environment( self, params ):
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
global last_exception
name = params[0]
bf = completeFilePath( name )
- print "SHELL: Calling '%s' on '%s'" % ( cmd, bf )
+ print("SHELL: Calling '%s' on '%s'" % ( cmd, bf ))
cooker.buildFile(bf, cmd)
except parse.ParseError:
- print "ERROR: Unable to open or parse '%s'" % bf
+ print("ERROR: Unable to open or parse '%s'" % bf)
except build.EventException, e:
- print "ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % name
+ print("ERROR: Couldn't build '%s'" % name)
last_exception = e
fileBuild.usage = "<bbfile>"
@@ -270,62 +270,62 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
def fileReparse( self, params ):
"""(re)Parse a bb file"""
bbfile = params[0]
- print "SHELL: Parsing '%s'" % bbfile
+ print("SHELL: Parsing '%s'" % bbfile)
parse.update_mtime( bbfile )
fromCache = cooker.bb_cache.loadData(bbfile,, cooker.status)
if False: #fromCache:
- print "SHELL: File has not been updated, not reparsing"
+ print("SHELL: File has not been updated, not reparsing")
- print "SHELL: Parsed"
+ print("SHELL: Parsed")
fileReparse.usage = "<bbfile>"
def abort( self, params ):
"""Toggle abort task execution flag (see bitbake -k)"""
cooker.configuration.abort = not cooker.configuration.abort
- print "SHELL: Abort Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.abort )
+ print("SHELL: Abort Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.abort ))
def force( self, params ):
"""Toggle force task execution flag (see bitbake -f)"""
cooker.configuration.force = not cooker.configuration.force
- print "SHELL: Force Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.force )
+ print("SHELL: Force Flag is now '%s'" % repr( cooker.configuration.force ))
def help( self, params ):
"""Show a comprehensive list of commands and their purpose"""
- print "="*30, "Available Commands", "="*30
+ print("="*30, "Available Commands", "="*30)
for cmd in sorted(cmds):
function, numparams, usage, helptext = cmds[cmd]
- print "| %s | %s" % (usage.ljust(30), helptext)
- print "="*78
+ print("| %s | %s" % (usage.ljust(30), helptext))
+ print("="*78)
def lastError( self, params ):
"""Show the reason or log that was produced by the last BitBake event exception"""
if last_exception is None:
- print "SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)..."
+ print("SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)...")
reason, event = last_exception.args
- print "SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason
+ print("SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason)
if ':' in reason:
msg, filename = reason.split( ':' )
filename = filename.strip()
- print "SHELL: Dumping log file for last error:"
+ print("SHELL: Dumping log file for last error:")
- print open( filename ).read()
+ print(open( filename ).read())
except IOError:
- print "ERROR: Couldn't open '%s'" % filename
+ print("ERROR: Couldn't open '%s'" % filename)
def match( self, params ):
"""Dump all files or providers matching a glob expression"""
what, globexpr = params
if what == "files":
- for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_fn, globexpr ): print key
+ for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_fn, globexpr ): print(key)
elif what == "providers":
- for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_pn, globexpr ): print key
+ for key in globfilter( cooker.status.pkg_pn, globexpr ): print(key)
- print "Usage: match %s" % self.print_.usage
+ print("Usage: match %s" % self.print_.usage)
match.usage = "<files|providers> <glob>"
def new( self, params ):
@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@ class BitBakeShellCommands:
fulldirname = "%s/%s" % ( packages, dirname )
if not os.path.exists( fulldirname ):
- print "SHELL: Creating '%s'" % fulldirname
+ print("SHELL: Creating '%s'" % fulldirname)
os.mkdir( fulldirname )
if os.path.exists( fulldirname ) and os.path.isdir( fulldirname ):
if os.path.exists( "%s/%s" % ( fulldirname, filename ) ):
- print "SHELL: ERROR: %s/%s already exists" % ( fulldirname, filename )
+ print("SHELL: ERROR: %s/%s already exists" % ( fulldirname, filename ))
return False
- print "SHELL: Creating '%s/%s'" % ( fulldirname, filename )
+ print("SHELL: Creating '%s/%s'" % ( fulldirname, filename ))
newpackage = open( "%s/%s" % ( fulldirname, filename ), "w" )
- print >>newpackage, """DESCRIPTION = ""
+ print("""DESCRIPTION = ""
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
#do_install() {
+""", file=newpackage)
os.system( "%s %s/%s" % ( os.environ.get( "EDITOR" ), fulldirname, filename ) )
new.usage = "<directory> <filename>"
@@ -390,14 +390,14 @@ SRC_URI = ""
def pasteLog( self, params ):
"""Send the last event exception error log (if there is one) to"""
if last_exception is None:
- print "SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)..."
+ print("SHELL: No Errors yet (Phew)...")
reason, event = last_exception.args
- print "SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason
+ print("SHELL: Reason for the last error: '%s'" % reason)
if ':' in reason:
msg, filename = reason.split( ':' )
filename = filename.strip()
- print "SHELL: Pasting log file to pastebin..."
+ print("SHELL: Pasting log file to pastebin...")
file = open( filename ).read()
sendToPastebin( "contents of " + filename, file )
@@ -419,23 +419,23 @@ SRC_URI = ""
global parsed
parsed = True
- print
+ print()
def reparse( self, params ):
"""(re)Parse a providee's bb file"""
bbfile = self._findProvider( params[0] )
if bbfile is not None:
- print "SHELL: Found bbfile '%s' for '%s'" % ( bbfile, params[0] )
+ print("SHELL: Found bbfile '%s' for '%s'" % ( bbfile, params[0] ))
self.fileReparse( [ bbfile ] )
- print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % params[0]
+ print("ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % params[0])
reparse.usage = "<providee>"
def getvar( self, params ):
"""Dump the contents of an outer BitBake environment variable"""
var = params[0]
value = data.getVar( var,, 1 )
- print value
+ print(value)
getvar.usage = "<variable>"
def peek( self, params ):
@@ -445,9 +445,9 @@ SRC_URI = ""
if bbfile is not None:
the_data = cooker.bb_cache.loadDataFull(bbfile,
value = the_data.getVar( var, 1 )
- print value
+ print(value)
- print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
+ print("ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name)
peek.usage = "<providee> <variable>"
def poke( self, params ):
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
name, var, value = params
bbfile = self._findProvider( name )
if bbfile is not None:
- print "ERROR: Sorry, this functionality is currently broken"
+ print("ERROR: Sorry, this functionality is currently broken")
#d = cooker.pkgdata[bbfile]
#data.setVar( var, value, d )
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
#cooker.pkgdata.setDirty(bbfile, d)
#print "OK"
- print "ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name
+ print("ERROR: Nothing provides '%s'" % name)
poke.usage = "<providee> <variable> <value>"
def print_( self, params ):
@@ -471,12 +471,12 @@ SRC_URI = ""
what = params[0]
if what == "files":
- for key in cooker.status.pkg_fn: print key
+ for key in cooker.status.pkg_fn: print(key)
elif what == "providers":
- for key in cooker.status.providers: print key
+ for key in cooker.status.providers: print(key)
- print "Usage: print %s" % self.print_.usage
+ print("Usage: print %s" % self.print_.usage)
print_.usage = "<files|providers>"
def python( self, params ):
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
"""Set an outer BitBake environment variable"""
var, value = params
data.setVar( var, value, )
- print "OK"
+ print("OK")
setVar.usage = "<variable> <value>"
def rebuild( self, params ):
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ SRC_URI = ""
def shell( self, params ):
"""Execute a shell command and dump the output"""
if params != "":
- print commands.getoutput( " ".join( params ) )
+ print(commands.getoutput( " ".join( params ) ))
shell.usage = "<...>"
def stage( self, params ):
@@ -518,17 +518,17 @@ SRC_URI = ""
def status( self, params ):
"""<just for testing>"""
- print "-" * 78
- print "building list = '%s'" % cooker.building_list
- print "build path = '%s'" % cooker.build_path
- print "consider_msgs_cache = '%s'" % cooker.consider_msgs_cache
- print "build stats = '%s'" % cooker.stats
- if last_exception is not None: print "last_exception = '%s'" % repr( last_exception.args )
- print "memory output contents = '%s'" % self._shell.myout._buffer
+ print("-" * 78)
+ print("building list = '%s'" % cooker.building_list)
+ print("build path = '%s'" % cooker.build_path)
+ print("consider_msgs_cache = '%s'" % cooker.consider_msgs_cache)
+ print("build stats = '%s'" % cooker.stats)
+ if last_exception is not None: print("last_exception = '%s'" % repr( last_exception.args ))
+ print("memory output contents = '%s'" % self._shell.myout._buffer)
def test( self, params ):
"""<just for testing>"""
- print "testCommand called with '%s'" % params
+ print("testCommand called with '%s'" % params)
def unpack( self, params ):
"""Execute 'unpack' on a providee"""
@@ -553,12 +553,12 @@ SRC_URI = ""
providers = cooker.status.providers[item]
except KeyError:
- print "SHELL: ERROR: Nothing provides", preferred
+ print("SHELL: ERROR: Nothing provides", preferred)
for provider in providers:
if provider == pf: provider = " (***) %s" % provider
else: provider = " %s" % provider
- print provider
+ print(provider)
which.usage = "<providee>"
@@ -594,9 +594,9 @@ def sendToPastebin( desc, content ):
if response.status == 302:
location = response.getheader( "location" ) or "unknown"
- print "SHELL: Pasted to http://%s%s" % ( host, location )
+ print("SHELL: Pasted to http://%s%s" % ( host, location ))
- print "ERROR: %s %s" % ( response.status, response.reason )
+ print("ERROR: %s %s" % ( response.status, response.reason ))
def completer( text, state ):
"""Return a possible readline completion"""
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ class BitBakeShell:
except IOError:
pass # It doesn't exist yet.
- print __credits__
+ print(__credits__)
def cleanup( self ):
"""Write readline history and clean up resources"""
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ class BitBakeShell:
readline.write_history_file( self.historyfilename )
- print "SHELL: Unable to save command history"
+ print("SHELL: Unable to save command history")
def registerCommand( self, command, function, numparams = 0, usage = "", helptext = "" ):
"""Register a command"""
@@ -740,11 +740,11 @@ class BitBakeShell:
function, numparams, usage, helptext = cmds[command]
except KeyError:
- print "SHELL: ERROR: '%s' command is not a valid command." % command
+ print("SHELL: ERROR: '%s' command is not a valid command." % command)
if (numparams != -1) and (not len( params ) == numparams):
- print "Usage: '%s'" % usage
+ print("Usage: '%s'" % usage)
result = function( self.commands, params )
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ class BitBakeShell:
if not cmdline:
if "|" in cmdline:
- print "ERROR: '|' in startup file is not allowed. Ignoring line"
+ print("ERROR: '|' in startup file is not allowed. Ignoring line")
self.commandQ.put( cmdline.strip() )
@@ -801,10 +801,10 @@ class BitBakeShell:
sys.stdout.write( )
except EOFError:
- print
+ print()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
+ print()
# Start function - called from the BitBake command line utility
@@ -819,4 +819,4 @@ def start( aCooker ):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "SHELL: Sorry, this program should only be called by BitBake."
+ print("SHELL: Sorry, this program should only be called by BitBake.")