diff options
authorRoss Burton <>2013-02-08 22:43:15 +0000
committerRichard Purdie <>2013-02-11 14:44:31 +0000
commitf4bf51612f8be1d3dd340fc456f3fa08fcfa34ef (patch)
parentedd7b7f9f1cea921bdc9480c2a120f6abc6b0c9c (diff)
systemd.bbclass: helper class for recipes with systemd units
This class adds postinst/prerm scripts to start/stop/enable/disable the services as relevant, and some magic to ensure the service files are installed. Based on (but not the same as) the systemd.bbclass in meta-systemd, so thanks to the following for their work there: Enrico Scholz <> Khem Raj <> Martin Jansa <> Andreas Müller <> Koen Kooi <> Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/systemd.bbclass b/meta/classes/systemd.bbclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ea65c87e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/classes/systemd.bbclass
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# The list of packages that should have systemd packaging scripts added. For
+# each entry, optionally have a SYSTEMD_SERVICE_[package] that lists the service
+# files in this package. If this variable isn't set, [package].service is used.
+# Whether to enable or disable the services on installation.
+# This class will be included in any recipe that supports systemd init scripts,
+# even if the systemd DISTRO_FEATURE isn't enabled. As such don't make any
+# changes directly but check the DISTRO_FEATURES first.
+python __anonymous() {
+ if oe.utils.contains ('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+ d.appendVar("DEPENDS", " systemd-systemctl-native")
+ # Set a variable so that update-rcd.bbclass knows we're active and can
+ # disable itself.
+systemd_postinst() {
+if [ -n "$D" ]; then
+ OPTS="--root=$D"
+if [ -z "$D" -a "${SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE}" = "enable" ]; then
+ systemctl start ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE}
+systemd_prerm() {
+if [ -z "$D" ]; then
+ systemctl stop ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE}
+systemctl disable ${SYSTEMD_SERVICE}
+def systemd_populate_packages(d):
+ def get_package_var(d, var, pkg):
+ val = (d.getVar('%s_%s' % (var, pkg), True) or "").strip()
+ if val == "":
+ val = (d.getVar(var, True) or "").strip()
+ return val
+ # Add a runtime dependency on systemd to pkg
+ def systemd_add_rdepends(pkg):
+ rdepends = d.getVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, True) or ""
+ if not 'systemd' in rdepends.split():
+ rdepends = '%s %s' % (rdepends, 'systemd')
+ d.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, rdepends)
+ def systemd_generate_package_scripts(pkg):
+ bb.debug(1, 'adding systemd calls to postinst/postrm for %s' % pkg)
+ # Add pkg to the overrides so that it finds the SYSTEMD_SERVICE_pkg
+ # variable.
+ localdata = d.createCopy()
+ localdata.prependVar("OVERRIDES", pkg + ":")
+ postinst = d.getVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, True)
+ if not postinst:
+ postinst = '#!/bin/sh\n'
+ postinst += localdata.getVar('systemd_postinst', True)
+ d.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkg, postinst)
+ prerm = d.getVar('pkg_prerm_%s' % pkg, True)
+ if not prerm:
+ prerm = '#!/bin/sh\n'
+ prerm += localdata.getVar('systemd_prerm', True)
+ d.setVar('pkg_prerm_%s' % pkg, prerm)
+ # Add files to FILES_*-systemd if existent and not already done
+ def systemd_append_file(pkg_systemd, file_append):
+ appended = False
+ if os.path.exists(oe.path.join(d.getVar("D", True), file_append)):
+ var_name = "FILES_" + pkg_systemd
+ files = d.getVar(var_name, False) or ""
+ if file_append not in files.split():
+ d.appendVar(var_name, " " + file_append)
+ appended = True
+ return appended
+ # Add systemd files to FILES_*-systemd, parse for Also= and follow recursive
+ def systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path, service, keys):
+ # avoid infinite recursion
+ if systemd_append_file(pkg_systemd, oe.path.join(path, service)):
+ fullpath = oe.path.join(d.getVar("D", True), path, service)
+ if service.find('.service') != -1:
+ # for *.service add *@.service
+ service_base = service.replace('.service', '')
+ systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path, service_base + '@.service', keys)
+ if service.find('.socket') != -1:
+ # for *.socket add *.service and *@.service
+ service_base = service.replace('.socket', '')
+ systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path, service_base + '.service', keys)
+ systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path, service_base + '@.service', keys)
+ for key in keys.split():
+ # recurse all dependencies found in keys ('Also';'Conflicts';..) and add to files
+ cmd = "grep %s %s | sed 's,%s=,,g' | tr ',' '\\n'" % (key, fullpath, key)
+ pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
+ line = pipe.readline()
+ while line:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path, line, keys)
+ line = pipe.readline()
+ pipe.close()
+ # Check service-files and call systemd_add_files_and_parse for each entry
+ def systemd_check_services():
+ base_libdir = d.getVar('base_libdir', True)
+ searchpaths = [oe.path.join(d.getVar("sysconfdir", True), "systemd", "system"),]
+ searchpaths.append(oe.path.join(d.getVar("base_libdir", True), "systemd", "system"))
+ searchpaths.append(oe.path.join(d.getVar("libdir", True), "systemd", "system"))
+ searchpaths.append(oe.path.join(d.getVar("libdir", True), "systemd", "user"))
+ systemd_packages = d.getVar('SYSTEMD_PACKAGES', True)
+ has_exactly_one_service = len(systemd_packages.split()) == 1
+ if has_exactly_one_service:
+ has_exactly_one_service = len(get_package_var(d, 'SYSTEMD_SERVICE', systemd_packages).split()) == 1
+ keys = 'Also' # Conflicts??
+ if has_exactly_one_service:
+ # single service gets also the /dev/null dummies
+ keys = 'Also Conflicts'
+ # scan for all in SYSTEMD_SERVICE[]
+ for pkg_systemd in systemd_packages.split():
+ for service in get_package_var(d, 'SYSTEMD_SERVICE', pkg_systemd).split():
+ path_found = ''
+ for path in searchpaths:
+ if os.path.exists(oe.path.join(d.getVar("D", True), path, service)):
+ path_found = path
+ break
+ if path_found != '':
+ systemd_add_files_and_parse(pkg_systemd, path_found, service, keys)
+ else:
+ raise, "\n\nSYSTEMD_SERVICE_%s value %s does not exist" % \
+ (pkg_systemd, service)
+ # Run all modifications once when creating package
+ if os.path.exists(d.getVar("D", True)):
+ for pkg in d.getVar('SYSTEMD_PACKAGES', True).split():
+ if d.getVar('SYSTEMD_SERVICE_' + pkg, True):
+ systemd_generate_package_scripts(pkg)
+ systemd_add_rdepends(pkg)
+ systemd_check_services()
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ if oe.utils.contains ('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', True, False, d):
+ systemd_populate_packages (d)